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Post Post #50 (ISO) » Sun Sep 12, 2021 10:44 pm

Post by Morning Tweet »

Setup Design //

12 Contestants (Town) vs. 4 Stagehands (Scum)

"Secrets" contains hidden info known only to scum. Scum also has the ability to sabotage the game twice, activating some extra effect or bending the rules.

Players are not flipped until an entire event ends. So if someone is killed mid-way, their flip is delayed.

There are no daytimes or nighttimes, instead there are simply "Events". Events are group decisions, or perhaps decisions made by few in private. Events will almost always involve all players, and if they don't, the deadline will be like that of a night-phase's.


All contestants vote to place a player in a scary-looking chair covered in restraints, and most noticeably, has mechanical parts capable of killing whoever sits in it. It is heavily alluded to that this person will be forced to partake in a trial of some kind and it seems as if they will be executed.

- The chair does not kill the nominee immediately. Instead, in the next game, they will decide on a player to execute, and then the remaining players will vote on whether or not to kill the nominee. Players off the wagon will not be able to be executed.

Sabotage Effect
- The chair malfunctions after the hammer. A vote will be called for another player to be put in the chair. The player who was previously nominated cannot be chosen, in addition to up to three other players of scum's choice. Must be activated before a wagon is hammered.


The player who was nominated in the first game becomes the “Executioner”. All other players become "Nobles".

The executioner must choose a player to lose their head in the guillotine. Only the executioner talks during this period. The noble losing their head is killed.

Afterwards, the living players vote on whether or not the executioner should also lose their head in the guillotine. All living nobles and the executioner can talk during this period.

The Executioner can execute *any* player. *All* players vote on whether or not the executioner dies afterwards. If you spare a town executioner, there is an undisclosed benefit for town in the following game.

Sabotage Effect
- The first execution fails, forcing the executioner to pick another person. Scum may cause a noble's guillotine of their choice to activate. This ability be activated before the first execution is locked in.

EVENT 3 - FATEFUL DUEL // OPEN EVENT // 13-15 PLAYERS ALIVE (at game start)

The contestants nominate two players to partake in a game of Russian roulette. There is a special feature to this nomination: whoever currently has the second-most votes when the first player is hammered (or when deadline ends) will be the second nominee. Additionally, in order for a player to be hammered, there must be A.) a majority on their wagon and B.) at least three players on the second biggest wagon.

Both players are placed in chairs facing each other. The second-place nominee gets the gun first. Scum chooses where the bullet starts within the chamber of six (so they decide which trigger pull the gun fires on).

Once the game begins, only the two players can speak. They take turns with the following choices:

- Fire the gun at self
- Fire the gun at opponent, and then at self
- Spin the barrel

Spinning the barrel randomly resets the bullet’s placement in the six-bullet chamber of the gun. Each player can only spin the barrel once.

The game ends after at least one person dies.

If a town executioner was spared in the previous game, the cage placed around the dueling players is made bulletproof. The secret scum ability cannot be used to fire at anyone except for the dueling opponent. Additionally, scum is not allowed to sabotage the game.

Only scum knows that the game was secretly modified, I.E. it is not publicly confirmed whether or not the executioner was town.

- There is a fourth action available only to scum. You may rapid fire the gun at any target, including a target outside of the duel. This will kill them, but you will be killed as well for breaking the rules. Scum is informed that even if they cheat, the bullet's placement in the gun is revealed.

Sabotage Effect
- Spinning the barrel has no effect. This must be used sometime before the duel begins.


The contestants from the first-place wagon during Russian Roulette become members of “Team Pink”. The contestants from the second-place wagon and all other wagons and nonvoters become “Team Blue”. If there is an imbalance, players at the end of the first-place wagon will be added to Blue until team numbers are equal or Blue has one less. If Pink has too few, then the most recent non-voters will be added to Pink until the teams are equal or Pink has one less.

Both teams privately go into secret rooms to discuss and vote for a player on the other team to put up for elimination. This is all they are told.

Afterwards, the chosen players become “Suspect Pink”, and “Suspect Blue”, respectively.

The groups are combined and discussion resumes for all participants of this game. Players are informed of how the upcoming ballot works (with emphasis that defectors' votes carry greater weight, so you should try to convince the opposing team). After discussion ends (or enough players vote to end the discussion), a secret ballot is held. Every player is given the following cards:

- Hold
- Shift
- Pass

If Hold is selected, the player will cast one vote for the player they nominated with their team.
If Shift is selected, the player will cast two votes for the player the opposite team nominated.
If Pass is selected, the player will not cast any votes.

After the vote, the player with the most votes is killed. The total number of votes, and who voted where is not revealed publicly. No voting info is revealed other than the winner.

If there is a tie, the nominee with the most Shift votes is eliminated, followed by the one with the most players Passing them.
If there is still a tie, scum chooses which nominee is eliminated.

- Scum is informed of how the ballot functions before nominations have even started. Scum is also informed of who votes for what after the votes are cast.

Sabotage Effect
- Scum can attach a player of their choice to Suspect Blue, as well as a player to Suspect Pink. The attached player will die alongside the suspect in the event they are eliminated. You can't attach the suspects to each other. This is publicly announced.


Everyone votes to nominate players to cross the gap. Whenever a player is nominated, the player who is currently crossing (if there is one) reaches the other side, unless scum activated their ability outlined below.

Once at any time, scum may cause a player who is about to cross over to fall to their death. Scum may also queue up this ability on players in advance.

If three successive town players reach the other side before scum make a kill, all scum die. This number is increased by 1 for every dead scum coming into this game.

The game ends when four players have yet to cross. Players who cross (or are crossing when four players are still uncrossed) are safe from the perils of the next game. Those who do not cross are unlikely to survive the next game.

- The next game is a shootout that takes place between all the players who fail to reach the opposite side of the chasm.

Sabotage Effect
- An extra successive town player must make it across before scum makes a kill. This will be announced publicly as sabotage. This can be used at any time before the kill is made.


The lights are turned off. No one may speak during this time.

All Sharpshots receive guns. Each must privately choose another player to train their gun on.

There is a countdown before all guns are fired at once, killing their targets.

It is not revealed who fired at who.

- The next game is a shootout that takes place between all the players who fail to reach the opposite side of the chasm.

Sabotage Effect
- Scum may choose one participant's gun to fill with blanks. Scum kills that player.


If there are an odd amount of players, start with a heaven vote. If there are an even amount, start will a hell vote. Alternate these votes and send the last person to heaven automatically.

All players vote on a player to ascend to Heaven. Then, all players vote on a player to send to Hell This process repeats until all players reach a destination. Players only get access to the private heaven/hell chat after this phase ends.

In total, there will be (number) players in Heaven and (number) in Hell.

- In an unsabotaged version of the following game, players who are in hell can only get out of hell if another player in hell sacrifices for them. If no sacrifices are made, then scum can freely rescue a player from hell. The Hell minigame details are never disclosed publicly.

Sabotage Effect
- Scum instantly decides the current vote as well as the next vote. Scum cannot sabotage until the first two votes are completed.


There will be 3-6 players in Heaven and 2-5 players in Hell.

Two games will simultaneously take place in private.

Those who are currently in heaven will vote on a “Ruler”. They will perform an important function in the next game.

Those who are currently in hell take turns with the following choice: You may sacrifice your life to save another player from hell. Play starts with the first player to be sent to Hell and continues in that order. Players who are saved are skipped from the order.

If no player opts to save another player, scum gets to rescue a player of their choice UNLESS there is only one townie in hell.

If there are only two players in Hell, they must both come to a mutual agreement on a decision. If a decision cannot be made, then default decision is that no one in the pit gets saved.

- Scum is given access to both realms regardless of whether or not they have players there. They cannot speak if they aren’t a real part of there, though. Scum knows what the Ruler does in the next game, AKA chooses who can be eliminated.

Sabotage Effect
- The hell game is changed. All players vote to bind a player in chains, preventing them from ever escaping hell. Scum votes secretly do not count for this vote. Then, scum selects one or two players to save from hell. However, 1.) at least half the players in hell need to die, and 2.) only one scum maximum can be saved.


The heaven game is changed. A mysterious power disqualifies one player in Heaven from becoming Ruler. If there are five or more players in Heaven, then two players can be disqualified.

