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Post Post #3450 (ISO) » Thu Apr 07, 2022 6:00 pm

Post by Dwlee99 »

I'm opentowning
I prefer they, thanks :)
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Post Post #3451 (ISO) » Thu Apr 07, 2022 6:00 pm

Post by Dwlee99 »

Mala is still flipping scum though
I prefer they, thanks :)
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Post Post #3452 (ISO) » Thu Apr 07, 2022 6:01 pm

Post by PookyTheMagicalBear »

this is the game that i'm talking about:


it's actually very similar to this setup except scum pick both the defuser and the "expert" and they fall in love with a lover PT unless the expert says no and then the defuser just dies.

I did a very similar move to Norwee in that game as scum
and got away with it

it looks like this:


Dwlee is trying to do the exact same move here where they tell the scum to make me the defuser so they can blow me up cuz "reasons"
"I can't even look at the game anymore.
That evil teddy bear has got everyone twirling by his thumb.
It's like witnessing an slow but unavoidable train crash you can't stop."


"Please refrain from diverting our sleuths out there Pooky."
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Post Post #3453 (ISO) » Thu Apr 07, 2022 6:03 pm

Post by Cephrir »

fuck pooky can actually read me
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Post Post #3454 (ISO) » Thu Apr 07, 2022 6:03 pm

Post by PookyTheMagicalBear »

They're going to have all sorts of bullshit excuses why it's fine:

"We can never trust pooky"

"He was just a VT"

"I would be sneaky about it if I was scum"

"There's no way I would openly plot to blow up Pooky and then actually do it"

This is classic refuge in audacity and every word is designed to make you think they won't do it, in fact the more brazen it is the more likely it is they get away with this shit.
"I can't even look at the game anymore.
That evil teddy bear has got everyone twirling by his thumb.
It's like witnessing an slow but unavoidable train crash you can't stop."


"Please refrain from diverting our sleuths out there Pooky."
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Post Post #3455 (ISO) » Thu Apr 07, 2022 6:06 pm

Post by Dwlee99 »

Okay pooky make yourself defuser and then we'll see if anyone cares
I prefer they, thanks :)
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Post Post #3456 (ISO) » Thu Apr 07, 2022 6:07 pm

Post by Cephrir »

i need to get good at wifom
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Post Post #3457 (ISO) » Thu Apr 07, 2022 11:26 pm

Post by Datisi »

vote count 3.final
  • with
    votes in play, it took
    to make a decision.
  • day 3 ended.
  • 3
    players who have the most nominations will be bomb experts on n3.


Malakittens [9]:
Dwlee99, Cephrir, Cat Scratch Fever, PookyTheMagicalBear, GuiltyLion, Andante, Andresvmb, VP Baltar, Enchant

VP Baltar [2]:
Menalque, Greeting
Andresvmb [1]:
Titus [1]:
Dwlee99 [1]:
Cat Scratch Fever [1]:

not voting [1]:

bomb expert nominations:

VP Baltar [9]:
PookyTheMagicalBear, GuiltyLion, Enchant, Cephrir, Cat Scratch Fever, Mistyx, Andresvmb, Andante, Malakittens
Dwlee99 [7]:
GuiltyLion, Enchant, VP Baltar, Cephrir, Cat Scratch Fever, Mistyx, Malakittens
StrangeMatter [6]:
Enchant, Cephrir, VP Baltar, GuiltyLion, Andresvmb, Malakittens
Titus [3]:
Enchant, Bell, Malakittens
Malakittens [1]:
Enchant [1]:

not nominating [5]:
Dwlee99, Greeting, Menalque, Titus, StrangeMatter

ineligible to be nominated:
Andante, Greeting, Andresvmb, Menalque, PookyTheMagicalBear, Cat Scratch Fever, Cephrir, Bell, Mistyx, GuiltyLion

mod notes:
  • Menalque v/la weekends.
  • the vote counter is acting weird and i'm counting votes by hand, let me know if i make any mistakes.
I will straight up disregard all reason if you have a PR dream again. You can come back and be like, “I dreamt that Locke is a N2 Bulletproof Multitasking Cop and Self-Targeting Doctor,” and I will go, “Okay, Locke kill it is then.”
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Post Post #3458 (ISO) » Thu Apr 07, 2022 11:44 pm

