{01} This is a game. The main objective is to have fun; so no excessive flaming or spamming
{02} This is a game. The secondary objective is to win.
{03} If you feel the mods have made a mistake, please let us know so we can fix it.
{04} We have worked extensively to produce a game that is enjoyed by all. As such, we promise to offer each player respect but expect to be shown the same in return.
{05} The Genius: First Encounter is ANONYMOUS. All participants are strictly prohibited from so much as hinting to their own identities or implying another player's identity. If you are talking with other people outside of this forum, you must not state or imply that you are playing in this game. If you are talking with other players on this forum, try not to say anything that would allow people to easily ID you. Communication outside the private message system is also forbidden unless otherwise stated. Failure to follow this rule can result in a variety of consequences ranging from a terse warning to one's elimination from the game. We reserve the right to determine the severity of possible infractions.
{06} The Genius is about using loopholes and game mechanics. That said, there is a fine line between using loopholes and cheating. If you are unsure as to whether an action conflicts with the rules, ask. All questions about the rules will be answered privately, unless we determine that the question is necessary to clear up a confusing rule.
{07} Private communication with players outside of your team or eliminated players is strictly prohibited unless otherwise specified. Any player found in violation of this rule will be penalized.
{08} Any and all posting about this game outside the provided forums unless SPECIFICALLY STATED is against the rules.
{09a} The posting of Private Messages (whether via text (paraphrasing is fine) or via image) in a public forum or in Private Messages to other players is explicitly disallowed. You may, however, post them in your confessional. You are also prohibited from taking a screenshot of private messages and showing them to other players. Forwarding is not allowed. Quoting is not allowed, nor is pretending to quote. You may paraphrase.
{09b} Don't show other players screenshots of anything in your confessional, any challenge scores, or any game information they do not already have access to. The one exception to this is that showing any items or powers you possess or are pretending to possess is allowed -- but still don't take a screenshot of your confessional to do this as that would be verifiable.
{10} The moderators may discipline any player that breaks the rules however we see fit, depending on the specific situation. We also reserve the right to implement new rules if needed.
{11} Although this game takes place on an off-site forum, that forum is considered an exclave of Mafiascum.net. All MS conduct rules will apply.
{12a} PMs are only to be used for communication within your team unless otherwise specified.
{12b} You are free to create group PMs with players that you may PM. Once a member in a group PM is eliminated, you must not use it again and must create a new group PM with people who are still in the game. You may not use the BCC feature.
{13} Every round will possess a Main Match. If there are multiple winners, they will each get a Token of Life, granting them safety from the Death Match. If there is only one winner, they will get two Tokens of Life: one for themselves and one for any player they choose that is not the Elimination Candidate.
{14} The loser of the Main Match will be the Elimination Candidate and automatically enter the Death Match. If there are multiple losers, the winner(s) must unanimously agree on an Elimination Candidate.
{15} There will occasionally be Garnet Matches. Garnet Matches are similar to Main Matches, except that the player(s) with the most garnets at the end of the Main Match will win a Token of Life (two if they are the sole winner), and the player with the least garnets will become the Elimination Candidate.
{16} The outcomes of all Challenges are final, except in case of incorrect tallying by the mods.
{17} We appreciate the fact that prospective contestants will enter this game with a range of skills. With this in mind, understand that we as mods can't cater to all players' needs and time constraints in challenges.
{18} The Loser of the Main Match will enter the Death Match. If there is a tie for loser the winner(s) of the Main Match will determine the loser.
{18.b} In the event that there are joint winners and multiple Death Match candidates and the joint winners cannot agree on the Death Match candidate the majority choice will be the Death Match candidate. If there is a tie that cannot be broken, there will be a tie-breaker challenge between all joint winners. The loser of this challenge will become the Death Match candidate instead
{19} The Loser of the Main Match must choose an opponent without a Token of Life to challenge in the Death Match.
{20} If all players except for one tie for the best score in the Main Match, then the player in last place will automatically go to the Death Match. They can then choose any opponent in the game to challenge in the Death Match.
{21} In the unlikely event that all players end up with the same score in the Main Match, everyone will cast a vote for who they want to see in the Death Match. The player with the most votes will become the Elimination Candidate, and must then pick another player to take to the Death Match.
{22} The player who loses the Death Match will be eliminated from the game.
{23} The winner of the Death Match will receive half of the losers' Garnets (rounded down). The other half will be distributed evenly to all other players on their team, with the remainder sent to the Death Match winner.
{24} Deadlines may be shortened or extended to get back to a regular schedule.
{25} All players will start with 0 Garnets, but more may be acquired later on.
{26} Garnets that can be gained from a main match will be announced prior to the beginning of said main match.
{27} Garnets will be used to gain advantages in Main Matches. Having more might also give you an advantage in a Death Match (but they won't be spent in Death Matches)
{28} Garnets may be given to other players.
{29a} Once a Main Match result is posted, players can no longer give Garnets to other players until the Death Match contenders are decided. Once that is determined, non-death match players may resume gifting of garnets. Once the Death Match concludes, the victor may gift garnets again until the next Death Match.
{29b} Players are not allowed to give Garnets to other players during Garnet Matches.
{30} The garnet count for all players will be revealed at the start of each Main Match and at the end of each Main Match.
{31} The winner of The Genius: First Encounter will have money donated to a charity of their choice based on how many garnets they have!
{32} When 2 players remain we will enter the final stage of the game. The final 2 will play in 3 Finale Matches.
{33} Jurors will select one of the final 2 to support and give them an item. The items will give an edge in the Finale Matches.
{34} The player with the most garnets will be given an additional item.
{35} Twists will be implemented without warning or provocation throughout the game. The time and setting of each twist has already been determined, so as to neither give an unfair advantage or disadvantage to a player or group of players.
{36} Some Main Matches, Death Matches and Finale Matches will have all or part of them be played live. The live session will not start unless all players have indicated that they can be there at that time.
{37} The Genius: First Encounter is a game that is already expected to be on the longer side, so it is unlikely for deadlines to be extended significantly. That said, if you need an extension at any point in the game, please inform a Moderator and we will do our best to accommodate you. Please inform us at the earliest possible time, but please don't abuse this rule.
{38} If you know you're going to be away from the game for longer than 12 hours please inform us so we can plan ahead.