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Post Post #2125 (ISO) » Mon Mar 28, 2022 6:15 am

Post by Datisi »

vote count 1.16
  • with
    votes in play, it takes
    to make a decision.
  • day 1 ends in
    (expired on 2022-04-06 19:15:00)
  • 8
    players who have the most nominations at eod1 will be bomb experts on n1.


fireisredsir [5]:
Bell, Malakittens, catboi, Dwlee99, Titus
Mistyx [4]:
Cephrir, GuiltyLion, fireisredsir, Menalque
Andresvmb [4]:
Frogsterking, VP Baltar, Cat Scratch Fever, Mistyx
VP Baltar [2]:
PookyTheMagicalBear, Andante
Frogsterking [1]:
catboi [1]:
Bell [1]:

not voting [1]:

bomb expert nominations:

Andante [14]:
Menalque, Malakittens, fireisredsir, Cephrir, Mistyx, GuiltyLion, VP Baltar, Cat Scratch Fever, StrangeMatter, Bell, Enchant, Titus, Andresvmb, Greeting
Greeting [11]:
Cephrir, Mistyx, PookyTheMagicalBear, fireisredsir, GuiltyLion, Bell, VP Baltar, StrangeMatter, Enchant, Dwlee99, Andresvmb
catboi [11]:
VP Baltar, PookyTheMagicalBear, Bell, fireisredsir, Cat Scratch Fever, Andante, Cephrir, Enchant, Andresvmb, Titus, Menalque
Frogsterking [8]:
Titus, VP Baltar, Malakittens, PookyTheMagicalBear, Mistyx, Greeting, GuiltyLion, Enchant, Bell
PookyTheMagicalBear [7]:
Andante, Cephrir, Cat Scratch Fever, fireisredsir, Enchant, Greeting, catboi
Menalque [7]:
GuiltyLion, Enchant, Bell, catboi, Andante, Greeting, Titus
Cat Scratch Fever [6]:
PookyTheMagicalBear, GuiltyLion, Frogsterking, Cephrir, Enchant, Bell
Dwlee99 [5]:
VP Baltar, Titus, Cephrir, Enchant, Andresvmb
Cephrir [4]:
Titus, Enchant, Dwlee99, Andante
StrangeMatter [4]:
Frogsterking, Greeting, Enchant, Andresvmb
Titus [4]:
Malakittens, PookyTheMagicalBear, Enchant, Andresvmb
Malakittens [3]:
Enchant, Menalque, PookyTheMagicalBear
GuiltyLion [3]:
Malakittens, Enchant, Bell
Bell [3]:
Enchant, Cephrir, VP Baltar
Mistyx [2]:
Malakittens, Enchant
fireisredsir [2]:
Enchant, Andresvmb
VP Baltar [2]:
Enchant, Dwlee99
Enchant [2]:
Dwlee99, Frogsterking
Andresvmb [1]:

not nominating [0]:

mod notes:
  • Menalque v/la weekends.
  • the vote counter is acting weird and i'm counting votes by hand, let me know if i make any mistakes.
Last edited by Datisi on Mon Mar 28, 2022 6:29 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post Post #2126 (ISO) » Mon Mar 28, 2022 6:15 am

Post by Andante »

In post 2122, Menalque wrote:also, catboi is right about not letting this day drag on
pshhh I wanted it over like 3 days ago...

Why can't we yeet VP?
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Post Post #2127 (ISO) » Mon Mar 28, 2022 6:16 am

Post by catboi »

In post 737, fireisredsir wrote:ok read some strangematter games and i get similar vibes of kinda hanging back and floating around as both alignments. so im a little less interested in pushing there for now

VOTE: GuiltyLion
In post 811, fireisredsir wrote:
In post 801, Andante wrote:People "We're voting GL for no reason"
GL just isn't here...

real exciting wagon people!! at least go pick someone who is here and get that reaction.. voting GL accomplishes nothing... yall went back to mech talk while I was gone... like ughhh I really don't understand yall. making 0 sense
it isn't no reason. i think is scummy. mostly a gut thing but it gave me vibes of him feeling like he needed to come up with a read that was supported by something at that time. doesn't feel organic. and since then he's disappeared a bit which prob isn't AI but also doesn't make me think he's any more towny
This is notable because fire is hopping onto the immediate counterwagon to themself in GL, only reason cited is very thin
In post 821, fireisredsir wrote:
In post 818, Menalque wrote:Can you please explain why you thought felt like I was obligated to make it?