Post by Datisi »

flavourDatisi was sitting in front of his laptop, mindlessly scrolling though social media and wondering why his "artistic" "skills" and "talents" haven't brought him fame and fortune yet.

he got awoken from his daydreams by his phone going off. his first thought was that it was someone finally recognizing his potential, but checking his phone brought him back to reality. it was his employees telling him to get his ass down to the meeting room.

he sighed, taking his glasses off and pinching the bridge of his nose. already? he was not yet mentally prepared to see that bunch again.

the sound of his phone repeatedly going off was annoying enough that it gave him the motivation needed to put his glasses back on, get up from his laptop, and start making his way down to the alpha meeting room.

shortly after entering, it was clear to him who the group decided they wanted to get rid of next. most of them were standing around and yelling at Malakittens, who was in turn yelling back at those around her. upon seeing that Datisi had finally made it to the meeting room, the small crowd around Malakittens stepped back.

"okay, you all know the drill by now. Malakittens, come with me to my office," Datisi said while making his way up to her.


Datisi stopped dead in his tracks. she can just do that? he cleared his throat, and tried to not look surprised. "i said, come with me to--"

he was interrupted by a sound of a gun cocking.

"i'm not going anywhere," Malakittens muttered, pointing her pistol straight at Datisi's head.

her words sent the meeting room into dead silence. the employees were awkwardly looking at each other, thinking whether they can tackle her without her shooting anybody. Datisi raised his arms slightly, mostly to gesture to his workforce not to intervene.

"you're not going to shoot me," he said, looking at her the same way he looked at drivers of oncoming cars when crossing the street.

a few tense seconds later, Malakittens pointed the gun at her own head, screamed out "death to DATS Inc.! glory to GeorgeBailey!" and pulled the trigger.

seeing her lifeless body fall to the floor, everyone in the room released a breath they didn't notice they were holding. "how did you know she wasn't going to kill you?" asked one of the employees.

"i know how GeorgeBailey works, and he wants me alive," Datisi murmured as he looked at Malakittens's body. "anyway, i have some big boxes left from the last material shipment. i'm going to go get one," he said, and started walking towards the room's exit.

"we are sending a present to GB Inc. headquarters."
Last edited by Datisi on Fri Apr 08, 2022 8:16 am, edited 1 time in total.
I will straight up disregard all reason if you have a PR dream again. You can come back and be like, “I dreamt that Locke is a N2 Bulletproof Multitasking Cop and Self-Targeting Doctor,” and I will go, “Okay, Locke kill it is then.”
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Post Post #3459 (ISO) » Thu Apr 07, 2022 11:44 pm

Post by Datisi »

Malakittens has been executed day 3. she was a
GB Inc. informed infiltrator

! you are a
GB Inc. informed infiltrator
, a part of this game's informed minority.

factional abilities:

~ you are a member of the GB Inc. infiltrators, along with
, and
~ you may talk with them in the infiltrators private topic, located
. you may talk there at any time, as long as you are alive.
~ twice in the first twilight, and once every other twilight, a living member of the infiltrators may submit a factional bomb setup.
~ once every night, a living member of the infiltrators may submit a factional kill action, provided you have one available.

role abilities:

~ you know that

win conditions:

~ you win when all DATS Inc. employees are dead and at least one GB Inc. infiltrator is alive, or nothing can prevent this from happening.
~ alternatively, you win when GB Inc. infiltrators act as successful bomb defusers 4 times.

the game thread is here. please confirm your role by replying to this pm with your role name, or by posting in your pt.

bomb experts are:
  • VP Baltar
  • Dwlee99
  • StrangeMatter
twilight 3 starts now and ends in
(expired on 2022-04-09 12:50:00)

as she hasn't posted in the last 24 hours, Mistyx has to respond to the twilightstart pm.
I will straight up disregard all reason if you have a PR dream again. You can come back and be like, “I dreamt that Locke is a N2 Bulletproof Multitasking Cop and Self-Targeting Doctor,” and I will go, “Okay, Locke kill it is then.”
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Post Post #3460 (ISO) » Fri Apr 08, 2022 11:56 pm