EVENT 9 - RULE BY THE ONE // OPEN EVENT // 3-10 PLAYERS ALIVE (at game start)

As this is an open event, all contestants take part.

Before discussion begins, the ruler privately nominates half of the players, rounded down, to become eligible for elimination. The ruler includes an ordered list of their nominees.

Afterwards, all players vote YES or NO to eliminating the player at the top of the ruler's list. A majority of YES kills a player. After a vote is complete, a new vote is called on the next nominee. The next nomination is not publicly revealed until the vote begins.

At least one player must die. If all players are voted "NO", then the player that had the most "YES" will automatically be eliminated.

Flips do not happen until all decisions have been made. All players are allowed to vote up until the end of the phase, even if they are eliminated.

Sabotage Effect
- A nominee of scum's choice secretly requires one less "YES" vote in order to be eliminated. Must be activated before all players have voted "YES" or "NO".

EVENT 10 - FINAL HOUR // OPEN EVENT // 3-9 PLAYERS ALIVE (at game start)

Spoiler: game rules depending on player count
3 players alive - the two players on the team "Ringing the Bell" must be town.
4 players alive - the three players on the team "Ringing the Bell" must be town. If "Stop the Clock" was the previous phase, then the team is only two players.
5 players alive - the three players on the team "Ringing the Bell" must be town.
6 players alive - the four players on the team "Ringing the Bell" must be town. If "Stop the Clock" was the previous phase, then the team is only three players.
7 players alive - the four players on the team "Ringing the Bell" must be town.
8 players alive - the five players on the team "Ringing the Bell" must be town.If "Stop the Clock" was the previous phase, then the team is only four players.
9 players alive - the five players on the team "Ringing the Bell" must be town.

This is an open event, so all contestants take part. This is guaranteed to be the final game.

All players publicly vote between three options:

- Ring the Bell
- Stop the Clock / Tick Away
- Crash the Party

When ringing the bell, you designate a team of players that you are voting for to ring it. If, when deadline is reached, and a majority of players are voting for the same team to "Ring the Bell", that selection is locked in. If all players ringing the bell are town-aligned, town wins. If there is scum included, scum wins.

If, when deadline is reached and "Ring the Bell" hasn't activated, and a majority are voting "Stop the Clock" -- OR if a total majority is ever voting "Stop the Clock" -- then a forty-eight hour deadline elimination begins. This elimination does not reveal alignment. After the elimination, this option is changed to "Tick Away" and the town player requirement for "Ring the Bell" is temporarily reduced by 1.

If, when deadline is reached and "Ring the Bell" hasn't activated, and a majority are voting "Tick Away" -- OR if a total majority is ever voting "Tick Away" -- then the last dead player's alignment is revealed. Additionally, scum has 48 hours to kill a town-aligned player during this phase (revealing their alignment). After the reveals, this option is changed to "Stop the Clock".

If half of the players are ever voting "Crash the Party", scum wins.
Last edited by Morning Tweet on Sat Sep 18, 2021 10:44 am, edited 12 times in total.
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Post Post #51 (ISO) » Sun Sep 12, 2021 10:45 pm

Post by Morning Tweet »

Hmm, could make Destination Unknown's heavens and hells controlled by group votes, and scum's sabotage could then be "instantly send a player to heaven and a player to hell"

It's still kind of a bad sabotage since helled players can be redeemed, but I think letting the entire group decide heaven votes and hell votes would be good for that game not being ridiculously scum-sided.
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Post Post #52 (ISO) » Sun Sep 12, 2021 10:58 pm

Post by Morning Tweet »

Changes 6

Event #7 (Destination Unknown)

Group votes determine ALL destination votes. You keep voting even after your destination is decided. Play alternates between heaven and hell (heaven starting on odds, hell starting on evens). Scum's sabotage is deciding two phases instantly.

Event #9 (Rule by the One)

Scum sabotage - A nominee of scum's choice secretly requires one less "YES" vote in order to be eliminated. Must be activated before all players have voted "YES" or "NO".
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Post Post #53 (ISO) » Sun Sep 12, 2021 11:25 pm

Post by Morning Tweet »

(If at all possible I would like to keep 12v4 and make more pro-town games and fix games that are heavily broken for scum)

Game #1 is fine. I like the secret mechanic where scum knows all along that there is more to the chair than meets the eye but town thinks it's just an elimination, and how that is revealed afterward. However..

