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Post Post #7300 (ISO) » Mon Mar 28, 2022 6:16 am

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does 2 mean 3
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Post Post #7301 (ISO) » Mon Mar 28, 2022 6:17 am

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aka Fenrir
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Post Post #7302 (ISO) » Mon Mar 28, 2022 6:19 am

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Post Post #7303 (ISO) » Mon Mar 28, 2022 6:19 am

Post by Galron »

In post 7241, Save The Dragons wrote:galron did you figure out how to count to 2 yet
Yeah what?
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Post Post #7304 (ISO) » Mon Mar 28, 2022 6:20 am

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did you read any of my posts in the last few minutes
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Post Post #7305 (ISO) » Mon Mar 28, 2022 6:22 am

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the year: 2222
the month: 2
the day: 2

std is seen in 2ville repeating the number 2 over and over again no one knows why
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Post Post #7306 (ISO) » Mon Mar 28, 2022 6:22 am

Post by fireisredsir »

ok so starting out, i want to pull out the votes that titus placed in the last couple days, especially from when she still thought she had a chance of convincing people she was town and getting people on her side, starting after the malcolm flip:

1) she votes DV, reaching out to tene and VP
2) after I ask her why she didn't vote eyes as her top scumread and someone who already had votes, she switches to eyes
3) she votes Nero, reaching out to VP. she also names scorpious, eyes, and DV as her top scumreads
4) she votes frog, reaching out to eyes and VP. VP is extremely pocketed by this point
5) she votes DV, reaching out to me. at the time i thought she could be trying to feed me a scum partner to get me on her side, but now i think that's unlikely
6) she votes VP after the cape wagon forms, telling math not to get distracted. this is still the scummiest post in the game.
7) she votes cape after i call her out for her previous vote. after this i think she knows she's dead and has given up trying to get people on her side for the most part. i think the votes after this point are less meaningful, but for the sake of completion, they are: VP to end the day, then next day there's Cape, then frog, then self.

so, from all of that, i don't think the DV votes are partner votes. the frog, cape, and eyes votes all easily could be. it's also worth noting that she reached out to tene and eyes with her votes at one point, but each of those were when she was also reaching out to VP. still could be meaningful

(also, as an aside, is one of the clearer examples of her trying to turn me and april against math and get us on her side. she was more focused on pocketing april since I wasn't budging, but she tried with me a few times too. april is town)

i think frog and cape are the most likely scum. it could easily both, but it's possible that one is town. purely going off movement and the way titus voted, i would lean towards cape. cape also voted titus to help end the day and i think there was likely scum in that group. but purely going off play, i would lean towards frog. i think he hasn't really been trying to solve for a while now, and even when he did show up, he just ranted about how my meta read was bad and still gave no attempt to solve. that just sounds like scum who thinks they were caught for the wrong reasons but doesn't want to give out associations.

so most likely scenario imo is that it's both frog and cape. assuming we're hunting for 3, the third could be any of eyes, galron, tene, scorp. i would lean towards eyes or galron, then tene and scorp. really the only thing in galron's favor is the yeet clear. if there's a traitor, it could be anyone, so i don't think it's that worth hunting for them from my pov.

eyes is probably either honest about his role (as either alignment) or is maf with tene. i think it would be pretty risky as scum eyes with town tene to out a result without asking for a claim first. the fact that he didn't ask for claims at all makes me lean towards thinking he does have the role. i don't have strong feelings at this time about whether his role makes him more likely to be town or maf. currently assuming he's more likely to be town, and fine to focus on frog/cape for now, but still keeping him in mind as a possible partner.

if it's frog and not cape, i think it probably has to be tene. my heart doesn't want this one to be true. third is probably eyes, but could be galron. probably not scorp.

if it's cape and not frog, scorp is more likely. eyes is still possible but less likely bc i think tene is also less likely here. third probably galron? idk im not super sold on that team

if it's neither cape or frog, we're in trouble lol, but it's probably eyes/tene with... scorp? maybe galron? maybe a traitor?

if it's none of cape/frog/eyes... it isn't. there's no way. like 1% chance. but it would prob have to be tene, scorp, and galron. which i don't think even pair that well.
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Post Post #7307 (ISO) » Mon Mar 28, 2022 6:23 am

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Post Post #7308 (ISO) » Mon Mar 28, 2022 6:23 am

Post by fireisredsir »