And at the same time what gave you bad vibes re: ?
idk! it's not strong, i just kinda got "oh I'm supposed to post more of my thoughts now" vibes. like i didn't really feel like they were thoughts that most town would naturally feel inclined to share at that time, yk? not that they felt fake on their own, but i sensed some pressure of some outside force that made you want to post them. and that pressure could come from a red pm. but that can sometimes be just more of a personality thing too

i talked about 595 in
When questioned on their suspicion by menalque, they're soft, deflective. They do this anytime they get the sightest pyushback.
In post 865, fireisredsir wrote:
In post 857, GuiltyLion wrote:
In post 811, fireisredsir wrote:it gave me vibes of him feeling like he needed to come up with a read that was supported by something at that time
I do try to give reasons for my votes yeah

do you disagree with the actual point I was making about Baltar? the only thing I saw you say about him was he seems "normalish"
yea, that doesn't seem out of character for him to me so i don't really see it as a reason to scumread

i like your catchup posts better tho and agree on morning tweet

VOTE: Morning Tweet
In post 1014, fireisredsir wrote:ive been reading some morning tweet games and learned not much bc she replaces into games a lot and so i don't have many day 1s to compare to. i think i can buy that she can be a little less assertive early as maf. but i can also buy that she genuinely feels like she is stronger later in the game and isn't very enthused about the start of a large

so based on meta this looks well in her scumrange but not outside her townrange either. which means we can look at play instead, yay! and the play looks kinda scummy imo
Similarly, they back down almost immediately on GL and start making the next easy push on morning tweet. but the best we get cited here is that a wishy-washy statement about how her play could be in either range for her, and that her play "looks kinda scummy". is pretty similarly underwhelming, there's some semantic argument about MT's post being performative and noncommital, which is blah
In post 1489, fireisredsir wrote:rereading some slots that i didn't have a good feel for:

- CSF, i like a lot better than I did before. i think the push on dwlee is better than i thought it was at first, i kinda misread dwlee's play around andante and it's not as towny as i thought it was at first. i think is a good post as well and made me think twice about vp. doesn't really seem agenda-pushing, seems to be thinking independently, pretty towny imo

- dwlee, ive never been in a dwlee scumgame so i went and read a couple of them, especially since i liked csf posts around them. and i don't really think they're outside their scumrange here. buuut i still would slightly lean town if im looking pure meta bc i feel like they are a bit more proactive here than i saw in their scumgames. if im ignoring meta, ehhhh. @dwlee do you still think frog is maf?

- ceph feels... honest, imo, like very up front about what he's thinking and not really afraid if it looks bad. that usually makes me lean towards town. was also the funniest post of the game, so points for that

- malakittens/the praetorian... yea nothing towny here. not blatantly scummy either, but i think the catchup attempt was pretty weak and didn't really result in any thoughts

i still think the slots im most sus of and that are most likely to have scum are not really present at the moment. there could be scum in the more talkative players but im not really seeing who? it would fit in dwlee's world of scum just sitting back and letting the town win if that isn't, like, an active choice of theirs. maybe they're just not here
This is a super wortthless post, softly calling a bunch of people town, nothing pushing anywhere. common trend with fire.
In post 1548, fireisredsir wrote:
In post 1542, Frogsterking wrote: Now here I feel like there is a lot of insight and it kind of all just comes tumbling out at the same time. Dwlee is a townread of yours? And Strange is a scum lean would you say? Would you say that Strange is comparable to Tweet here, are Strange and Tweet different kinds of scummy or different levels of scummy?
at the time, dwlee was a townread. now, less so.

strange was a scumlean at that time but some people have said that she is kind of like that all the time. so id still have her on the scum side of the table but im not very interested in pushing there yet, i think other places are more interesting

tweet is def a different kind of scummy. strange was like a positioning scummy, tweet was more of a gut read based on the way she was approaching forming her posts. at the time idk who was stronger, but currently tweet is def a stronger scumread, and i think (partly due to lion writing things out) i also have a better sense of what exactly i found scummy about her posts
These scumreads are all super vague and worthless, there's nothing behind them, no meaningful evidence, nothing that suggests to me in any way these are real thoughts
In post 1766, fireisredsir wrote:1) greeting and frog are prob town. both have kinda questionable takes, but they're still prob town

2) catboi is prob town but is scary so you never know. ceph feels towny to me but maybe he's just likeable

3) i think there's multiple scum in the people who are mostly missing: tweet and menalque i scumread off play. andres, malakittens, enchant slot are in that category too but i don't really scumread them off play. i don't townread them either tho, so eh

4) i think there's likely to be scum in people wanting to take advantage of frog and/or people coasting off a luke scumread. csf and bell both fit this category but in my heart i kinda townread both. my heart can be wrong and often is