Game #2 is a little uninteresting because I think it's almost always in town's best interest to simply kill the Executioner. There is not much to be gained from sparing them -- and sparing scum would be disastrous. Plus... why would the players already trying to eliminate the executioner suddenly not want to eliminate them? Even if they have a really good execute on a player on their wagon with lots of solving, it's just not that great to spare them. I would like to alter this game so if town spares a townie they are rewarded in some way.

Game #3 is very simple, has potential to be interesting, doesn't have to be luck-based if the players don't will it. My only slight concern is if one player wants to keep scum's bullet placement but the other wants it randomized so one of them ends up unhappy. Scum's bullet placement is also a bit random in of itself so you can't really shake the luck part of this mode. However it comes up early and I am not really opposed to having a minor luck mechanic in the setup.

Game #4 is in a much better place now with the changes. Pretty happy with this one, I think it's possible there'll be an interesting debate during it. I'm also glad there won't be anyone having to sit it out.

Game #5 is just so hard for me to anticipate. It simultaneously gives town up to 4 eliminations in the next game and also can POTENTIALLY give town important info if they nominate the right people -- but it might also just not help them at all. it also has a freeish scum nightkill (the only one in the setup). I very much want the idea of the game to be "Nominate the hard to find town" -- but I don't know if I've nailed that idea or not.

Game #6 is fine, it more or less is a continuation of #5. One of town's better chances to trade with scum

Game #7 I believe is better not being controlled by scum, that was too much.

Game #8 feels sort of boring. The idea is that those in Hell are damned but they can band together to save one of their own. With the changes to Game #7, this one is definitely gonna need to be updated though. Now rather than contain nightkill targets, it has town eliminations (mainly) with a possible scum choice as well. Will be thinking about that one.

Heaven is more or less fine, I think campaigning for being leader (if necessary) and having a mini election is fine.

Game #9 is very close to just being regular mafia. I should probably consider how it is affected if there's a scum ruler who openwolfs.

Game #10 is its own beast

So my to-do list here:

Game #2 needs an incentive to "Spare" the executioner. Town should really care about getting the decision correct.

Game #8 needs a new Hell minigame that accounts for all the scummiest players being in there. There also may be more scum than town in hell. Will need to create a game that jives with that

Game #9 I'm considering doing changes to as well as Game #10 but do not know what those are yet
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Post Post #54 (ISO) » Sun Sep 12, 2021 11:34 pm

Post by Morning Tweet »

Oh do let me know if you think a 12v4 run of this could be conceivable (even if it's a bit scumsided, just dont want it to be heavily scumsided). Since the advertisement is probably going to have the alignment distribution

It's also probably worth noting while 50% EV nightless is balanced in theory, i expect town will still win a majority of the time especially with current site meta being so high in innocent child-like players. It's very hard for scum to compete with that.
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Post Post #55 (ISO) » Sun Sep 12, 2021 11:38 pm

Post by Morning Tweet »

To be honest I think I can just about do away with the Open Event / Closed Event mechanic at this point. The only events that lock people out of the thread right now are Event #2 (Guillotine) and Event #6 (Shootout). Shootout is basically just a nightphase and it locks EVERYONE out, not a big deal. And I'm about to modify Game #2 anyway.

That's good to be honest -- no need to make people have to stop playing!

I'll get to that and the other stuff on the list later
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Post Post #56 (ISO) » Mon Sep 13, 2021 2:16 am

Post by Not Known 15 »

About locking out that's a great idea.
About the to hell game, the sabotage could be as well that they control the next two heaven/hell votes, but not the first.
About sparing:Here's a potential reward:If Town has been spared then there will be an undisclosed benefit for the next game. (Benefit:The secret action is not usable on anyone but the duel opponent. Scum cannot choose Chamber 1)

About Hell: The game will not be disclosed, right? So, here's an alternative:The first player to be sent to hell may choose another player to save, sacrificing themselves. Then the next unchosen player may choose another player to save, sacrificing themselves. And so on. If no one chose save, scum may rescue a player, unless the last player to be sent to hell is the only townie in Hell.
Secrets:Scum can only save ONE scum player by themselves unless sabotaged.

