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Post Post #3750 (ISO) » Thu Mar 10, 2022 1:55 pm

Post by April Ludgate »

In post 3729, DeasVail wrote:
In post 3725, April Ludgate wrote:VP Baltar (7): Scorpious, tenebrousluminary, Nero Cain, Frogsterking, fireisredsir, MathBlade, Deasvail

Honestly, Fire and DeasVail stand out hard for me here. I don't think they're S/S, I said that earlier, but this might be enough for me to believe one of them are scum here.

For what it's worth, I think STD had some townie energy when they voted at me, just feels like mislead town not really being here, plus I semi trust the ones who said STD was town, but also noted Frog not seeing it either, so they still not in blue.

1 of DV/Fire, then 1 of Scorpious/Frog/Tene/Nero probably. And I town read 3 of that 4 pool.

My way too early prediction theory right now is:

Malcolm, Fire, Scorpius, Skitter slot
So you’re placing your trust in me/Fire in regards to STD whilst also hypothesising that one of must be scum? (As much as I am keeping Fire-scum in mind as a possibility I think it’s a logical fallacy that one of us must be scum due to our very similar movements)

I wanna comment here once more before I go.

I'm not necessarily placing trust in you/fire regarding to STD, I just am not really too interested in pushing STD, and the fact that anyone said it, means that there can be discussion about it down the line.

I'm also thinking there is 1 scum within you two, however, I'm not really pushing either of you. I'd rather push Malcolm, and let the game unfold, because if I am wrong that you guys are T/S, then over time, I have a good chance at reading that, and it can possibly save you both if you are T/T.

One of my reasons for wanting a Malcolm push is to see where people are forced to put their money where the mouth is.

If MalcolmScum, then scum obviously don't want Malcolm to be pushed, so it's easy to discredit and push me away when there is no momentum.

But if momentum starts building, I really want to see where people choose to place their stakes.
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Post Post #3751 (ISO) » Thu Mar 10, 2022 1:55 pm

Post by fireisredsir »

In post 3747, April Ludgate wrote:
In post 3743, fireisredsir wrote:idk, i think tene lim would've gone through if me/DV didn't switch. it was at 6 and there were a couple more people willing to vote there.

eyes what's your answer?
Interesting, the 2 of you were at another key point together. I'll have to go back and look, but if a townie goes off, that's often a time for scum to hop off too.

Also, scum hop off to look townie often because they're afraid of being on a wagon that's gonna make them look bad.
yea, i have felt a few times that if my reads are wrong then i would be kinda sus of DV cause it does feel like he's following me around a bit. but it could just be that we're seeing the game in a similar way, and there's been times i think where he's been the first one instead of me. p sure he unvoted tene first, altho i was expressing some willingness to already
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Post Post #3752 (ISO) » Thu Mar 10, 2022 1:58 pm

Post by DeasVail »

I respect and appreciate the advocacy for a wagon on Malcolm, but my stakes are still on VP at this point
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Post Post #3753 (ISO) » Thu Mar 10, 2022 1:59 pm

Post by April Ludgate »

In post 3748, Eyes without a face wrote:VOTE: Malcolm

Willing to give this a try but I reserve the right to retract my vote if I am not satisfied with the result.



Now I want to explain why this works.

We have a vote from Eyes without a face on Malcolm.

That immediately added a possibility of a wagon. if Malcolm flipped scum, I wouldn't consider Eyes without a face as scum anymore with the given action taken, because this was a doomvote to their partner if momentum picks up.

If Malcolm is town, eyes scum, then yeah, this is a great vote for Eyes because I'm gonna take the brunt of the damage from a misfade on Malcolm.

Fwiw, I was already about to move Eyes up a notch after liking a post of theirs on the last page. I don't think they're scum trying to buddy up with me, I feel like they genuinely are starting to see my perspective.

This is the type of analysis and info I get from playing in the present time, and I effectively do this with every action taken in the game, and then try to associate what's most likely, and cause situations where people have to take action.

