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Post Post #875 (ISO) » Wed Mar 02, 2022 10:43 pm

Post by MalcolmTucker »

In post 874, Nordom wrote:
In post 872, MalcolmTucker wrote:
In post 861, fua wrote:I TR Skitter, but I’m pretty sure some of her townreads and all of her scumreads are wildly wrong (less sure on Eyes, but still).

Malcolm is a strong TR and that’s a good catch from him.
To follow up on this - for what it's worth I'd mostly been TR'ing Yeet until now and felt like their approach would've been quite strange and really bold from mafia. But that post just caught me as incredibly weird when going through, how can you simultaneously be frustrated there's not enough of a bandwagon on someone while insisting they've been the most mafia-read player so far? Yeet may still come out as town and that wouldn't surprise me but I dunno, just a really odd post to make.
Any scumreads?
Mentioned in my first post that Wu is probably my main SR so far. I was catching up through the thread last night and was surprised it took until Page11 when Nero pointed out they'd done nothing with their slot so far despite there being plenty to talk about early on.

Found some of Tenebros responses to accusations against them particularly weak as well, deflecting from the actual points being made instead of addressing them directly.
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Post Post #876 (ISO) » Wed Mar 02, 2022 10:44 pm

Post by DeasVail »

If I were to force myself to group reads:

{Aristeia, Yeet}
{Frogsterking, Nero Cain, skitter30, fireisredsir}
{Save The Dragons, Datisi, humaneatingmonkey}
{MalcolmTucker, VP Baltar, Eyes without a face, Cape90}
{tenebrousluminary, GeneralWu}
{Scorpious, fua}
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Post Post #877 (ISO) » Wed Mar 02, 2022 10:45 pm

Post by MalcolmTucker »

In post 727, Nordom wrote:
In post 726, VP Baltar wrote:What's the bullet point case on datisi again?
Basically, Daitisi was one to throw their hat into the popular pressure of Wu and Monkey. It just came off as lazy and convenient to me.
Going back to this, it's not as if Datisi didn't have their own reads or suspicions early on though. If I remember correctly they'd had a go at both Tenebros and Skitter. There'd be no need for them to desperately conjure up some sudden mafia reads for having a lack of them so far.

Overall I feel like the mafia case for Datisi feels really disjointed and inconsistent so far and I'm not seeing it yet. Yeet's initial push early on was based on very little and Yeet was confidently making all sorts of big claims and giving major reads at an incredibly early point in the game with a confidence that probably wasn't warranted.
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Post Post #878 (ISO) » Wed Mar 02, 2022 10:46 pm

Post by Nordom »

I'm not going to lie. Deas is making me nervous asf.
Nordom, are you speaking to your crossbows?
Oh, that's a relief. I thought that-
I am not speaking to them, I am listening to them. They were submitting queries as to when they will get to shoot something.
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Post Post #879 (ISO) » Wed Mar 02, 2022 10:47 pm

Post by Nordom »

In post 876, DeasVail wrote:If I were to force myself to group reads:

{Aristeia, Yeet}
{Frogsterking, Nero Cain, skitter30, fireisredsir}
{Save The Dragons, Datisi, humaneatingmonkey}
{MalcolmTucker, VP Baltar, Eyes without a face, Cape90}
{tenebrousluminary, GeneralWu}
{Scorpious, fua}
Why did you feel obligated to post this now?
Nordom, are you speaking to your crossbows?
Oh, that's a relief. I thought that-
I am not speaking to them, I am listening to them. They were submitting queries as to when they will get to shoot something.
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Post Post #880 (ISO) » Wed Mar 02, 2022 10:48 pm

Post by DeasVail »

Nervous in the I'm about to ride a thrilling roller coaster sort of way, or in the I'm about to do an exam that I didn't prepare for sort of way?