Hell Sabotage: Scum may choose to save up to two players instead. However, the following rules must be observed: 1.At least half of the hell players must die. 2. At least one player must be saved.3. If the majority of players in hell is scum only one scum can be saved.
Note:Scum can also use this to prevent two townies from being saved if hell is free of scum

Scum ruler: If the scum ruler openwolfs then one townie dies. Either not a big deal(outside of ExLo) or a just reward of being chosen as scum.
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Post Post #57 (ISO) » Mon Sep 13, 2021 2:18 pm

Post by Morning Tweet »

Changes 7


Events are no longer Open/Closed. Events do not lock players out of the thread, save for entirely private phases such as Shootout or when the vote in Split Decision is held.

Event #2 (Off With Your Head!)

The Executioner can execute *any* player. *All* players vote on whether or not the executioner dies afterwards. If you spare a town executioner, there is an undisclosed benefit for town in the following game.

Event #3 (Fateful Duel)

If a town executioner was spared in the previous game, the cage placed around the dueling players is made bulletproof. The secret scum ability cannot be used to fire at anyone except for the dueling opponent. Additionally, scum is not allowed to sabotage the game.

Only scum knows that the game was secretly modified, I.E. it is not publicly confirmed whether or not the executioner was town.

Event #7 (Destination Unknown)

Scum cannot sabotage until the first two votes are completed.

Players only get access to the private heaven/hell chat after this phase ends.

New Secrets: Players who are in hell can only get out of hell if another player in hell sacrifices for them. If no sacrifices are made, then scum can freely rescue a player from hell. The Hell minigame details are never disclosed publicly.

Event #8 (Ascended / Trial by Fire)

New Hell minigame -- Players in hell take turns with the following choice: You may sacrifice your life to save another player from hell. Play starts with the first player to be sent to Hell and continues in that order. Players who are saved are skipped from the order.

If no player opts to save another player, scum gets to rescue a player of their choice UNLESS there is only one townie in hell.

New Sabotage -- The game is changed. All players vote to bind a player in chains, preventing them from ever escaping hell. Scum votes secretly do not count for this vote.

Then, scum selects one or two players to save from hell. However, 1.) at least half the players in hell need to die, and 2.) only one scum maximum can be saved.
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Post Post #58 (ISO) » Mon Sep 13, 2021 7:59 pm

Post by Morning Tweet »

There are no longer open or closed events in the advertisement. No getting locked out of the thread required!

Are there any other big changes you foresee possibly being enacted that would mess with a game advertisement? I mainly need to know if you think 12v4 can be fair enough.
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Post Post #59 (ISO) » Mon Sep 13, 2021 10:10 pm

Post by Not Known 15 »

In post 58, Morning Tweet wrote:There are no longer open or closed events in the advertisement. No getting locked out of the thread required!

Are there any other big changes you foresee possibly being enacted that would mess with a game advertisement? I mainly need to know if you think 12v4 can be fair enough.
12v4 can be fair enough. Slight scumsidedness is fair, and there's now more pro-town stuff in this. More big changes are probably not required. Let me see the ad again...
- Only activate participants of an event are liable to the bodily injury or other harms that may be contained thereinof.
- In other words, if you can't give input, you can't be harmed!
This needs changing.
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Post Post #60 (ISO) » Mon Sep 13, 2021 10:46 pm

Post by Morning Tweet »

How does the following work for you:

Spoiler: Welcome to the Show!

- No daytime and nighttime or power roles. Instead, the play progresses through a series of events! At least five, but no more than ten of them.
- Events are like mini-games -- but you've gotta stake your life on the line to play!
- Our legal team has notified me that we are legally obligated to remind you this is all just a part of the show.
- Events typically involve a group decision, many small individual decisions, or something else entirely!
- The games will almost always involve all players. If they don't, their deadline will be very short.