Does that make sense?
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Post Post #3754 (ISO) » Thu Mar 10, 2022 2:04 pm

Post by Yeet »

VOTE: Malcolm
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Post Post #3755 (ISO) » Thu Mar 10, 2022 2:05 pm

Post by Yeet »

I support this wagon!
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Post Post #3756 (ISO) » Thu Mar 10, 2022 2:27 pm

Post by DeasVail »

In post 3753, April Ludgate wrote:
In post 3748, Eyes without a face wrote:VOTE: Malcolm

Willing to give this a try but I reserve the right to retract my vote if I am not satisfied with the result.



Now I want to explain why this works.

We have a vote from Eyes without a face on Malcolm.

That immediately added a possibility of a wagon. if Malcolm flipped scum, I wouldn't consider Eyes without a face as scum anymore with the given action taken, because this was a doomvote to their partner if momentum picks up.

If Malcolm is town, eyes scum, then yeah, this is a great vote for Eyes because I'm gonna take the brunt of the damage from a misfade on Malcolm.

Fwiw, I was already about to move Eyes up a notch after liking a post of theirs on the last page. I don't think they're scum trying to buddy up with me, I feel like they genuinely are starting to see my perspective.

This is the type of analysis and info I get from playing in the present time, and I effectively do this with every action taken in the game, and then try to associate what's most likely, and cause situations where people have to take action.

Does that make sense?
I think Eyes is town, but it’s not really dependent on or even affected by Malcolm’s alignment really.
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Post Post #3757 (ISO) » Thu Mar 10, 2022 2:42 pm

Post by fireisredsir »

considering i had eyes and yeet as top picks for VP partners idk if i can really endorse this

but maybe im wrong, idk
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Post Post #3758 (ISO) » Thu Mar 10, 2022 3:00 pm

Post by VP Baltar »

Wagon analysis time:

VP Baltar (7): Scorpious, tenebrousluminary, Nero Cain, Frogsterking, fireisredsir, MathBlade, DeasVail (E-2)


This is obviously a trash vote. I asked him why he was voting me and this is what he said:
In post 2914, Scorpious wrote:
In post 2891, VP Baltar wrote:
In post 2888, Scorpious wrote:There aren’t any
Why did you vote me then?
Idk, someone said me and you were scum and said it was too easy..

Since I’m not you just be based on that logic.
Since then, Scorpious hasn't really said anything to me and has called the game state boring. He did state I'm a top scum read though. I guess because "someone" said it was him or me.

Very possible coasting scum here, but who knows with his play this game.


Going back through my interactions with Tenebros, he maybe looks less scummy than I should have assessed him in the moment. What really set me off was the way he was egging on my fight with Cape with posts like this:
In post 2692, tenebrousluminary wrote:
In post 2683, VP Baltar wrote:
In post 2673, Cape90 wrote:Uh oh, now it just sounds like you have an agenda neighbor!
You made that giant post after I called you out and you don't actually vote me?

Who you calling a coward?
In post 2688, VP Baltar wrote:For the record, I made a post last night about 30 mins before deadline expired calling out Cape because I didn't want my actual thoughts on the game to go to the grave with me. I figured if I ate a vig shot or something, at least someone who is town could carry on my concerns today.

Judging by the size and extent of that post Cape just made, it seems clear to me he started writing that response about at that point knowing I was going to come out of the gates at him today. The fact there is no vote there on a giant wall case makes no sense.
Did you plan on responding to its substance, or just shading Cape for writing it?
What tene is saying here is pretty scummy on its face in the sense that he's not talking about details, just trying to shade me and say Cape and I should be arguing more (we were already going at it). Cape's case was demonstrably not good, as multiple people besides me have said, but that's irrelevant to tene in his interactions with me.


In looking at tene and my interactions, I did notice this post and worry maybe I lost my objectively a little bit in that fight because tene was being kind of belligerent.
In post 2632, VP Baltar wrote:
In post 2627, MalcolmTucker wrote:I'd be interested to know where VP's thoughts stand on tenebros so far, and vice versa. Looking through their ISO there are a lot of soft interactions here without much of an indication as to what VP or tenebros necessarily think of each other as individual players. Like there isn't really a strong defence of tenebros while under pressure, but there's an attempt to paint Fua in a bad light after an exchange with tenebros, for example.
I haven't found tenebros all that scummy, and fua did look like shit in that interaction, as well as for not killing/not claiming target this morning.

You seem very eager to shade me on flimsy reasons.