In post 1708, Aristeia wrote:lol

you always make me laugh fen thanks <3
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Post Post #7309 (ISO) » Mon Mar 28, 2022 6:27 am

Post by Galron »

In post 7305, Save The Dragons wrote:the year: 2222
the month: 2
the day: 2

std is seen in 2ville repeating the number 2 over and over again no one knows why
You're right. I didn't catch that. Somehow Enchant's fake claim that he shot you N3 merged into my mind. Apologies.
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Post Post #7310 (ISO) » Mon Mar 28, 2022 6:33 am

Post by Galron »

In post 7296, Save The Dragons wrote:
In post 7293, Galron wrote:
In post 7073, Save The Dragons wrote:maybe it's the condescension but i still feel like limming april here
Enchant said he took a shot at you Night 3. Did you see that post?
This is really all you needed to say.
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Post Post #7311 (ISO) » Mon Mar 28, 2022 6:36 am

Post by fireisredsir »

he did say it multiple times already so apparently not
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Post Post #7312 (ISO) » Mon Mar 28, 2022 6:44 am

Post by tenebrousluminary »

In post 7306, fireisredsir wrote:ok so starting out, i want to pull out the votes that titus placed in the last couple days, especially from when she still thought she had a chance of convincing people she was town and getting people on her side, starting after the malcolm flip:

1) she votes DV, reaching out to tene and VP
2) after I ask her why she didn't vote eyes as her top scumread and someone who already had votes, she switches to eyes
3) she votes Nero, reaching out to VP. she also names scorpious, eyes, and DV as her top scumreads
4) she votes frog, reaching out to eyes and VP. VP is extremely pocketed by this point
5) she votes DV, reaching out to me. at the time i thought she could be trying to feed me a scum partner to get me on her side, but now i think that's unlikely
6) she votes VP after the cape wagon forms, telling math not to get distracted. this is still the scummiest post in the game.
7) she votes cape after i call her out for her previous vote. after this i think she knows she's dead and has given up trying to get people on her side for the most part. i think the votes after this point are less meaningful, but for the sake of completion, they are: VP to end the day, then next day there's Cape, then frog, then self.

so, from all of that, i don't think the DV votes are partner votes. the frog, cape, and eyes votes all easily could be. it's also worth noting that she reached out to tene and eyes with her votes at one point, but each of those were when she was also reaching out to VP. still could be meaningful

(also, as an aside, is one of the clearer examples of her trying to turn me and april against math and get us on her side. she was more focused on pocketing april since I wasn't budging, but she tried with me a few times too. april is town)

i think frog and cape are the most likely scum. it could easily both, but it's possible that one is town. purely going off movement and the way titus voted, i would lean towards cape. cape also voted titus to help end the day and i think there was likely scum in that group. but purely going off play, i would lean towards frog. i think he hasn't really been trying to solve for a while now, and even when he did show up, he just ranted about how my meta read was bad and still gave no attempt to solve. that just sounds like scum who thinks they were caught for the wrong reasons but doesn't want to give out associations.

so most likely scenario imo is that it's both frog and cape. assuming we're hunting for 3, the third could be any of eyes, galron, tene, scorp. i would lean towards eyes or galron, then tene and scorp. really the only thing in galron's favor is the yeet clear. if there's a traitor, it could be anyone, so i don't think it's that worth hunting for them from my pov.

eyes is probably either honest about his role (as either alignment) or is maf with tene. i think it would be pretty risky as scum eyes with town tene to out a result without asking for a claim first. the fact that he didn't ask for claims at all makes me lean towards thinking he does have the role. i don't have strong feelings at this time about whether his role makes him more likely to be town or maf. currently assuming he's more likely to be town, and fine to focus on frog/cape for now, but still keeping him in mind as a possible partner.

if it's frog and not cape, i think it probably has to be tene. my heart doesn't want this one to be true. third is probably eyes, but could be galron. probably not scorp.

if it's cape and not frog, scorp is more likely. eyes is still possible but less likely bc i think tene is also less likely here. third probably galron? idk im not super sold on that team

if it's neither cape or frog, we're in trouble lol, but it's probably eyes/tene with... scorp? maybe galron? maybe a traitor?

if it's none of cape/frog/eyes... it isn't. there's no way. like 1% chance. but it would prob have to be tene, scorp, and galron. which i don't think even pair that well.
I think I'm willing to follow you today, but I think you're too confident about your townreads. Dragons doesn't appear in this post at all. Why?