PEdit: To make myself organise my thoughts after reading through the thread properly for the first time since page 8.
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Post Post #881 (ISO) » Wed Mar 02, 2022 10:51 pm

Post by Nordom »

In post 877, MalcolmTucker wrote:
In post 727, Nordom wrote:
In post 726, VP Baltar wrote:What's the bullet point case on datisi again?
Basically, Daitisi was one to throw their hat into the popular pressure of Wu and Monkey. It just came off as lazy and convenient to me.
Going back to this, it's not as if Datisi didn't have their own reads or suspicions early on though. If I remember correctly they'd had a go at both Tenebros and Skitter. There'd be no need for them to desperately conjure up some sudden mafia reads for having a lack of them so far.

Overall I feel like the mafia case for Datisi feels really disjointed and inconsistent so far and I'm not seeing it yet. Yeet's initial push early on was based on very little and Yeet was confidently making all sorts of big claims and giving major reads at an incredibly early point in the game with a confidence that probably wasn't warranted.
I find your point of "no need for them to desperately conjure up some sudden mafia reads for having a lack of them so far" strange. Why would they have to be desperate to give a scum-read?

By the way, welcome to the
town circle
. I embrace you, brother.
Nordom, are you speaking to your crossbows?
Oh, that's a relief. I thought that-
I am not speaking to them, I am listening to them. They were submitting queries as to when they will get to shoot something.
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Post Post #882 (ISO) » Wed Mar 02, 2022 10:52 pm

Post by Nordom »

In post 880, DeasVail wrote:Nervous in the I'm about to ride a thrilling roller coaster sort of way, or in the I'm about to do an exam that I didn't prepare for sort of way?

PEdit: To make myself organise my thoughts after reading through the thread properly for the first time since page 8.
Oh, wow. This reasoning is complete caca pee pee.
Nordom, are you speaking to your crossbows?
Oh, that's a relief. I thought that-
I am not speaking to them, I am listening to them. They were submitting queries as to when they will get to shoot something.
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Post Post #883 (ISO) » Wed Mar 02, 2022 10:53 pm

Post by Nordom »

It'd be one thing to point out "I was gathering reads and had to make sure they were complete.", but you had to contrive that shite?
Nordom, are you speaking to your crossbows?
Oh, that's a relief. I thought that-
I am not speaking to them, I am listening to them. They were submitting queries as to when they will get to shoot something.
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Post Post #884 (ISO) » Wed Mar 02, 2022 11:21 pm

Post by DeasVail »

I would be interested to see what fireisred picked up on regarding Nordom, but I don't think that Nordom is town. I will attempt to explain why I think this but I'm not sure it will be exactly right. In any case though, what struck me as I was reading the latter part of the game was I guess, just the way that Nordom is playing. There is clear activity, and lots of asking questions of other players, but most of these actually appear rather pointless. as an example, feels like it comes from a place of "hmmm i want to ask this person a question" rather than having any real town basis. But also, regardless of pointlessness, why is someone so keen on looking like they're asking other people questions, so deiriding of people engaging with them? The interactions with fireisred, with skitter, with me even, do not feel like real attempts to actually figure someone out or get a sense of what they are thinking. It's overall just very dismissive.

The Datisi read and progression in particular makes no sense and does not feel like it comes from a genuine place. Nordom was fairly consistent in scumreading Datisi for a while there, to the point where he apparently believed he was the first on the wagon (which I doubt given Nordom's specifically talking about wagons). There was also encouragement of Yeet's Datisi suspicion in , but then in he gives the cop out of "if Datisi replies in a satisfactory manner, I'm switching my vote to VP". If Nordom thinks Datisi is scum, why is he almost.. expecting to be moving his vote? I don't get the sense of real genuine scumhunting processes behind this. There isn't any interest in why other people might think Datisi is town, for example.

More recently feels like an attempt to distract from a blunder by a desperate attack on me?