Spoiler: The Stagehands

- Four of you are not contestants, but rather greedy stagehands coming after the prize money! Gasp!
- The stagehands have access to secret info about the games. What this secret info may be is also a secret.
- The stagehands have a two-shot factional ability to sabotage the games in their favour.
- Sabotage may cause the rules of the game to be deceptive, add new rules, or go back on previously-stated rules.
- Sometimes sabotage is publicly announced, sometimes it isn't. It all depends!

Spoiler: Our Promise to You

- Our show is bastard; however it is guaranteed to not contain any of the following:
- Cults, mid-game alignment changes, or secret wincons.
- Ridiculous moderator lies.
- Direct moderator influence, including during the pregame.

Spoiler: The Fine Print

- Our show does, however, include the following:
- Minor elements of misdirection.
- Sabotages may occasionally cause additional/different effects to happen than were previously stated by the moderator.
- There may be elements of randomness within the confines of some games, but they are influenceable and uncommon.

Spoiler: Important Info for Actors

- Actor health and safety is guaranteed!

- Any injury, physical or mental, will be compensated for.

- We believe the set is perfectly safe some of the time!
- Most importantly, always remember to have fun out there! Go make tons of laughs!
Last edited by Morning Tweet on Tue Sep 14, 2021 6:43 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Post Post #61 (ISO) » Tue Sep 14, 2021 3:21 am

Post by Not Known 15 »

In post 60, Morning Tweet wrote:Spoiler: Welcome to the Show!
- No daytime and nighttime or power roles. Instead, the play progresses through a series of events! Ten, to be exact.
- Events are like mini-games -- but you've gotta stake your life on the line to play!
- Our legal team has notified me that we are legally obligated to remind you this is all just a part of the show.
- Events typically involve a group decision, many small individual decisions, or something else entirely!
- The games will almost always involve all players. If they don't, their deadline will be very short.
Up to ten events.
What's the deadline for ruler/hell decisions?
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Post Post #62 (ISO) » Tue Sep 14, 2021 3:21 am

Post by Not Known 15 »

In post 61, Not Known 15 wrote:
In post 60, Morning Tweet wrote:Spoiler: Welcome to the Show!
- No daytime and nighttime or power roles. Instead, the play progresses through a series of events! Ten, to be exact.
- Events are like mini-games -- but you've gotta stake your life on the line to play!
- Our legal team has notified me that we are legally obligated to remind you this is all just a part of the show.
- Events typically involve a group decision, many small individual decisions, or something else entirely!
- The games will almost always involve all players. If they don't, their deadline will be very short.
Up to ten events(at least 5).
What's the deadline for ruler/hell decisions?
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Post Post #63 (ISO) » Tue Sep 14, 2021 6:49 am

Post by Morning Tweet »

Clarified the # of events as you noted.

Let me know if any of the following deadlines seem problematic:

Event deadlines:

Event #1 (Throne)

Ten days to decide.

Event #2 (Guillotine)

The executioner has up to 48 hours / 2 days to talk by themself and decide. Then, all the other players have up to 48 hours / 2 days to talk and decide on the executioner's fate.

Event #3 (Fateful Duel)

Ten days to decide on two duelists.

During the duel, each player has 24 hours to make a decision (back and forth). If a player will not be available during the game, or if they would like to speed the process up, they may presend actions that can be contingent on the opponent's actions.

Event #4 (Split Decision)

Each team has five days to nominate an opposing team player. Then, both teams combine and the secret vote will be held in five days times, or when a majority of players vote to "Start the Vote!".

Event #5 (Perfect Balance)

7 days for first decision. 6 days for the second. And so on, all the way down to 2 days, where it remains at 2 days for all remaining decisions.

Event #6 (Shootin' Blind)

48 hours / 2 days for all shooters to make a choice.

Event #7 (Destination Unknown)

7 days for first decision. 6 days for the second. And so on, all the way down to 2 days, where it remains at 2 days for all remaining decisions.

Event #8 (Ascended/Trial by Fire)

Each player in hell whose turn it is to sacrifice has 48 hours or until they make a decision saying who they sacrifice for (or that they won't sacrifice).

The ruler is decided on hammer or whoever has the most votes in 24 * # of players in heaven hours.

So 2 players in hell have 48 hours, then 48 hours (4 days max) to decide while the 3 players in heaven have 72 hours (3 days) overall.

