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Post Post #4000 (ISO) » Fri Mar 11, 2022 12:08 pm

Post by VP Baltar »

In post 3999, tenebrousluminary wrote:It's pretty overconfident to assume you can catch more than one at a time, imo. It's better to play the game we know is in front of us than one we can build up in our heads but might be fake.
Who is this referring to?
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Post Post #4001 (ISO) » Fri Mar 11, 2022 12:09 pm

Post by tenebrousluminary »

You -- I'm saying let's worry about whether Malcolm is scum or not before we go assuming we know who his partners are if so.
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Post Post #4002 (ISO) » Fri Mar 11, 2022 12:19 pm

Post by April Ludgate »

In post 3963, Scorpious wrote:
In post 3920, April Ludgate wrote:I think people just don't want me to be right, but frankly, I only think I know 1 scum for sure.

This is hella hard to get this wagon going on a slot I feel nobody's really defending.
"hella" hello midwest lol..

So, in your mind if nobody is defending a slot then a wagon should be placed on them?
Because they are scum or because you just want to start a wagon?

Nobody is defending me, should we start one on me then?
I'm a California fella. ;P
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Post Post #4003 (ISO) » Fri Mar 11, 2022 12:20 pm

Post by April Ludgate »

In post 4002, April Ludgate wrote:
In post 3963, Scorpious wrote:
In post 3920, April Ludgate wrote:I think people just don't want me to be right, but frankly, I only think I know 1 scum for sure.

This is hella hard to get this wagon going on a slot I feel nobody's really defending.
"hella" hello midwest lol..

So, in your mind if nobody is defending a slot then a wagon should be placed on them?
Because they are scum or because you just want to start a wagon?

Nobody is defending me, should we start one on me then?
I'm a California fella. ;P
Pawnee is just where April Ludgate is from, and I made this account so I could have this join date, which I think is also pretty California of me.
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Post Post #4004 (ISO) » Fri Mar 11, 2022 12:21 pm

Post by April Ludgate »

In post 3963, Scorpious wrote:
In post 3920, April Ludgate wrote:I think people just don't want me to be right, but frankly, I only think I know 1 scum for sure.

This is hella hard to get this wagon going on a slot I feel nobody's really defending.
"hella" hello midwest lol..

So, in your mind if nobody is defending a slot then a wagon should be placed on them?
Because they are scum or because you just want to start a wagon?

Nobody is defending me, should we start one on me then?
Difference is with all of this, is that I was hard pushing Malcolm for a while.

I'm sure if I made a case on you and started pushing you as long as I did for Malcolm, more people would likely be jumping on it, if that makes sense.
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Post Post #4005 (ISO) » Fri Mar 11, 2022 12:24 pm

Post by April Ludgate »

In post 3971, Scorpious wrote:
In post 3930, April Ludgate wrote:Boonskiies, Flavor Leaf (FL), Pretentious, Morality, all me. There are some others, but those would be the ones I played on the most, some people refer to me depending on the time they met me.
TBH, I'd yeet this on principal of having so many alts. Something about this site that always bothered me,partially why I left way back in the day.

I have more games played on some of those alts than some do in total.

But for the most part, Boonskiies became my modding account, FL became my play account.

I don't like to keep hidden too much, but I liked to practice different styles on different accounts, plus after going on 2+ year long scum winning streaks, people just want to fade you because they get paranoid, something I call Flavor Fever, so made the game really rough to play a lot of times.

At the end of the day, it doesn't effect you at all to have players play on alts, so just let others do them, ya know.
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Post Post #4006 (ISO) » Fri Mar 11, 2022 12:28 pm

Post by April Ludgate »

In post 3972, Scorpious wrote:like I can't say the the L word but people can say "scumfuck" and have 10 different accounts,just weird sometimes..
I could analyze this far deeper. L word is a racially empowered word, and even though it's not used in that sense in all meanings, the word itself is visually triggering to certain people.

So the comparison to having different alts, which effects absolutely nobody, is kind of unfair.

Scumfuck's aggressive sounding, but honestly, the world's changing in a way that it isn't even really a "curse word" anymore. There are much worse things to say than that, and the fact I won't even list what's worse shows the difference in heat there.

Odd choices to bring up, I don't think they're necessarily AI of distracting, but noting.
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Post Post #4007 (ISO) » Fri Mar 11, 2022 12:34 pm

Post by VP Baltar »

In post 4001, tenebrousluminary wrote:You -- I'm saying let's worry about whether Malcolm is scum or not before we go assuming we know who his partners are if so.
Eh, maybe if Malcom is a strong scum read for me that logic applies, but if my leading scum read right now doesn't fit with Malcom scum, that's a negative point.
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Post Post #4008 (ISO) » Fri Mar 11, 2022 12:36 pm

Post by April Ludgate »

Last post for a while since I used a lot of posts responding to my alt philosophy, which idk, I am pretty open about alts. For me, I just was on site for like 7+ years, and I had way too much going on, so I almost used it like an organizational tactic.