VOTE: Nordom
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Post Post #885 (ISO) » Thu Mar 03, 2022 12:41 am

Post by fua »

I feel like the first part is a bad-faith representation of Nordom’s play, doesn’t read into the context surrounding the message you quoted and omits the actual lines of questioning that were brought up around that time. Rudeness doesn’t equal dismissiveness and judging from early interactions I think Nordom is just snappy in general rather than that being a tell (I don’t see how rudeness is indicative of scumminess anyway).
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Post Post #886 (ISO) » Thu Mar 03, 2022 1:40 am

Post by fua »

Like. What makes HEM’s approach worth a TR over Nordom’s beyond the Datisi thing?
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Post Post #887 (ISO) » Thu Mar 03, 2022 2:40 am

Post by VP Baltar »

In post 832, Nordom wrote:You haven't noted Wu, who has been this game's popular lynch and push of the game.
Why do you keep saying this when it is not true? Do you think wu is scum btw?
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Post Post #888 (ISO) » Thu Mar 03, 2022 2:43 am

Post by VP Baltar »

In post 842, Cape90 wrote:what is a pretty open question? What does that read even mean?
I mean open minded questions. You don't seem to have an agenda in what you're asking, more trying to determine why people are doing the things they are doing.
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Post Post #889 (ISO) » Thu Mar 03, 2022 2:46 am

Post by VP Baltar »

In post 853, Nordom wrote:
In post 850, skitter30 wrote:
In post 754, Nordom wrote:If Datisi's replies in a satisfactory manner, I'm switching my vote to VP.
Also why dont you like vp?
I'm not one to discount a player to give preliminary reads on a re-read, but his reads were just too safe. There's nothing aggressive about them, other than projecting him as a "well-meaning" town player.
What was safe about them?
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Post Post #890 (ISO) » Thu Mar 03, 2022 2:49 am

Post by VP Baltar »

In post 861, fua wrote:Malcolm is a strong TR
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Post Post #891 (ISO) » Thu Mar 03, 2022 2:49 am

Post by VP Baltar »

In post 862, fua wrote:Datisi night actualky be scum, though. I need to look at that slot again.
What made you post this?
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Post Post #892 (ISO) » Thu Mar 03, 2022 2:56 am

Post by VP Baltar »

In post 884, DeasVail wrote:Nordom is playing. There is clear activity, and lots of asking questions of other players, but most of these actually appear rather pointless.
Hard agree on this. That and him using people's level of discussion of General Wu as his main metric for scumreading people is weird.

If wu did flip red, I'd be looking at Wu as TMIing there.
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Post Post #893 (ISO) » Thu Mar 03, 2022 2:56 am

Post by fua »

In post 891, VP Baltar wrote:
In post 862, fua wrote:Datisi night actualky be scum, though. I need to look at that slot again.
What made you post this?
I said I disagreed with her scumreads which I thought were wrong, went back to check if she was SRing anyone else and noticed she was voting Datisi.
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Post Post #894 (ISO) » Thu Mar 03, 2022 3:00 am

Post by fua »

In post 890, VP Baltar wrote:
In post 861, fua wrote:Malcolm is a strong TR
He's bringing new ideas to the table and actually seems reasonable, which is a bit of a rarity right now.
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Post Post #895 (ISO) » Thu Mar 03, 2022 3:15 am

Post by VP Baltar »

In post 894, fua wrote:
In post 890, VP Baltar wrote:
In post 861, fua wrote:Malcolm is a strong TR
He's bringing new ideas to the table and actually seems reasonable, which is a bit of a rarity right now.
Which new ideas?
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Post Post #896 (ISO) » Thu Mar 03, 2022 3:16 am

Post by VP Baltar »

In post 893, fua wrote:
In post 891, VP Baltar wrote:
In post 862, fua wrote:Datisi night actualky be scum, though. I need to look at that slot again.
What made you post this?
I said I disagreed with her scumreads which I thought were wrong, went back to check if she was SRing anyone else and noticed she was voting Datisi.
You didn't remember that skitter was going after datisi?
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Post Post #897 (ISO) » Thu Mar 03, 2022 3:17 am

Post by VP Baltar »

In post 854, skitter30 wrote:- i additionally dislike fua, nero, eyes
Why Nero tho?
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Post Post #898 (ISO) » Thu Mar 03, 2022 3:20 am

Post by Nero Cain »

In post 684, VP Baltar wrote:
In post 641, Nero Cain wrote:I want Yeet and Fire and Scorpious and Nordom dead
I highly doubt all the scum are fluff posting. This seems to be the only criteria you are looking at in your hunting. You're better than this!
but how do you know that? Have we played b4? I think that fluff posting in lieu of content is a pretty scummy thing to do, no? I mean maybe you could make the argument that I'm not very good and I can only spot low-level scumplay.