I don't really get why you're pairing me with frog and not cape. If anything, I would have thought the other way around. I am also surprised regarding what you must then think I'd have been doing all game. I guess it's not important right now.
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Post Post #7313 (ISO) » Mon Mar 28, 2022 6:48 am

Post by fireisredsir »

im not really interested in looking at april/deas/std right now. i might tomorrow but i don't think any of them were aligned with titus based on the way she played and they way they have played
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Post Post #7314 (ISO) » Mon Mar 28, 2022 6:50 am

Post by tenebrousluminary »

VOTE: frog
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Post Post #7315 (ISO) » Mon Mar 28, 2022 6:51 am

Post by fireisredsir »

i think one of titus' partners voted her at the end of day there. i don't think it's dragons, so if it's not cape, it's most likely you. not 100% on that but eh. i kinda just want to see the flip today and work from there, but math wanted me to try to full solve. i think flipping either frog or cape today will tell us a lot and i can reread things again to help sort some more
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Post Post #7316 (ISO) » Mon Mar 28, 2022 6:56 am

Post by tenebrousluminary »

That's prety simplistic but no point in litigating it right now.
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Post Post #7317 (ISO) » Mon Mar 28, 2022 7:00 am

Post by fireisredsir »

yea it probably is, im not too tied to it. on an individual level id have you below my other 5 candidates but i think i have to consider the partner possibilities
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Post Post #7318 (ISO) » Mon Mar 28, 2022 7:04 am

Post by April Ludgate »

Both frog and Cape have played anti scum agenda at multiple points this day phase and last, but that could be damage control, but i will say, it does give me pause here and there
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Post Post #7319 (ISO) » Mon Mar 28, 2022 7:05 am

Post by Frogsterking »

In post 7029, tenebrousluminary wrote:This is a sudden flip compared with Datisi's earlier expressed Scorp townread because of his "Luca Blight tell." I believe it supports Scorp town, and makes me question why Dragon gets no attention from this quarter.
What's the "Luca Blight" tell?

UNVOTE: fire

Having taken a step back from the game this feels more like a TvT
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Post Post #7320 (ISO) » Mon Mar 28, 2022 7:08 am

Post by tenebrousluminary »

In post 7319, Frogsterking wrote:
In post 7029, tenebrousluminary wrote:This is a sudden flip compared with Datisi's earlier expressed Scorp townread because of his "Luca Blight tell." I believe it supports Scorp town, and makes me question why Dragon gets no attention from this quarter.
What's the "Luca Blight" tell?

UNVOTE: fire

Having taken a step back from the game this feels more like a TvT
I think Datisi explained it somewhere in their iso, but I no longer remember.
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Post Post #7321 (ISO) » Mon Mar 28, 2022 7:13 am

Post by fireisredsir »

In post 1045, Datisi wrote:(before you ask, the tell is that if someone is mostly lurking, and when they post they're mostly shitposting without trying to appear townie, they're more likely town. this does not apply to players like not_mafia.

it also does not necessarily apply to scorpious, because i've seen fua say he always plays like this, and i don't have the knowledge to know whether he'd play like this as scum, which is why it's only weakly town!indicative)
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Post Post #7322 (ISO) » Mon Mar 28, 2022 7:19 am

Post by Mizzytastic »

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Post Post #7323 (ISO) » Mon Mar 28, 2022 7:19 am

Post by Mizzytastic »

Today on Mizzy doesn't have anything planned so you get an interesting shape, I present the monkey jump. You can go a lot further than you might expect at the edge of the board, and often end up with the initiative too. This is a big endgame move, that comes up relatively frequently.


Official Votecount 5.6Frogsterking (3): Scorpious, April Ludgate, tenebrousluminary

April Ludgate (1): Save The Dragons
Save The Dragons (1): Galron

Not Voting (6): Frogsterking, DeasVail, fireisredsir, Eyes without a face, MathBlade, Cape90

With 11 players alive, it takes 6 votes to achieve an elimination.

Day 5 will end in (expired on 2022-04-03 05:45:00).

click here for joined mod iso.
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Post Post #7324 (ISO) » Mon Mar 28, 2022 7:28 am

Post by Save The Dragons »

sorry about being an ass

but it was said
aka Fenrir