Post by Datisi »

final bomb squad is:

  • VP Baltar
  • Dwlee99
  • StrangeMatter
  • Andresvmb
the information for the defuser and experts will be going out shortly. night 3 starts now and ends in
(expired on 2022-04-11 13:30:00)

day 4 start might be a bit late since i might not be home at deadline. please note that any and all actions are to be submitted by the above deadline.
I will straight up disregard all reason if you have a PR dream again. You can come back and be like, “I dreamt that Locke is a N2 Bulletproof Multitasking Cop and Self-Targeting Doctor,” and I will go, “Okay, Locke kill it is then.”
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Post Post #3461 (ISO) » Mon Apr 11, 2022 12:52 am

Post by Datisi »

"emergency meeting. all personnel to see me in the alpha meeting room ASAP."

Datisi calling another morning meeting probably wasn't a good sign. you almost wished for the meeting to be about him advertising his instagram page again.

the majority of others were already present, sitting at the table and wishing they were still in their warm bed. Datisi was sipping coffee and typing on his phone, a pissed off expression on his face.

"oh, we can start; come, sit down" he mumbled when he saw you enter and gestured towards one of the empty chairs.

"listen. y'all will not BELIEVE the text i got from GeorgeBailey this morning," Datisi yelled out, his tone and body language now resembling that of a teenage girl who was about to share some hot new gossip.

"Datisi, i quite liked the present you sent me last night. as a token of gratitude, i have decided to send you TWO presents myself! sincerely, your best friend GeorgeBailey,"
Datisi finished reading and slammed his phone down onto the table. "can you believe THE NERVE?"

"wait," one of the employees interrupted Datisi, a puzzled look on their face, "two... you mean that two more people are dead!?"

"oh," Datisi paused for a second, a look of disappointment on his face, then added in a deadpan voice, "yeah, Andresvmb and Greeting are dead."

the room fell into silence, which Datisi took as a sign of there being no more questions and the meeting being over.

"well then, i better get going!" he exclaimed, then got up from the table. "i have to attend a seminar and take a test in the next two days, and i've spent this whole weekend procrastinating, so i better go get to work. y'all ping me when you need me."

"what?" the workforce looked at Datisi in utter confusion; it has been years since he was last attending university,
it was thursday. "Datisi, what the fuck are you talking about?"

but they would not get an answer, as Datisi was already out the door.
I will straight up disregard all reason if you have a PR dream again. You can come back and be like, “I dreamt that Locke is a N2 Bulletproof Multitasking Cop and Self-Targeting Doctor,” and I will go, “Okay, Locke kill it is then.”
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Post Post #3462 (ISO) » Mon Apr 11, 2022 12:52 am

Post by Datisi »

Andresvmb has exploded night 3. he was a
DATS Inc. simple doctor

! you are a
DATS Inc. simple doctor
, a part of this game's uninformed majority.

role abilities:

~ each night, you may target a player. assuming no interference with your action, that player will be protected from one kill that night. this action will fail if used on a player who is not vanilla. this action does
protect against bomb explosion.

win conditions:

~ you win when all GB Inc. infiltrators are dead and at least one DATS Inc. employee is alive.
~ alternatively, you win when DATS Inc. employees act as successful bomb defusers 8 times.

the game thread is here. please confirm your role by replying to this pm with your role name.

Greeting has been killed night 3. he was a
DATS Inc. trainee

! you are a
DATS Inc. trainee
, a part of this game's uninformed majority.

role abilities:

~ once in the game, at any time, you may choose to inherit a dead DATS Inc. employee's role. you will become their role at the start of the next phase (day, twilight, or night).
~ if the role you inherit is x-shot, the used shots will not be refunded.

win conditions:

~ you win when all GB Inc. infiltrators are dead and at least one DATS Inc. employee is alive.
~ alternatively, you win when DATS Inc. employees act as successful bomb defusers 8 times.

the game thread is here. please confirm your role by replying to this pm with your role name.

