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Post Post #1275 (ISO) » Tue Jan 11, 2022 3:47 pm

Post by Grendel »

Probably split up catch up when feels like its getting too long. This is Pages 1~6 of my read. I often like asking qualitative questions when sorting so please read my catch up incase i ask you a thing. I'll do a follow up if I haven't found an answer for myself by the time i catch up.

In post 23, NorwegianboyEE wrote:Just make a blind vote and be boring Norwee, when will you ever learn…
Im ambivalent on the hyper self-awareness Norwee displays in his first posts. Generally weird for town to be thinking so much about how they present themselves.

Also I think maybe I've played with him before but idk much about him as a player. he was bossy/aggressive last time in a way I haven't seen here.

In post 28, tictac wrote:
i'm ascetic.
Can i get confirmation if this is a meme, or a serious claim?

In post 73, Lady Lambdadelta wrote:This isn't a general motivation scumread Ceph.

It's a YOU read. I'm sorry if that feels shitty but I drew green and I'm kind of obligated to drink em if I got em
Town is more likely to wanna cash in on meta in a desire to create meaningful discussion asap. Also I'm getting some pretty agendaless vibes from Lady Lambdadelta's posts so far. Probably my strongest TR so far.


*@anybody who wants to answer*

The early push on Cephiper looks largely meta fueled, can somebody walk me through his meta if so?
In post 80, MUSHSHAGANA wrote:
In post 75, Cephrir wrote:
In post 70, MUSHSHAGANA wrote:
In post 68, Cephrir wrote:
In post 63, MUSHSHAGANA wrote:
In post 61, Cephrir wrote:ah, good, we're going to have ~fun~ this game
Look if you didn't want to get burned down early then you should've used your noggin before you fluffposted, now its too late and that's your problem not mine
how dare i attempt to have fun. i should be burned at the stake for this heinous crime
Fluff isn't a crime

It's the scum poking out of it
i'd be interested in seeing you try to explain this without copying LLD's homework
Sure but only because it turns out she wasn't seeing what I saw, whoops

The content of your post reads EXACTLY in theme with a specific part of Control, but its a part that wouldn't be very likely to come up in a green role PM. If you hadn't fluffposted without thinking through the consequences of your actions you might have been fine, but instead, you fluffposted in a way that gave the game away, precisely because you didn't know what you were talking about. Sorry bud
idk stuff about this game's flavor, but this seems angle shooty


gth Norwee is my biggest SR. Feels like he's quietly playing his own game in the background, and that smells like agenda. Present, active, but distant.

Bell is interesting as he also feels like he could fall into a similar boat. Tho he gives of the vibe of a player that'll be hard for me to read tonally.

I recall Icher used to be Yeet bait, not sure if that meta still stands. Regardless Im kinda wary of SRing him when I've known him to have an eccentric play style that's got him flipped in the past.

deLwee feels like gut scum to me, I'm curious if deliberate slanking is AI for them. I can't find it now, but somebody described Delwee as having a positive tone this game, but actually seemed more disinvested then anything to me.

TOwn lean on Lady Lambadeltia, and umm... i guess that's all so far
but why?

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Post Post #1276 (ISO) » Tue Jan 11, 2022 3:47 pm

Post by Grendel »

Page 7~12

In post 164, Bell wrote:Testing site. Here to make an amazing post.
1. I am terrible scum, but if you give me a fake hard clear I will not fuck it up apparently.*angel* I had my first scum win recently that had almost absolutely nothing to do with me.
2. I can see why you would be okay with that Galron, but give me something please.
3. Norwe’s meta knowledge is accurate for norwe. For the most part though, If you play with me enough I become rather obvious.
4. I am confused at arcade’s approach early game.
Ill drink the self meta wine for now to reduce the scope of players i have to think about for the moment. thanks

can you elaborate on point 4?
In post 214, Greeting wrote:
In post 210, MUSHSHAGANA wrote:Greeting, buddy, I think you are the only one other than Ircher who doesn't get the first two parts by now, its not like I've been hiding shit this game, I gave up that conniving scheming playstyle after the fiasco of Mtn Dew Mafia. I am an open book come and read me

As for why, I'm gonna save it till you decide to accept what the entire rest of the player list has, purely because it amuses me to watch you get held up on this small simple thing
Okay, well, if you want to be read by whatever you post solely then I won't be questioning you. It's not like I can force you to respond either.

