1. Do not use my color,
Lavender (#967bb6)
2. If you believe a mod error has been made or you disagree with any action I took, please PM me immediately.
3. Please bold all questions or requests to the Mod if you make them in the thread
3.1. In general I will not answer any questions in public unless for general questions that will not hurt the game integrity. (for example, how a certain role would work in a setup is a valid public question but how my role works is not a valid question answerable in public)
4. You may not quote private communication of any kind, including (real or fabricated) Moderator-supplied information. Paraphrasing is acceptable.
4.1. You may not quote private topics or other out-of-game discussions (such as Hydra chats) in the public game thread, regardless of if the quotes are real or fabricated. Paraphrasing is acceptable.
4.2. You can always copy and paste the full content of your own posts (outside of moderator communication) so long as it does not contain any links to where it came from or any timestamps or any other kind of marks and labels that would indicate they for sure happened.
4.3. You may only ever paraphrase posts by other players and this is also subject to the same link/timestamp/label restriction as above.
5. Do not talk about this game anywhere else unless I have specified it is permitted such as in a private topic. This includes messaging other players.
5.1. You can talk about the game in the private threads given to you via PM, assuming you were given one. Otherwise, please refrain from talking about this game outside of this thread, and don't talk about other games inside of this game. This is a sitewide rule. See the announcement
6 Do not discuss any other ongoing games in this game thread.
7. Do not play against the spirit of the rules or of the game. Personal attacks will not be tolerated.
8. No invisible/small/encrypted text allowed. Also, no editing and deleting posts are allowed.
9. Vocaroos, Youtubes, etc, may not be used to make game-content posts. e.g., do not record a vacaroo with your thoughts about the game and post it.
10. All Private Topics (PTs) shared by two or more players during this game will be released unredacted and will follow the general rules of the website and the game.
10.1. Please keep this in mind if you have access to a shared PT.
11. Always play towards your win condition. Gambits are fine, directly harming your own team is not.
11.1. Any loophole abuse is not tolerated.
11.2. If you believe a mod error has happened, or believe game integrity was compromised in any way, you're responsible to contact me with details.
12. This ruleset is subject to change and to be completed at any time. If a change is made mid-game, it will be announced in-thread by the mod.
13. Any Violation of the General rules or Site rules may result in force replacing or Mod Killing you if necessary and will be reported to the website list moderators for further punishments if applicable.
Voting and Deadline Rules:
1. The Day 1 deadline is 10 days. All further days must have a 7-day deadline.
1.1. Extensions may be granted if there are replacements near the deadline, or under other extraordinary circumstances (e.g., site outages, major holidays).
2. All Night phases will have a 2-day deadline.
3. An elimination will happen when the majority of players vote for a certain player during a day phase and the day phase will end earlier with it.
3.1. majority of votes is (number of living players/2) +1, rounded down.
3.2. If there's no majority at the deadline, there's no elimination.
3.3. When the hammer vote is cast, all players, including the eliminated may talk freely until the final vote count and eliminated player's card-flip have been posted. I will lock the game thread at that time.
4. Once you are dead, you may not post in the game thread again. Not even a "Bah" post.
5. Voting must be bolded in the form Vote: Player - bold tags
or else they will not be counted.
5.1. Unvotes are not required to change your vote, but they are helpful.
5.2. Can Unvote using
5.3. I'm using an automated vote counter. If you don't use the vote tags, be sure to add a colon after the word "Vote" or else it will not be counted.
5.4. Votes inside of spoiler tags or hidden texts will not be counted.
5.5. I don't mind if you use nicknames/abbreviations when you vote for someone. But if I have no idea who you're voting for, then the vote won't be counted.
1. A prod PM will be issued if any player does not post in the main game thread for 36 hours.
1.1. Prods will be announced in-thread.
1.2. You have 48 hours to confirm your role or pick up your prod by posting in-game or by a PM to me if at a night phase. After this time, I will begin seeking a replacement.
2. If you show up before being replaced you may continue the game.
3. I will seek replacement immediately without waiting if a player receives three prods.
4. If you need to replace out of this game, send me a private message about it.
Do NOT post that you want to be replaced, or that you have asked to be replaced in the game thread.
4.2. I will acknowledge your replacement request by replying to your PM. From that time forward, you are out of the game. Do not make any more posts in the game thread after that.
4.3. This is a
site rule that can entail penalties if broken. It applies to all mafia games at Mafiascum.net unless the game moderator explicitly states otherwise.
5. If you plan to be gone for over 48 hours, please announce that you will be V/LA in-thread in bold text to notify me.
5.1. If you are V/LA for more than a week, I suggest requesting replacement, but it's not required.
5.2. For long V/LA's, I expect you to post at least once every four days. the prod function will be applied normally at the start of the fifth day and I will replace you on the seventh day. This is not about me not understanding you might have a real-life problem. It's because the other players in-game might suffer from the long disappearance and as a Moderator I'm responsible for keeping my game active and fun.
And the most important rule: