In post 4789, GuyInFreezer wrote:I don't know half of these characters so y'all decide.
Gabiru, Megumin, Kanna, Wanibe, Otto, Cerceus, Mizarisa, Chiho, Aira, Melty, Geordo, Pisto Shaz XI, Krusty, Millhiore, Knukcles, Aku, Oda Nobuna, Keita, Tiffania, Kumausa, Nokopara, Tomoe, Dimiurge, Poncho
In post 4886, GuyInFreezer wrote:All right, hair color and assumed gender, leggo.
Gabiru - no hair shown on picture, clearly a lizard or some sort of pterodactyl
Megumin - brown hair, female explosion enthusiast
Kanna - white-purple gradient hair, female
Wanibe - no hair, dinosaur 2
Otto - Grey, male?
Cerceus - Blonde, clearly male
Mizarisa - red hair, female
Chiho - Pinkish hair, female
Aira - brown (looks kinda red-ish in in picture), female
Melty - red, female
Geordo - blonde, male
Pisto Shaz XI - No hair, idek
Krusty - Kinda beige? Male
Millhiore - Pink hair, female
Knuckles - defo red hair, Echidna
Aku - yellow, female?
Oda - yellow, female
Keita - blonde, male?
male name, did not google
Tiffania - blonde, female
Kumausa - pink animal, probably female?
Presumably - voiced by females
Nokopara - blonde hair, definitely female
Tomoe - blue hair, uh male?
Demiurge - dark brown hair, male
Poncho - brown hair, male
In post 4834, GuyInFreezer wrote:To be exact
- Is your character a female
- Does your character have red hair
- Is your character Oda Nobuna
Females, sorted by hair color:
Megumin - brown hair, female explosion enthusiast
From the same anime as S_S's uPick Aqua
Aira - brown (looks kinda red-ish in in picture), female
I can't find any pictures where her hair looks red
Mizarisa - red hair, female
Millhiore - Pink hair, female
Chiho - Pinkish hair, female
I can see this one being described as red. It is a pale color that is closest to orange but not quite pink or red.
Kumausa - pink animal, probably female?
Kanna - white-purple gradient hair, female
Tiffania - blonde, female
Nokopara - blonde hair, definitely female
Can't find this character, assuming that blonde and yellow hair would receive 'yes' to same questions based on Tiffania's hair
Aku - yellow, female?
Oda - yellow, female
Tomoe - blue hair, uh male? Female
Melty - red, female
I could only find a Melty with very plainly blue/purple hair - is this the Melty from the guess who? Moved melty down here to go with Tomoe
So it seems like if scum asked "is your character's hair red" and guessed Oda Nobuna on no, I can only think they were assuming S_S picked one of the girls with an exposed bra. If that was their line of reasoning, I don't see why they would ask about red hair rather than blonde hair. I'm not sure about this.
Additionally, there is a 13-11 split of females and males. This close to 50-50, obviously, but I can't help but wonder why jjh would do this when balancing the genders 50-50 is about the easiest thing you can do when trying to make a balanced game of Guess Who? Working on the theory that GiF possibly replaced a male with a female (which would be Oda Nobuna). However, if this really was the split, selecting a blonde female is probably ideal because it provides the most "cover" - it is safe to assume each player will start by asking about gender because it removes the most possibilities, then hair color is probably the next-best question, so selecting the majority hair color within the majority gender is ideal for cover, even if it is "easier" for your opponent to get "yes" responses.
Right now I'm kinda leaning towards eliminate GiF but don't do it with the exact bets he says he made. Let's swap around a couple of the voters. If someone else is scum it's unlikely they guessed GiF, and if GiF is scum I just worry about a secret wincon that I want to avoid by deviating slightly. If he is town he should still win the "game" if we only change a couple of votes around.
There's also the concern about Dunnstral - why did he kill N1? Why didn't scum use LLD? I guess there is a concern about a roleblocker, but I feel like maybe they couldn't do it while GiF was gone.
Also, if I were town in GiF's position, I still put my bet on Cabd, because I have the advantage over scum of being able to publicly reveal my bet and tell everyone exactly how to vote. In GiF's shoes, I would have done something like bet that I (GiF) would vote someone unexpected like Luke or Kate (not safe to bet on Wheme or Kyouko in case they die), and bet that everyone else will vote Cabd. Maybe also bet that Kate (someone I TR) votes me (GiF). Then I explain the bet, put my vote on Cabd, and let everyone else (besides Cabd) vote as I bet. If Cabd is scum, the other 4 town will eliminate him. If someone else is scum who doesn't want to lose the bet, they might try to vote elsewhere but this could be tantamount to openwolfing, so they would probably have to concede and vote where GiF said to. even if they refuse and Cabd has to hammer himself, at best, scum could tie with GiF, unless they correctly guessed GiF would go for this strategy and correctly guess where GiF decided to bet his own vote would go. Then scum could win by 1 point because of their own vote being where they wanted it. But then it becomes obvious if the one dissident resulted in scum winning advantage that that dissident is scum.
Basically, GiF's bet doesn't make sense, and there are some shaky details with the dead thread. I feel like scum!GiF has been going for the mechanical clear so we should just lim him in a slightly different configuration