1: Do not quote private communication into this thread.
2: Do not quote private communication out of this thread.
3: You may only copy-paste posts from here to the game thread if you wrote them.
4: This thread is open only during the day.
5: You may continue posting here even after you die.
6: You may request redactions between the time the game ends and 24 hours after. After that time, this thread will be released, and no further redactions may be requested. You may request redactions in advance with the caveat that I will not perform them until the game ends.
1: Review Thread
2: Game Thread
3: Thesp's Votecounter
4: Mod Thread
1: Ircher (Moderator, PT Mod)
2: SirCakez (Backup Moderator, PT Mod)
3: MathBlade
4: Lukewarm
5: Flea The Magician
6: Dunnstral
7: Stephen A Smith