Anyhow, I think tene's vote on me is pretty lazy, but perhaps less scum inclined than I was feeling more presently.

Nero Cain

Not going to go super in depth here. I still think Nero is kind of a village idiot. He certainly deserves scrutiny after y'all see my flip, but if I'm looking for scum in the neighborhood, I think it's much more likely between skitter and Cape.


I stand by my scum read here. Frogster was not even talking about me until I called him out for vote camping on Yeet D1, and then he planted an OMGUS vote on me and has once again become a non-entity in the thread.

I encourage anyone to contrast his play in this game with Mini 2258: ... er_sort=Go

Frogster was getting into in that game with almost anyone and everyone, and wildly going after scum reads to a point where he looked delusional and everyone could tell he was town. He's extremely timid and readless this game by comparison.


To April's read about there being scum in fire and DV, I think fire is much more likely. His scumread of me today seems more opportunistic and his reasons are largely "feelings" based.

It's a little hard to tell because DV and fire are kind of playing off each other, but fire's vote is the follower here and he was kind of sniffing around my wagon for awhile before he put a vote down.
In post 3470, fireisredsir wrote:
In post 3456, DeasVail wrote:I think I have gotten myself into a tunnel and after a reassessment I am no longer sure of this read.

UNVOTE: Tenebro

Reading through tenebro’ Iso again, I am more inclined to think that the dismissive nature is an unhelpful way of communicating, but I don’t actually think it lines up with the scum-tenebro image that I had created for myself. If I thought that tenebro was scum trying to blend in and appease, then their approach to suspicion in fact does the opposite.

I am happy to discuss with anyone regarding this, and would particularly be interested if anyone thinks I am making a mistake in backing off this, but I think it’s more likely that tenebro-scum was a world I wanted to be true rather than one that actually is true.
yea ive been starting to feel this way as well. i wanted to keep the tene wagon leading to see if anyone would try to push it in, but eh might as well switch now. eyes is p much as good as voting there, with a townread on VP and a scumread on tene.

VOTE: VP Baltar

There's a timid nature in fire's play where he is playing off other people to express his suspicions. I felt like D1 he was being much more original in his thought process, but he's been pretty meh today. Example:
In post 3368, fireisredsir wrote:
In post 3366, VP Baltar wrote:
In post 3361, fireisredsir wrote:i think cape's case had a couple good points but overall wasn't amazing but was also pretty towny for cape.
Why was a case that you admit is not that good towny?

I don't have experience with cape, so is this meta I'm not understanding?
it's not that it's towny because it's not good, it's towny cause it feels, as you called it, "stream of consciousness and aimless". it's kinda disorganized but it shows a clear thought process. idk cape meta cause he only has a few games and all are town but it does fit in pretty well with how he posts as town from what ive read


Confirmed town obv. Disappointed in Math's play, but not surprised.


Like I said, I find DV more town out of him and fire. I think his vote is meh overall, but I don't detect a lot of malice. I've misread DV's town play in the past, iirc, so it's not surprising to me that he is making some wrong choices. Probably town and he can apologize to me in post game.


So final analysis is probably scum in Scorpious, Frogster and Fire on my wagon. If I'm guessing, probably only two of those and I'm wrong somewhere.

Off my wagon, I think there is likely a scum between skitter and Cape.

Final scum is a bit more wild card. I'm a big concerned that someone defending me is scum. April and Datisi are both smart enough to do that, so worth watching there long term, but I wouldn't lim either in the short term. Let their play and reads speak for them. I think Eyes is probably town being noble, but you never know. I think people will come after them for being TMI when I flip green, but I wouldn't necessarily buy it. Yeet is the other possible defender scum, and I did mark in my overnight look that Yeet and Cape were the biggest question marks for me on the Wu wagon. I probably should compare my wagon to Wu's and see if I need to update that. Yeet's defense of me feels a little more organic than Eyes for sure.