As we all know Wu was my first scum read. Yes he was fluff posting and I cringed each time he would sorta buddy up to Yeet by talking about
In post 21, GeneralWu wrote:Mao Zedong was such a cool username rip :cry:
Mith grant me bullets tonight to avenge my eyes.

but there were some none fluffy stuff that kinda made my nose crinkle

and I wasn't a big fan of his defense in or

but then I'm kinda on board with the idea that his meta might resemble his town play more than his scum play. I still think he's scummy though. :shifty:

As I said in Fire was the town read I was least sure on as I thought her tone was different and she seems way more active. Would like to get eyes and scorpious' opinion. I had also felt like during the Ari vs. Hem back and forth from yesterday she was just sorta there and playing mediator. What's her good posting and why does that come from town?

be back to scumreading HEM. I prob owe Ari/Hem an in-depth ISO but, and correct me if I'm wrong, the gist was:

Ari: here have some reads
HEM: explain plox
Ari: wich ones?
HEM: all of them
Ari: I'm not doing that you are scummy
*fight breaks out*

I could sorta see a scum HEM go ham on Ari and then when I was siding a bit with HEM I felt like he saw me as a potential ally and started to buddy me.

Still think Ari wanting to consolidate on tene/HEM wagons with 9 days on the clock with ppl not here was a dumb suggestion.

Scorp could maybe be scum here. Like I get the guy is busy wich could maybe explain why he's not posting but he's not doing anything? I also know that he misread but I', not sure if I like the sentiment in . Even if I was asking my scum read to sheep me whats wrong with that? And is a bit LAMIST.

eyes would hard town read me regardless of his alignment. nade me laugh. Wouldn't be surprised if there was scum between him and Nordom b/c I think complaining about game size is a common scum thing.

I'm getting tired and lazy so I'll just use Fire's words
In post 674, fireisredsir wrote:just like... feels like you're picking out the wrong things to care about. your brief back and forth with nero was weird ("why'd you vote?" "why'd you tell me why you voted?" "why were you honest?" "oh i didn't mean you should lie") and you just kinda sound awkward most of the time. im not sure it makes you maf but it doesn't look good
It felt like he was doing something to look busy instead of actually doing anything useful.

I'm an informed townie that knows Nero Cain is town thus I know that everyone pushing him is some form of scum or bad town.

So I just wasn't a big fan of Yeet light pushing me and then kinda fence-sitting on me.

Maybe this wasn't a helpful post but its kinda where I'm at.
Of all tyrannies,a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It would be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron's cruelty may sometimes sleep but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end they do so with the approval of their own conscience.

edited c.s. lewis quote b/c limit
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Post Post #899 (ISO) » Thu Mar 03, 2022 3:25 am

Post by fua »

In post 895, VP Baltar wrote:
In post 894, fua wrote:
In post 890, VP Baltar wrote:
In post 861, fua wrote:Malcolm is a strong TR
He's bringing new ideas to the table and actually seems reasonable, which is a bit of a rarity right now.
Which new ideas?
- are just very good posts in general.
In post 896, VP Baltar wrote:
In post 893, fua wrote:
In post 891, VP Baltar wrote:
In post 862, fua wrote:Datisi night actualky be scum, though. I need to look at that slot again.
What made you post this?
I said I disagreed with her scumreads which I thought were wrong, went back to check if she was SRing anyone else and noticed she was voting Datisi.
You didn't remember that skitter was going after datisi?
No, I've skimmed some of their posts because of the bad grammar and have generally not been paying attention to the Datisi wagon, which is why I said I need to take another look at the slot. Why does it matter?