5 players in hell have 48 hours x5 (10 days max but likely will take a lot less) to decide while the 6 players in heaven have 6 days overall

Event #9 (Rule by the Few)

The ruler has 48 hours to make their choices. Then, each player put on trial has up to five days to be voted on (ending immediately when a majority is hit).

Event #10 (Final Hour)

Five days for each decision. Scum chooses nightkills in advance in their PT by always having a nightkill target selected.
Last edited by Morning Tweet on Wed Sep 15, 2021 5:57 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post Post #64 (ISO) » Tue Sep 14, 2021 9:08 am

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In post 63, Morning Tweet wrote:
Event #8 (Ascended/Trial by Fire)

Each player in hell whose turn it is to sacrifice has 48 hours or until they make a decision saying who they sacrifice for (or that they won't sacrifice).

The ruler is decided on hammer or whoever has the most votes in 24 * # of players in heaven hours.

So 2 players in hell have 48 hours, then 48 hours (4 days max) to decide while the 3 players in heaven have 72 hours (3 days) overall.

5 players in hell have 48 hours x5 (10 days max but likely will take a lot less) to decide while the 6 players in heaven have 6 days overall
- The games will almost always involve all players. If they don't, their deadline will be very short.
These are essentially two seperate games. But their deadlines aren't really short.
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Post Post #65 (ISO) » Tue Sep 14, 2021 9:39 am

Post by Morning Tweet »

Hmmmmm true I suppose that is technically not true since those games don't involve all players.

How about..

- The games will almost always involve all players. If they don't, players who are waiting for a game to end will likely not have to wait much longer than a typical night phases' length.
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Post Post #66 (ISO) » Tue Sep 14, 2021 10:46 am

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Ad is now ok, but I will not yet let this pass review.
What I need to consider the rest is:
1.Your updated OP posts with
1a:the special rules of the game
1b:the normal mod rules.
These might need tweaks. For example, the alignment PM examples are missing.

2.Deadlines for all of these games(some are missing)
3.Alignment PM's.
4.The preambles for all the games, updated.
5.The direct flavor for the games, updated.
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Post Post #67 (ISO) » Tue Sep 14, 2021 11:13 am

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Of course! The OP needs a lot of updating. The deadlines also need made, as well as the role PMs.

On the first page you can see the public thread post (with the VC inside) explaining each game -- those are all going to need to be updated as well of course.

The only thing you listed that I may not have finished by the time the game is ran is the flavour. The flavour has no impact on the game, however.

So posts like will all be done for the game. But posts like I might not be done with. Are you alright with that?

Also, thank you for all of the help, it's been fantastic!
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Post Post #68 (ISO) » Tue Sep 14, 2021 11:48 am

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In post 67, Morning Tweet wrote:So posts like 5 will all be done for the game. But posts like 19 I might not be done with. Are you alright with that?

I need to double-check that you are not accidentally spoiling info or similar due to flavor.
That could affect player enjoyment and balance, after all!
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Post Post #69 (ISO) » Tue Sep 14, 2021 12:11 pm

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I mean I'm not exactly a first time mod

If you would like you can backup mod and look over the flavour if u want

But typically i do about the first 50% of my flavour in advance and write the second half during the game's run. Too much to do in advance and i tune it a little bit
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Post Post #70 (ISO) » Tue Sep 14, 2021 6:37 pm

Post by Morning Tweet »

- Role PMs are created and put into the rules
- The rules and setup-specific rules have been updated to reflect the changes
- Made deadlines for #5 and #7.
- The VCs/Rules for each game that are posted all need to be updated
- Flavour baseline
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Post Post #71 (ISO) » Tue Sep 14, 2021 6:50 pm

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Advertisement is going up
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Post Post #72 (ISO) » Tue Sep 14, 2021 8:23 pm

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What is wrong with me why did I think half of 16 rounded up was 9
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Post Post #73 (ISO) » Wed Sep 15, 2021 5:51 am

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Aaaaand preins filled in 10 hours

Guess I should get to work so we can get in signups !
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Post Post #74 (ISO) » Wed Sep 15, 2021 5:58 am

Post by Morning Tweet »

Added deadlines for #5 and #7. Should remember to include deadline info in the game explanations so players know too.