(Fulfiller alignment / Diamonds role)
Fulfiller is an independent alignment whose win condition is tied to fulfilling a mission. If such mission is not fulfilled for whatever reason, they lose. If fulfillers rand vanilla the mod may assign them another alignment (or a Fulfiller attached to a role with no special Fulfiller mission gets a mission from the moderator).
2 of Diamonds
: Reveals the role of the holder's last targeted player.
3 of Diamonds
: Reveals the role of the holder.
4 of Diamonds
: Reveals who the holder visited previous night.
5 of Diamonds
: Reveals the alignment of the player the holder visited last night.
6 of Diamonds
: Reveals the alignment of a random Fulfiller in the game.
7 of Diamonds
: Reveals the roles of any and all players who have died flipless (if any)
8 of Diamonds
: Reveals who you visited the previous night.
9 of Diamonds
: Reveals the total Town aligned players' numbers at the time.
10 of Diamonds
: Reveals the total number of groupscum factions.
Jack of Diamonds
: Reveals if the target shares a PT with someone else.
Queen of Diamonds
: Reveals the alignment of the holder.
King of Diamonds
: Reveals how many items and weapons the holder has (if any)
Ace of Diamonds
: Reveals the number of Anti-town parties in the wagon of the previous day.
If this role is selected, the mod will randomly assign 7 Diamond cards to 7 random players, which will show in their rolecard as flavor, i.e
9 of Diamonds, Mafia Role Cop
. These players are “holders”.
Every night, you may target a player to visit them, if they hold a diamond card, the pertaining information is revealed in the thread at the start of the following day.
You fulfill your mission and leave the game a victor, when you have revealed information in the thread this way at least three times. This role does not get affected by mass roleblocking abilities and effects.
1) The only difference between town and scum is TMI.
2) If scum can do it, so can town, except TMI.
3) The best way to tell the truth in a game of lies is by lying and the best way to lie in a games of lies is by telling the truth.