TL;DR - kill the scum that's been attacking and discrediting me today before you worry about the single scum who may have been defending me. Scum are going to want to focus on that smaller pool after my flip, but don't be fooled by that bullshit.
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Post Post #3759 (ISO) » Thu Mar 10, 2022 3:02 pm

Post by MalcolmTucker »

I'll respond more in the morning but this wagon on me is genuinely astonishingly lazy, no actual evidence provided for a mafia case.
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Post Post #3760 (ISO) » Thu Mar 10, 2022 3:04 pm

Post by MalcolmTucker »

In post 3370, Eyes without a face wrote:I am at the bottom of page 123 and
at that point
I think I have more or less developed reads that look like this:

Town reads: Nero, VP, Enchant, fire, STD, Deas

Almost-Town: Yeet, Malcolm

Can't decide: Scorp, Datisi, skitter, April, Cape

Scum leans: tene, frog

Note that these are mostly impressions although claims do play a part of it. Also names in each category are not necessarily ordered
Eyes TR'd me the other day. What has particularly changed?
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Post Post #3761 (ISO) » Thu Mar 10, 2022 3:04 pm

Post by MalcolmTucker »

I don't think everyone on my wagon is mafia but it's such an obvious desperate scum case, at least one if not two on there.
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Post Post #3762 (ISO) » Thu Mar 10, 2022 3:06 pm

Post by April Ludgate »

In post 3757, fireisredsir wrote:considering i had eyes and yeet as top picks for VP partners idk if i can really endorse this

but maybe im wrong, idk
If anything, the fact those are the 2 directly following onto Malcolm is almost a little too spot on to be in a team with VP.
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Post Post #3763 (ISO) » Thu Mar 10, 2022 3:07 pm

Post by April Ludgate »

In post 3759, MalcolmTucker wrote:no actual evidence provided for a mafia case.

exactly what Malcolm is hiding behind. I have stated this game likely doesn't have strong reasons for anyone to be scum, and most players have pushed faults in play rather than scum.

I've given my reasons.
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Post Post #3764 (ISO) » Thu Mar 10, 2022 3:09 pm

Post by April Ludgate »

In post 3759, MalcolmTucker wrote:no
evidence provided for a mafia case.
Also, I want people to look into this way of phrasing.

He said there's no "actual" evidence, implying that there would indeed be some type of evidence that could be found.

If he was town, "actual" evidence wouldn't be something he needs to bring up, because it would simply be "there's no evidence".

This is a "they're right but for the wrong reasons/no reason" scum defense by Malcolm.
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Post Post #3765 (ISO) » Thu Mar 10, 2022 3:09 pm

Post by MalcolmTucker »

In post 3762, April Ludgate wrote:
In post 3757, fireisredsir wrote:considering i had eyes and yeet as top picks for VP partners idk if i can really endorse this

but maybe im wrong, idk
If anything, the fact those are the 2 directly following onto Malcolm is almost a little too spot on to be in a team with VP.
To be clear, you think Yeet might be in a team with me? Blatantly incorrect if so given the play so far.
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Post Post #3766 (ISO) » Thu Mar 10, 2022 3:10 pm

Post by April Ludgate »

In post 3759, MalcolmTucker wrote:genuinely astonishingly lazy

also this.

I think it's fairly obvious I've put a lot of effort into trying to get a wagon going on him. The fact he calls it lazy is laughable. He is simply attempting to discredit as much as he can because the reasoning I gave for why he is scum is true, but he thinks it's a bad reasoning that he shouldn't be caught for.
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Post Post #3767 (ISO) » Thu Mar 10, 2022 3:10 pm

Post by April Ludgate »

In post 3765, MalcolmTucker wrote:
In post 3762, April Ludgate wrote:
In post 3757, fireisredsir wrote:considering i had eyes and yeet as top picks for VP partners idk if i can really endorse this

but maybe im wrong, idk
If anything, the fact those are the 2 directly following onto Malcolm is almost a little too spot on to be in a team with VP.
To be clear, you think Yeet might be in a team with me? Blatantly incorrect if so given the play so far.

I've had yeet green for a long time, buddy.
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Post Post #3768 (ISO) » Thu Mar 10, 2022 3:11 pm

Post by MalcolmTucker »

In post 3764, April Ludgate wrote:
In post 3759, MalcolmTucker wrote:no
evidence provided for a mafia case.
Also, I want people to look into this way of phrasing.

He said there's no "actual" evidence, implying that there would indeed be some type of evidence that could be found.

If he was town, "actual" evidence wouldn't be something he needs to bring up, because it would simply be "there's no evidence".

