Reg, make sure you have your ability active!
I plan to submit "I wish to gain the Innocent Child ability"
I would like someone else to submit "I wish for Lukewarm's alignment to be publicly revealed to the thread" -- please use those words, and don't just say loud cop because those are not the same thing.
I want both wishes to be submitted so that if either one is not accepted by the mod, the other might be. Reg, if both options make it to you, I would suggest the one that has my name spelled in it, incase another member of the town decides to also wish to be an IC for some reason. Better safe then sorry.
I think that me becoming an IC is an incredibly strong option for the wish, because I cannot be killed, and it would clear up any reservations anyone has about me from the two seperate 1v1s I have had in the last like 24 hours.