Your interest in Nasubi is deeper than most because you are one of his biggest fans. While searching desperately for more information about Nasubi you entered into the bowels, nay the cockels or maybe even the subcockels of the internet and found a secret website, It talked of an ongoing plot to assassinate Nasubi, and how it’s members must do anything in their power to defend the Sweepstakes Life icon. With your boring life, you couldn't think of anyhthing more exciting than stopping an assassination of a global reality TV celebrity so naturally you dove in.
It seems not much had been going on with your newfound message board for some time. Things were verging on absurd with members showing video of their training sessions, but then things started getting serious.
Logging in to the message board one morning you saw this scawled across the home page:
I'm on your message board, drinking your milkshake...OF NASUBI BLOOOD!!
Some of the more internet savvy members of the board figured out that the account that posted it was registered to a current user, but they could not track which one. Your group, dedicated to saving Nasubi has been infiltrated. They know your plans to help save him, and are trying to stop you. Just last week Oman, Nasubi's biggest fan and a former member of your message board was found floating face down in a local hotel pool. It seems the killers are going to try wiping you out first, then they can move on to their real prize.
The upside is that you know the killers are a part of your small group. You've all agreed to a pact. Each day you will democratically choose a message board member to kill. You should eventually be able to save Nasubi through sacrifice of yourselves.
millar13-Natto Distributor-Nasubi Saver-lynched Day 1
populartajo-Nasubi Fanboy-Nasubi Saver-Strangled Night 1
Claus-Natto Distributor-Nasubi Saver-lynched Day 2
LlamaFluff-Denpa Shonen Night Shift IT Guy (Role Cop)-Nasubi Saver-Strangled Night 2
Sajin-Nasubi Fanboy-Nasubi Saver-Lynched Day 4
Nasubi Savers wrote:You win when Nasubi is safe.