I'll leave judging what's a small simple thing to myself, and it would be a small simple thing if it wasn't part of a chain of small simple things that form a pattern.
In post 188, Lady Lambdadelta wrote:What is your read on Mush?
While catching up with the thread their behavior struck me quite strongly with the amount of fluff they're posting. They seem to be masking it with an aggressive and trollish posting style. None of their votes seem serious, none of the things they post seem serious.

They latch to random players for what seems to me no valid reason. And yet that doesn't stop them from latching on to
for doing the same thing ().

They refuse to answer to questions themselves. And yet that doesn't stop them from questioning

They're deliberately making unclear statements for reasons unknown, and I don't see how any of them aid the town cause ( among most of their posts actually).

I think that creating unnecessary confusion is a scum tell to be fair.

Greeting's back and forth with Mush looks contrived. Scum trying to force content?


In post 262, Save The Dragons wrote:i townread you Norwee
Why do you town read him?


In post 283, Greeting wrote:UNVOTE: MUSHSHAGANA

I want to vote
, but I'd like a vote count first.
where exactly is your Mush read when you pivoted onto Icher?


Mush stream of thought posts fell genuine enough that I don't really feel him being scum atp. Hope gut doesn't bite my ass on that one lol.

I still feel vuagely scummy vibes in Norwee's general direction.

Greeting feels most scumy to me rn.
but why?

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Post Post #1277 (ISO) » Tue Jan 11, 2022 3:48 pm

Post by Grendel »

Page 13~19

The fake dayvig didn't really convince me of town!Noraa. As gutsy as Lady appears I don't really think her unloading a gun D1 in this context was that likely. Esp since fake day vig gambits are pretty common. I don't think its crazy to see Noraa rping that reaction.

Which I don't find AI in of itself b/c acting the part is potentially free town cred which neither alignment turns down.

Damn i do want to try and sort the bear hydra soon tho. If i don't get anything on them by the end of catch ill have to backtrack and hone in on them.



Are you generally a very creative player in terms of playstyle. ei gambits, targeted mind games, etc? what are your parameters when you decide to make a wildcard play?

In post 390, NorwegianboyEE wrote:
In post 381, T3 wrote:
In post 379, Save The Dragons wrote:this is like the first time ever i tr norwee and everyone's sus on him smh
he lacks energy tbh
Lacks energy? I did point out i wanted to be chill in this game. And there are more reasons for that.
Of course, whether i can keep up on that depends on my composure.
Is there a way you could be incited to open up your thoughts more thoroughly while still maintaining your chill zone?

Also if i hadn't mentioned it yet, I remember you now lol. Sorry about that.


Tet said somethings that concern me, but I'm not prepared to have a talk about that thought train atm. This is just a note for later.

In post 400, Cephrir wrote:meh. that reaction didn't change my bears read at all.

how does anyone still fall for fake dayvigs, it's so old hat.

i don't know who tet is, but they seem townish.
Cephir, and Tet, and SavetheDragon mirrored my thoughts pretty well. That feels reassuring.

In post 442, Arcade Pals wrote:VOTE: The Three Bears

I think that their reaction on page 13 to the fake day vig is fake but trying to look genuine. By that I mean, I don't believe that they believed that they were dead, and I don't think it was a townie reaction.
What distinguishes town/scum reaching for cred in a way you can differentiate them?


I don't have a read on the Acade Pals but i do think their willingness to push a slot whose reaction was largely seen as non-ai or even town is interesting. I love a contrarian.

In post 471, MUSHSHAGANA wrote:Goddd this game is a cold fucking splash of water in the face after that meeting godddddddd I fuckin hate it here

That's a meme, I'm memeing, shush

OKAY SO TET! Anyway problem is like Ceph said he decided to do that fluffpost shit BEFORE the role PM rwas received. And yeah scum could be lying but the thing is it's unfalsifiable, so I have to accept the POSSIBILITY it MIGHT be true, regardless of alignment, which would make it NAI, or else its potentially fucking game throwing on my part LOL

SO I re-read Ceph later and there's some fucking good posts and the reaction to pressure doesn't look as bad as I remembered, DO I STILL FUCKING PUSH THAT? Cause like, it is UNLIKELY but NOT IMPOSSIBLE (or even implausible!!!) that Ceph stumbled into the one bit of flavor that can only arguably come from antagonists??? And like, if the psoting is town and my mindread slot (LLD) is saying to give space it seems like the right move is to see Ceph catch scum, bus or flame out and get yoten???? If you say I still push that then Idfk guess you suck at mafia buddy lol
Mush fluid read transition fits a more stream of thought playstyle. Consistent while not feeling ulterior. I'm starting to warm up to the idea of town Mush even tho i normally avoid reading these types of players.