The site meta comment dealing with past games is more of an issue with players using meta incorrectly than anything. Players don't necessarily need to know the other players to have a good game of Mafia.

Plus, I'm always open about my past games, and made it a point to always allow my scum game PT's to never have anything redacted, and wrote a scum guide basically as a beginner's template to how I play as scum.

In post 3996, VP Baltar wrote:
In post 3773, April Ludgate wrote:it was a combination of the way you acted towards Tene during that bout, the gamestate momentum, and the
political placing you were in during the time.
April, I'm reading through your interactions with Malcom and your reasoning. Can you explain what you mean by this?

Political placing is what people do when they need to be read a certain way by certain types of people. They're more focused on their positioning than catching scum, and while this can come from town, it's much more common to come from scum because they want to find a secure spot most of the time, and default to coasting until they have to make more action. It's one of the reasons I believe taking action before it's necessary is so important as scum.

In post 3997, VP Baltar wrote:
In post 3806, MalcolmTucker wrote:Like why is April's slot under so little pressure? It was heavily pushed on day one, Ari left the game, April came in, argued they weren't mafia based on their lack of posting, despite being a replace-in, then accused me and admitted they had no clue as to what was actually going on in the game while doing so, and yet has stuck to that wagon since. It's just such a nonsense case and it's ridiculous town are even contemplating it at the moment.
Let's assume April's case against you is incorrect, why should that automatically mean town should be pressuring April?
I had also brought up a response to this before, I didn't push Malcolm from not knowing what was going on in the game, I was living in the present time, and in that present time, I sniffed out Malcolm. Everything about the way Malcolm's been posting looks like he's upset because he feels he's sniffed out for poor nonexistent reasons.
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Post Post #4009 (ISO) » Fri Mar 11, 2022 12:47 pm

Post by VP Baltar »

In post 4008, April Ludgate wrote:Political placing is what people do when they need to be read a certain way by certain types of people. They're more focused on their positioning than catching scum, and while this can come from town, it's much more common to come from scum because they want to find a secure spot most of the time, and default to coasting until they have to make more action. It's one of the reasons I believe taking action before it's necessary is so important as scum.
Sorry, I mean specifically as it relates to Malcom. Where do you see him doing this?
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Post Post #4010 (ISO) » Fri Mar 11, 2022 1:17 pm

Post by Save The Dragons »

I dunno if I'm convinced on fire
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Post Post #4011 (ISO) » Fri Mar 11, 2022 1:54 pm

Post by Eyes without a face »

In post 3760, MalcolmTucker wrote:
In post 3370, Eyes without a face wrote:I am at the bottom of page 123 and
at that point
I think I have more or less developed reads that look like this:

Town reads: Nero, VP, Enchant, fire, STD, Deas

Almost-Town: Yeet, Malcolm

Can't decide: Scorp, Datisi, skitter, April, Cape

Scum leans: tene, frog

Note that these are mostly impressions although claims do play a part of it. Also names in each category are not necessarily ordered
Eyes TR'd me the other day. What has particularly changed?
Yeet appears to be townier now so joins the upper rank. April is posting and I like many of their opinions (I do not necessarily agree with them all, but I like them all the same in the sense that I think they come from ton who has a different perspective) so April also joins the top rank.

Cape is slightly better.. not a top rank read but now is at second rank. So basically I now have those whom I don't want to vote and those whom I don't mind voting, My reservation on you comes from the fact you still are at second rank but considering I had already merged the bottom two ranks into one (and I think I did say as much in public) you are now more or less in the "unsure" category and I'd like to see how it goes.
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Post Post #4012 (ISO) » Fri Mar 11, 2022 2:05 pm

Post by Save The Dragons »

Mafia is weird

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Post Post #4013 (ISO) » Fri Mar 11, 2022 2:06 pm

Post by MalcolmTucker »

In post 3997, VP Baltar wrote:
In post 3806, MalcolmTucker wrote:Like why is April's slot under so little pressure? It was heavily pushed on day one, Ari left the game, April came in, argued they weren't mafia based on their lack of posting, despite being a replace-in, then accused me and admitted they had no clue as to what was actually going on in the game while doing so, and yet has stuck to that wagon since. It's just such a nonsense case and it's ridiculous town are even contemplating it at the moment.
Let's assume April's case against you is incorrect, why should that automatically mean town should be pressuring April?
Ari's slot was under heavy pressure day one but that basically died out right after the replacement. Which can basically apply to about half the game now.
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Post Post #4014 (ISO) » Fri Mar 11, 2022 2:08 pm

Post by MalcolmTucker »

VOTE: Yeet

Constant vote changes, terrible logic for all of them. A prime suspect I reckon.
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Post Post #4015 (ISO) » Fri Mar 11, 2022 2:24 pm

Post by Titus »

In post 3994, MathBlade wrote:Hi Titus and Galron

Titus the TLDR is D1 is a cluster f.