5) dwlee is probably just scum here actually lol

6) strange could also easily be scum... but the whole readslist thing that people are pushing her over is kinda BS imo. the general positioning and floatiness is kinda scummy on its own but apparently she does that a lot

7) vp and andante... hm. with both i think i WANT to townread them. but do I? idk. slightly hesitant here, but sort of trusting for now. i do think that a scum might try to kind of get on my side here, if you will. MT kinda did that so maybe it's just her. buuut i think its something to watch out for. maybe lion fits in that category too? hmm I hadn't thought of that until now but... it's possible

8) pooky and titus both kinda fit the category of strong player who isn't doing much. lately, catboi is falling into that category too. i dunno what to make of that. with a p strong player list, my guess is that this would be more likely to come from town who isn't too worried about needing to be active yet. if they were maf i feel like they would feel some pressure to work their way into a town core here. so... i don't think i would say im townreading them, but im ok with assuming they're town for now and dealing with them later if im still here

i think that's everybody
Again, this is just...very useless. It's like fire is pulling all his punches. Not willing to accuse anyone.
In post 1779, fireisredsir wrote:frog has still given a total of 0 reasons why he thinks im scum
Notably this kind of point is something fire says in response to pressure from frogster a bit, logically it feels like they
be scumreading frogster in response but they can't do it, it just feels like trying to discredit him
In post 1868, fireisredsir wrote:also im not opposed to the andres wagon and might join it if it picks up, but i am a little paranoid about a vp/misty pairing. and that doesn't really make me want to switch my vote away from misty at the moment
In post 1871, fireisredsir wrote:ok good enough for me

In post 1873, fireisredsir wrote:sure ok let's do it

VOTE: andres
this is again a super scummy sequence, there's nothing here to make it look like fire actually believes in this vote, he's just jumping at another counterwagon. notably in he says "i read andres posts and i don't find them especially towny or scummy." but rather than investigating or trying to refine the read he just hops on the wagon when it's gaining steam.
In post 1883, fireisredsir wrote:my MT read is mostly gut anyway, i think there's like actually decent points against andres even tho i don't have much of a gutread on him. i like my gut a lot, so don't tell it i said this, but regretfully it is rarely correct on d1

and actually, misty's vote there right after i called out how I was worried about vp/misty pairing made me feel better about switching, not worse. bc i would think scum would be too self-conscious to do that like immediately after being called out. super bold play if scum there
Look at this. Does any of this reasoning come from a town player? It's completely half-assed.
In post 1904, fireisredsir wrote:ok eh i changed my mind again I think it's more likely scum are taking advantage of frog here to push this

VOTE: misty
In post 1908, fireisredsir wrote:
In post 1901, Cephrir wrote:
In post 1882, fireisredsir wrote:im willing to consider the possibility that im wrong, and am interested to see who joins this wagon
I don't think I'm buying this. You were just saying not to lend frog's absurd theories (and they are absurd) any credence, but now that it's convenient for you you're on board. I also hate seeing both you and misty here together no matter what the each of you voting the other status was before, and no I have not checked.
vp swayed me tbh but now that im looking at things again i think i should not have been so easily convinced
In post 1914, fireisredsir wrote:
In post 1911, Cephrir wrote:
In post 1904, fireisredsir wrote:ok eh i changed my mind again I think it's more likely scum are taking advantage of frog here to push this

VOTE: misty
Which scum? To me, those scum could well be you and misty.
my paranoia was a vp/misty pairing bc vp never considered the misty wagon despite his love of pushing for dueling wagons early on d1. csf would be another possibility to consider
Hops off, distances himself from the wagon, but the best citation he can give is vague paranoia fearmongering. There's no real analysis to any of it.
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Post Post #2128 (ISO) » Mon Mar 28, 2022 6:17 am

Post by Andante »

ok.. listening to catboi!!! VP can go tomorrow

VOTE: fire
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Post Post #2129 (ISO) » Mon Mar 28, 2022 6:19 am

Post by Menalque »

I'm down to switch back but I'm waiting for the VC
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Post Post #2130 (ISO) » Mon Mar 28, 2022 6:20 am

Post by catboi »

I hate doing these quote walls because I feel like people don't engage with them, but I am less than thrilled with the directions people have been spinning off in and am not content to play passively.

fire's scum, just zip it up and send them already before everyone decides they're sick of this game
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Post Post #2131 (ISO) » Mon Mar 28, 2022 6:21 am

Post by Frogsterking »

OMG catboi fire is scum, andres is scum, kill andres D1 because he will be more helpful to scum for solving the mechanics of the nightplay.