THe Dewlee slot, whoever is subbing in there, i guess is still teriary SR. Kinda forgot it existed
but why?

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Post Post #1278 (ISO) » Tue Jan 11, 2022 3:48 pm

Post by Grendel »

20~29 I see the page number growing out of the corner of my eye so I'm gonna try and speed run the rest of this. Or maybe Ill just try and find a stopping point a check on what yall are doing.

In post 498, mastina wrote:Bell
Save The Dragons
The Three Bears (Titus, Flea the Magician, Noraa)
Lady Lambdadelta

Princess Elodie



Arcade Pals (Dunnstral, MariaR)


Kinda surprised that I genuinely have a good readslist from literally just two pages but this is genuinely seriously actually a good readslist imo.
I think these early read lists of yours arent things you normally would elaborate on, but I'd really appreciate follow-up on Noree, and a range of confidence in that tr.

In post 500, mastina wrote:
In post 328, SirCakez wrote:
(me locking was just trolling and not game related)
For the record, this is bad modding as it has a direct influence on the game, namely?

I'm conftowning both LLD and Three Bears from it.

Buthey, I won't complain from having two conftown from bad modding practices. :P
ngl i forgot he did that. Im unsure if it changes my world view or not hmmm

In post 547, Greeting wrote:
In post 522, Roden wrote:
In post 520, Arcade Pals wrote:Roden, why do you think Greeting is the best vote for today?
I hate the RVS analysis posts. They made my eyes glaze over and it just read as information-over-analysis to me. It's typically a town tell to me, but there's a thin line between actually town telling and just LAMIST serious analysis posts.

Additionally, I don't think Greeting and LLD are aligned, and since I town read LLD I have to give Greeting the boot.

So, I took the time to analyse two players who were under suspicion at the moment and tried to understand the arguments against them and that's bad?

Half of the votes this game have either been not explained at all, or were given three lines of text at most. At least that's my impression. Sorry for wanting to make a more informed choice as to whom I'm voting out.

I also think that
Lady Lambdadelta
is town but I don't see a shred of an explanation why her being town makes me scum.
Hmmm, do you come from a site meta where wall posts are the common practice?


RodanVDragon looks like its probably TvT?

In post 674, The Three Bears wrote:skim skim skim but like t3 is being so towny. it cant be real right? as for roden, given our history, im not gonna even attempt to read him. pretty sure it'll end up a SR nine times out of ten regardless of his alignment. norwee looking scummier by the second. idk reads just feel very very tmi-y. it just feels really informed but idk why. idk about massy. ok bai o/

oh wait. last thing, i find massy really really towny. idk what that means but i wanna believe it.

-baby bear
Is Roden classically somebody everybody tends to SR?

Glad I'm not the only one feeling weird about norwee

I think I'm just going to read the rest the game and not try and be considerate by being super open-handed. Also several of my questions here an in other parts have technically been answered, but i don't feel like going back to remove those questions. So if you see a question you know you answered just ignore it.

VOTE: Greeting

I also SR Norwee, and Dwelee's sub in. If there's more then 3 scum i predict some of the folks in the Pool of players that haven't said much or made an impression.
but why?