Town managed to push both masons at the same time and maybe a vig.

My mason partner died and I have a PoE of would like to elim and pushes have gone no where
For the past two IRL days I am not a hyperposter

I am kinda thinking either your slot is scum or we have power wolves
Because if you’re town no wagon got above 3 people on it that could be scum on all D1.

So help?

*typey type worky work stuffs*
Tell me you think town's incompetent without saying town's incompetent.

The more April goes into professor mode, the more I want to yeet him.

Time to read to see if that's my mood.
The scum had the misfortune of Titus being absurdly accurate on day one.Really quite impressed by that.~Drixx

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Post Post #4016 (ISO) » Fri Mar 11, 2022 2:25 pm

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In post 4012, Save The Dragons wrote:Mafia is weird

Am high AMA
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Post Post #4017 (ISO) » Fri Mar 11, 2022 2:27 pm

Post by VP Baltar »

In post 4013, MalcolmTucker wrote:
In post 3997, VP Baltar wrote:
In post 3806, MalcolmTucker wrote:Like why is April's slot under so little pressure? It was heavily pushed on day one, Ari left the game, April came in, argued they weren't mafia based on their lack of posting, despite being a replace-in, then accused me and admitted they had no clue as to what was actually going on in the game while doing so, and yet has stuck to that wagon since. It's just such a nonsense case and it's ridiculous town are even contemplating it at the moment.
Let's assume April's case against you is incorrect, why should that automatically mean town should be pressuring April?
Ari's slot was under heavy pressure day one but that basically died out right after the replacement. Which can basically apply to about half the game now.
So we should have pressured because of the Ari wagon? I don't even remember who started that tbh. Did you look up who was pressuring Ari? Curious if you have particular people in mind
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Post Post #4018 (ISO) » Fri Mar 11, 2022 2:31 pm

Post by Yeet »

In post 4014, MalcolmTucker wrote:VOTE: Yeet

Constant vote changes, terrible logic for all of them. A prime suspect I reckon.
A prime suspect you reckon? Why did you word it that way?
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Post Post #4019 (ISO) » Fri Mar 11, 2022 2:33 pm

Post by Yeet »

Sounds like you are tilted that you think I am playing “objectively worse” than you because I don’t write tons of logic and switch a lot, yet you’re the one getting wagoned
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Post Post #4020 (ISO) » Fri Mar 11, 2022 2:35 pm

Post by Titus »

In post 4019, Yeet wrote:Sounds like you are tilted that you think I am playing “objectively worse” than you because I don’t write tons of logic and switch a lot, yet you’re the one getting wagoned
The scum had the misfortune of Titus being absurdly accurate on day one.Really quite impressed by that.~Drixx

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Post Post #4021 (ISO) » Fri Mar 11, 2022 2:37 pm

Post by Titus »

*sees inanity of page 1*

*bolts to VCs*
The scum had the misfortune of Titus being absurdly accurate on day one.Really quite impressed by that.~Drixx

You're letting Titus win the game by herself.Good luck now I guess.You have no chance to win.~Tywin

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Post Post #4022 (ISO) » Fri Mar 11, 2022 2:39 pm

Post by Yeet »

In post 4021, Titus wrote:*sees inanity of page 1*

*bolts to VCs*
Why even read page one we all knew you were just gonna do that anyway :P
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Post Post #4023 (ISO) » Fri Mar 11, 2022 2:39 pm

Post by Yeet »

In post 4020, Titus wrote:
In post 4019, Yeet wrote:Sounds like you are tilted that you think I am playing “objectively worse” than you because I don’t write tons of logic and switch a lot, yet you’re the one getting wagoned
What is wrong with my statement? Are you just saying this because you are a very facts and logic based player?
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Post Post #4024 (ISO) » Fri Mar 11, 2022 2:45 pm

Post by Titus »

Using a quick view of the VCs, I would look at Datisi and fua closer. Not superb reasoning but developing reads on those two would give reads on the whole.

My current theory is that scum were sheeping people to punish controversy and just placing easy votes. While it's possible, it's rare for scum to be aggressive when they don't need to be.

Math's prior poster likely provoked a scum vote or two not because of his opinions but what he was saying. Such callousness would make me want to vote him out if he wasn't a mason.
The scum had the misfortune of Titus being absurdly accurate on day one.Really quite impressed by that.~Drixx

You're letting Titus win the game by herself.Good luck now I guess.You have no chance to win.~Tywin

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