If you vote andres D1 I will vote fire D2.
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Post Post #2132 (ISO) » Mon Mar 28, 2022 6:22 am

Post by Menalque »

sorry we're doing fire

we all agreed round the back of the lunch hall while you were away
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Post Post #2133 (ISO) » Mon Mar 28, 2022 6:22 am

Post by Greeting »

In post 2130, catboi wrote:I hate doing these quote walls because I feel like people don't engage with them, but I am less than thrilled with the directions people have been spinning off in and am not content to play passively.

fire's scum, just zip it up and send them already before everyone decides they're sick of this game

VOTE: fireisredsir
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Post Post #2134 (ISO) » Mon Mar 28, 2022 6:23 am

Post by Frogsterking »

In post 2124, Menalque wrote:we're not limming andres today, he's not been scummy enough to lim through the claim even if he hasn't been towny either

also ty to those who have voted to heal me
If andres claimed to have some BS power role then that's even more reason to lim him.
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Post Post #2135 (ISO) » Mon Mar 28, 2022 6:24 am

Post by Menalque »

he's claimed simple doc
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Post Post #2136 (ISO) » Mon Mar 28, 2022 6:24 am

Post by Andresvmb »

VOTE: fire
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Post Post #2137 (ISO) » Mon Mar 28, 2022 6:24 am

Post by VP Baltar »

In post 2056, Andante wrote:I think that's been pretty obvious by my drop in activity... idk what the VC is, idk the deadline,
I have a few people I'm looking at,
who are those people, out of curiosity?

I've certainly noticed you have gone into the background from early game, so it'd be good to know where your head is at a little, even if you feel disengaged.
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Post Post #2138 (ISO) » Mon Mar 28, 2022 6:24 am

Post by Frogsterking »

You need to be VERY gullible to believe andres fake claim, is all I've got to say
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Post Post #2139 (ISO) » Mon Mar 28, 2022 6:25 am

Post by Andante »

In post 2130, catboi wrote:I hate doing these quote walls because I feel like people don't engage with them, but I am less than thrilled with the directions people have been spinning off in and am not content to play passively.

fire's scum, just zip it up and send them already before everyone decides they're sick of this game
I read quote walls usually!!
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Post Post #2140 (ISO) » Mon Mar 28, 2022 6:25 am

Post by Menalque »

In post 2138, Frogsterking wrote:You need to be VERY gullible to believe andres fake claim, is all I've got to say
*double thumbs up*
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Post Post #2141 (ISO) » Mon Mar 28, 2022 6:25 am

Post by catboi »

In post 2131, Frogsterking wrote:OMG catboi fire is scum, andres is scum, kill andres D1 because he will be more helpful to scum for solving the mechanics of the nightplay.

If you vote andres D1 I will vote fire D2.
ftr if fire slips scum you should be piledriven for this post
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Post Post #2142 (ISO) » Mon Mar 28, 2022 6:25 am

Post by Andante »

In post 2138, Frogsterking wrote:You need to be VERY gullible to believe andres fake claim, is all I've got to say
won't maf just kill a doc claim? and if not, andres the bomb expert could save the defuser to prove it's real? yes??
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Post Post #2143 (ISO) » Mon Mar 28, 2022 6:26 am

Post by fireisredsir »

hold up
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Post Post #2144 (ISO) » Mon Mar 28, 2022 6:26 am

Post by Frogsterking »

What's the fire wagon at?
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Post Post #2145 (ISO) » Mon Mar 28, 2022 6:26 am

Post by fireisredsir »

can someone unvote for a moment idk if I'm in hammer range
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Post Post #2146 (ISO) » Mon Mar 28, 2022 6:27 am

Post by Menalque »

In post 2141, catboi wrote:
In post 2131, Frogsterking wrote:OMG catboi fire is scum, andres is scum, kill andres D1 because he will be more helpful to scum for solving the mechanics of the nightplay.

If you vote andres D1 I will vote fire D2.
ftr if fire slips scum you should be piledriven for this post
let's just ge the flip first

yo fire I'm p sure that andres was hammer, what were you?
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Post Post #2147 (ISO) » Mon Mar 28, 2022 6:27 am

Post by VP Baltar »

I see catboi has posted a giant wall i need to read. (but thank you for actually trying to make a fire case)

pedit - argh this game is moving fast right now and I'm at work. Andres claimed? which post?
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Post Post #2148 (ISO) » Mon Mar 28, 2022 6:27 am

Post by Cephrir »

me: id like to be healed for a specific reason
thread: crickets
mena: id like to be healed because lol
thread: showers mena in healing

ok i see how it is. HEAL: mena, whatever.
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Post Post #2149 (ISO) » Mon Mar 28, 2022 6:27 am

Post by Andante »

In post 2145, fireisredsir wrote:can someone unvote
sure thing!

VOTE: Fire