the sun rises. it is now day 4.
I will straight up disregard all reason if you have a PR dream again. You can come back and be like, “I dreamt that Locke is a N2 Bulletproof Multitasking Cop and Self-Targeting Doctor,” and I will go, “Okay, Locke kill it is then.”
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Post Post #3463 (ISO) » Mon Apr 11, 2022 12:55 am

Post by Datisi »

vote count 4.00
  • with
    votes in play, it takes
    to make a decision.
  • day 4 ends in
    (expired on 2022-04-21 14:00:00)
  • 3
    players who have the most nominations will be bomb experts on n4.


not voting [13]:
PookyTheMagicalBear, Andante, Mistyx, VP Baltar, GuiltyLion, Enchant, Dwlee99, Cephrir, Cat Scratch Fever, Menalque, Titus, StrangeMatter, Bell

bomb expert nominations:

not nominating [13]:
PookyTheMagicalBear, Andante, Mistyx, VP Baltar, GuiltyLion, Enchant, Dwlee99, Cephrir, Cat Scratch Fever, Menalque, Titus, StrangeMatter, Bell

ineligible to be nominated:
Bell, Mistyx, GuiltyLion, VP Baltar, Dwlee99, StrangeMatter

mod notes:
  • Menalque v/la weekends.
  • Menalque v/la until thursday.
  • the vote counter is acting weird and i'm counting votes by hand, let me know if i make any mistakes.
Last edited by Datisi on Mon Apr 11, 2022 1:10 am, edited 1 time in total.
I will straight up disregard all reason if you have a PR dream again. You can come back and be like, “I dreamt that Locke is a N2 Bulletproof Multitasking Cop and Self-Targeting Doctor,” and I will go, “Okay, Locke kill it is then.”
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Post Post #3464 (ISO) » Mon Apr 11, 2022 1:00 am

Post by Enchant »

Rolecop alert.

Ropecop alert.

Weep Weep Weep Weep!
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Post Post #3465 (ISO) » Mon Apr 11, 2022 1:03 am

Post by Menalque »

Why were dwlee and strange experted?
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Post Post #3466 (ISO) » Mon Apr 11, 2022 1:03 am

Post by Enchant »

Also i would grab Bulletproof Bodyguard almost instantly.

Or atleast Frog role.

What a waste of role.
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Post Post #3467 (ISO) » Mon Apr 11, 2022 1:06 am

Post by Menalque »

Enchant, I have no idea what you’re taking about, but if it’s to do with claiming PRs, stop
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Post Post #3468 (ISO) » Mon Apr 11, 2022 1:06 am

Post by Enchant »

In post 3467, Menalque wrote:Enchant, I have no idea what you’re taking about, but if it’s to do with claiming PRs, stop
Greeting flipped as Recruit, but didn't choose any role, while there's two awesome flipped already.

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Post Post #3469 (ISO) » Mon Apr 11, 2022 1:06 am

Post by Menalque »

Also we kill in (VPB, dwlee, strange) today, no debate
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Post Post #3470 (ISO) » Mon Apr 11, 2022 1:07 am

Post by Menalque »

In post 3468, Enchant wrote:
In post 3467, Menalque wrote:Enchant, I have no idea what you’re taking about, but if it’s to do with claiming PRs, stop
Greeting flipped as Recruit, but didn't choose any role, while there's two awesome flipped already.

Oh, right, I skimmed that
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Post Post #3471 (ISO) » Mon Apr 11, 2022 1:10 am

Post by Enchant »

Also i have guilty.
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Post Post #3472 (ISO) » Mon Apr 11, 2022 2:11 am

Post by VP Baltar »

In post 3469, Menalque wrote:Also we kill in (VPB, dwlee, strange) today, no debate
Yep. I'm thinking strange.
In post 3471, Enchant wrote:Also i have guilty.
And yet....
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Post Post #3473 (ISO) » Mon Apr 11, 2022 2:14 am

Post by StrangeMatter »

Sorry but J know for a fact I gave the right information, and one of you two gave the wrong information.
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Post Post #3474 (ISO) » Mon Apr 11, 2022 2:16 am

Post by VP Baltar »

In post 3473, StrangeMatter wrote:Sorry but J know for a fact I gave the right information, and one of you two gave the wrong information.
I confirmed mine with the mod, so....