I don't think that SM's role gets that much use 99% of the time.
For example, if Bell had been the TA though, he had
ZERO valid targets.
(Math, LLD, Dunn, A50, Enchant were all in different streets || Noraa, Morning Tweet, StrangeMatter, and Flea were all in different Careers).
That would have been even worse if all four careers were chosen close to evenly. The heavy lean away from Agriculture and Industy made the odds of having targets more likely.
Looking over the mod notes, it looks like the TA was guaranteed to be in Dranlon street.
That hood was 6 people. I was always uninvestigable, and then TA themselves was as well. From the start,
there were only 4 possible targets
If the career hoods were evenly distributed, you would expect there to be exactly one valid target for the TA. Then the neighborizors fire, and possibly ruin that.
So, on average, I think that the TA gets 0.x clears from their ability, and they never get to choose who they are able to invest. it is always chosen for them - and we managed to get two clears on slots that were not already cleared by the scum slip. Which is way better then the expected result.