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Post Post #1279 (ISO) » Tue Jan 11, 2022 3:51 pm

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In post 1269, The Three Bears wrote:So with that in mind, I want to you expand on why you think our current dissonance is scum indicative, why you're not engaging despite having bigger fish to fry if you think we're scum (you got one of the heads here and active). Town objective should always be to take out scum, and you go for a scum flip over an information flip always.
i'm hunting ircher and roden at the moment i think they're more likely to be scum than you so i'm going to keep voting who i think is going to flip scum thank you. your dissonance isn't really playing a factor i'm trying to read you all separately at the moment

noraa's readslist looks plastered together in a way that seems disingenuous. they have a lot of "i dunno" reads, put some of my top scumreads in their town pool, completely forgot to write something about greeting, i think they could be making it up. it has nothing to do with not having a potential solve i think they actually did a good job of solving and sometimes scum readlists leave much to be desired in the way of scum reads. but putting half the town in your scum pile kind of dilutes the value of the read in a sense because 1) it can't be true and 2) it's casting a wider net making it easier to be right about scum.

talking to noraa doesn't feel like talking to scum!noraa though so i want to give you a pass for now to see if i can read you better later in the day or on D2 or something.

your readslist bothered me but the saving grace was that you seemed to have a read on controversial slot roden as town way before it so in my head i thought your reads weren't as bad or at least not as "look at my totally town opinions that everyone has"
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Post Post #1280 (ISO) » Tue Jan 11, 2022 3:57 pm

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maybe i'm just vibing with chill norwee
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Post Post #1281 (ISO) » Tue Jan 11, 2022 3:59 pm


In post 1276, Grendel wrote:Mush stream of thought posts fell genuine enough that I don't really feel him being scum atp.
Hey, hey, watch the pronouns please. That one in particular's the Bad One We Never Use For Me. Thanks.
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Post Post #1282 (ISO) » Tue Jan 11, 2022 4:01 pm

Post by Grendel »

Shitty binary read list as per page 29

Town (LDD, Mush, Bears)
Town? (DragonSaver, Bell, Tet, Masitina, Rodan,
umm null bc idk, or havent sorted yet ( Chepir, Arcade Pals, Toogeloo, val )
low content ( Malacats, Icher, Galron, WayItEnds, tictac,
Scum (Andante, Greeting, Norewee


Shit I'm sorry mush. I wasn't paying attention :(
but why?

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Post Post #1283 (ISO) » Tue Jan 11, 2022 4:02 pm

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why bears so high
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Post Post #1284 (ISO) » Tue Jan 11, 2022 4:04 pm

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Sircakes locking the thread leand more credence to Nor reaction when i thought about it. I didnt realise that had even happened at first, which is why i was more "meh" about it earlier on.
but why?

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Post Post #1285 (ISO) » Tue Jan 11, 2022 4:06 pm

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Oh Save the Dragons! You'd said prevously you had SR Rodan frequently in previous games. Is it ok to ask for some examples?
but why?

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Post Post #1286 (ISO) » Tue Jan 11, 2022 4:07 pm

Post by Andante »

In post 1282, Grendel wrote:Shitty binary read list as per page 29

Town (LDD, Mush, Bears)
Town? (DragonSaver, Bell, Tet, Masitina, Rodan,
umm null bc idk, or havent sorted yet ( Chepir, Arcade Pals, Toogeloo, val )
low content ( Malacats, Icher, Galron, WayItEnds, tictac,
Scum (Andante, Greeting, Norewee


Shit I'm sorry mush. I wasn't paying attention :(
why am I so low?
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Post Post #1287 (ISO) » Tue Jan 11, 2022 4:08 pm

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I'm town as heck. the towniest one here. Some people bleed blood? I bleed towniness
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Post Post #1288 (ISO) » Tue Jan 11, 2022 4:10 pm

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anything specific strike out at you? @grendal, re:noraa's reaction

yeah uh when i get back to my real computer i can give you those games remind me if i don't do it soon. i think roden was scum in 1 of them and town in 1 so who knows.
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Post Post #1289 (ISO) » Tue Jan 11, 2022 4:10 pm

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like you literally TR Arcade more than me... im lost
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Post Post #1290 (ISO) » Tue Jan 11, 2022 4:12 pm

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You're Delwees sub in right Andante? I havent read whenever your posting starts yet. So ill see what i think when i get to that point
but why?