This is a "they're right but for the wrong reasons/no reason" scum defense by Malcolm.
What is your actual case against me? You admitted early on you "shoot your shot" early because you had no actual case. Now you're just manufacturing it.
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Post Post #3769 (ISO) » Thu Mar 10, 2022 3:11 pm

Post by MalcolmTucker »

In post 3767, April Ludgate wrote:
In post 3765, MalcolmTucker wrote:
In post 3762, April Ludgate wrote:
In post 3757, fireisredsir wrote:considering i had eyes and yeet as top picks for VP partners idk if i can really endorse this

but maybe im wrong, idk
If anything, the fact those are the 2 directly following onto Malcolm is almost a little too spot on to be in a team with VP.
To be clear, you think Yeet might be in a team with me? Blatantly incorrect if so given the play so far.

I've had yeet green for a long time, buddy.
Okay then maybe I'm too drunk but I genuinely dunno what your above post means.
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Post Post #3770 (ISO) » Thu Mar 10, 2022 3:14 pm

Post by April Ludgate »

In post 3758, VP Baltar wrote:So final analysis is probably scum in Scorpious, Frogster and Fire on my wagon. If I'm guessing, probably only two of those and I'm wrong somewhere.

Off my wagon, I think there is likely a scum between skitter and Cape.

replace Cape with Malcolm, and this is the exact team I proposed earlier, VPB.

Scorpius, Malcolm, Fire, Skitter.

I'm not completely sold on Skitter, and Fire/DV are essentially interchangeable, I keep bouncing back and forth between which of them I think is scum.

Scorpius isn't a strong read, that's more of a POE.

Datisi/STD still floating around somewhere and could replace, but yeah.

Strongest scum read of mine is Malcolm, followed by one in the Fire/DV group, but they both have things that make me town read them, and both have things that give me the ick.
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Post Post #3771 (ISO) » Thu Mar 10, 2022 3:16 pm

Post by fireisredsir »

VOTE: Malcolm

at first i didn't buy the "im for sure getting elimmed so here are my last words... take me away..." from VP considering he isn't really in immediate danger of a lim, but. maybe i do buy it. i'm ok with seeing what happens here instead
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Post Post #3772 (ISO) » Thu Mar 10, 2022 3:18 pm

Post by tenebrousluminary »

In post 3725, April Ludgate wrote:My way too early prediction theory right now is:

Malcolm, Fire, Scorpius, Skitter slot
If I may contribute another reason to my case for Scorp town, I do not think as scum he would have reacted to my defending him by questioning my motives. He needed allies at that time and I think he would have just taken it.
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Post Post #3773 (ISO) » Thu Mar 10, 2022 3:19 pm

Post by April Ludgate »

In post 3768, MalcolmTucker wrote:
In post 3764, April Ludgate wrote:
In post 3759, MalcolmTucker wrote:no
evidence provided for a mafia case.
Also, I want people to look into this way of phrasing.

He said there's no "actual" evidence, implying that there would indeed be some type of evidence that could be found.

If he was town, "actual" evidence wouldn't be something he needs to bring up, because it would simply be "there's no evidence".

This is a "they're right but for the wrong reasons/no reason" scum defense by Malcolm.
What is your actual case against me? You admitted early on you "shoot your shot" early because you had no actual case. Now you're just manufacturing it.

it was a combination of the way you acted towards Tene during that bout, the gamestate momentum, and the political placing you were in during the time.

That was a theory, of course, at that time, and I have been trying to dive deeper into it since, and I finally got a little bit of momentum.

You have actively tried to discredit and push faults rather than look for scum, you shade pushes against you like they're nothing, when even if you were town, they aren't nothing, they're completely valid thoughts.

You have been focused on "no case, no evidence" which is just an overall straight discredit attempt that hopes to brush the problem away rather than confront it until necessary.

Cases are for scum, are for late game big solves. Any case that could me made right now is a simple "hmm, dont know if im feeling that" doesn't mean it's not true.

People can not like the case based on their own individual reads, but it's 100% a case.
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Post Post #3774 (ISO) » Thu Mar 10, 2022 3:19 pm

Post by fireisredsir »

also it took great effort to overcome my urges and not go with my initial instinct of "im obvtown so anyone suspecting me is confscum gg lock em up"

oh and i still think VP/malc is decently likely