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Post Post #1291 (ISO) » Tue Jan 11, 2022 4:12 pm

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oooh shouldn't disrupt actual game stuff. sorry, I'm kinda drunk and thought I'd look at this game tonight, also have a headache so uhhh not sure how this is exactly supposed to work out, but hey I'm here. and definitely town so uhh fellow towns, who is maf? cause I guess some people tr arcade?
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Post Post #1292 (ISO) » Tue Jan 11, 2022 4:13 pm

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yeah I'm dwlee, but more fun
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Post Post #1293 (ISO) » Tue Jan 11, 2022 4:13 pm

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In post 1290, Grendel wrote:You're Delwees sub in right Andante? I havent read whenever your posting starts yet. So ill see what i think when i get to that point
you haven't read me and said I'm scum? ooof. guilty until proven innocent I guess
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Post Post #1294 (ISO) » Tue Jan 11, 2022 4:18 pm

Post by Andante »

lol there's way more people in this than I actually have a read on... like some of these names I'm like "that's a person in the game???"
In post 1242, The Three Bears wrote:Ircher - I can't read ircher but i always think ircher being wagoned is town indicative. I remember ircher randomly shading me as town indicative as well so i would give this a TL
MUSHSHAGANA - I dont like most of the posts posted but idk if thats ai
Lady Lambdadelta - I think this is town though LLD is being particularly "nice" this game which is a little weird to me
Bell - probably town? i find the overall play scummy but i dont think its scummy for bell. there's the feeling of like oh bell thinks he's a god at reading me and that annoys me. But i dont think bell thinks that. i think bell is sort of like paranoid of me. Idk it sort of feels like bell is toying around with us and that feels like it comes from town that is like aha this puzzle piece fits here. idk i dont know how to express these vibes but its like this dark mysterious. Yeah ok i dont fucking know.
Cephrir - idk i dont know
Andante - My initial thought is town but i haven't looked closely
NorwegianboyEE - I really really hope this is scum to understand why my read here has just been spasming all over reads land but i dont know how to read norwee?
The Three Bears (Titus, Flea the Magician, Noraa) - town
Galron - i dont remembe anything but the stick figures in the prfpc of this person. i also remember playing with them previously but even then, idr much
Roden - every single time someone says why they think roden is scum, i literally just think he's town. like i literally thought every single one of those damn thoughts in my last game with him. idk like it would be insane if someone had scum and town games that were like that fucking identical. i really just dont think this is scum.
Malakittens - lots of excuses about why they aren't posting. idr much but null lean scum probs.
Mastina - i find massy's repetition of this being the easiest game to read really genuine. i really think she is town
Arcade Pals (Dunnstral, MariaR) - i need to pay them more attention and try to figure out who is dunn because im decent at reading dunn but i cant tell who is posting which is hard
Princess Elodie - i accidentally deleted the replacement i think. anyways idk gimmick account. lean scum because gut feelings + they voted us, poor taste.
Tet - accidentally deled replacement again i think. idr
MegAzumarill - i didnt see the "Scumslip" and im weirded out that people think there's been a scum slip this early in the game in general. Their activity is a little worrisome though that is the only point i'd give
Toogeloo - mmmm idk feels lacking and i think scum too
T3 - i would say scum too but i have too many SRs so null for now
Save The Dragons - i dont fuckingknow
Greeting -
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Post Post #1295 (ISO) » Tue Jan 11, 2022 4:18 pm


im sneaking in one last message or curse gonna be up all night having me yell abt it LOL

that message


grendel whod you replace again? meg? ok so you can maybe be town idk but like what the fuck is with ur reads dude????? try again re: ur fuckin scumreads, like, all of them LOL. like u really gonna need to sell me here idgi

oh yeah and also another message

which is

see yall on thursday morning LOL curse gonna be too busy tomorrow
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Post Post #1296 (ISO) » Tue Jan 11, 2022 4:19 pm

Post by Andante »

if anyone has any questions for me throw them at me, but uhhh I haven't read from 225-my entrance and I don't think I plan on doing that
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Post Post #1297 (ISO) » Tue Jan 11, 2022 4:20 pm

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In post 1295, MUSHSHAGANA wrote:see yall on thursday morning LOL curse gonna be too busy tomorrow
byeeeee have fun!!! see you thursday morning!!!
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Post Post #1298 (ISO) » Tue Jan 11, 2022 4:21 pm

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what does a drunk andante readslist look like
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Post Post #1299 (ISO) » Tue Jan 11, 2022 4:22 pm

Post by Andante »

In post 1298, Save The Dragons wrote:what does a drunk andante readslist look like
haha that is a good one...