Oh, boy.
U ppl r going 2 h8 me--my last post was on page six, and i have 2 catch up. (Which means a long post.)
![/i] U'v been warned...
Miss wrote:I'm rather skeptical of ConsonantM, solely for the fact that he seems entirely too willing to play the sacrificial lamb under the guise of, "Oh, I'm town. I'm doing this for our own good."
Obviously, u'v
1: Missed my explanations of my play,
2: Never seen me play b4. Not surprising, really; not many have seen me.
And yet, u dont mention my defenses at all... :/
Get the frak out of my head.
Pay attention 2 the counter-arguments presented by me.
Oh Lord, do you really want that answered?
There was no question. Just a truthful fact.
Nobody here wants the RVS 2 continue on.
If they did, i'd aaaalmost lynch them on policy alone.
That is... a WIFOM explanation.
There is no wifom in a fact.
:Insert bandwagoning image here:
Stating a willingness to vote 4 Mufasa...w/o actually doing so is fairly scummy.
I'm going to go through look at a few things more closely
Try looking at, oh, say, counter-arguments as well? <_<
(admittedly, I skimmed just to catch up).
And apparently skipped most of my posts, instead agreeing with KMD and almost completely ignoring my responses to those points.
I don't entirely feel comfortable laying down a boost on anyone just yet
That's scummy.
but that might change upon further inspection.
Not seeing ne1 pro-town enough 2 boost is as large of a scum tell as not seeing ne1 scummy enough 2 vote 4 them. (Oh, wait, ur guilty of both...)
Sorry for not being here.
Eh, it happens.
I'm actually in the process of moving my roommate in
so I'll be limited to posting in the evening.
Nice. i post late in the evening often as well.
We'll get along just fine.
(...Until u die.
Hopefully with some content, right?
A few points:
1: Lol. Top poster.
The Mod wrote:Note that Porochaz may have no access until the 20th due to his holiday.
Porochaz has an excuse. Most of the others listed do not. (OGML does, kinda.)
Poptajo wrote:(not from OGML obv)
Y not from OGML?
Scumslip, perhaps?
Where is Mufasa?
Lurking, perhaps? I dunno. Perhaps Mufasa just gave up on the prospect of living.
Mufasa wrote:@ popular : I am part of the homosapien species on the planet earth on the continent North America in the country United States
U were saying ur only human, but failed 2 explain y exactly u were gone...
I have two suspects I want to look at a little further before I lay down a vote
This is scummy. Vote first, look 4 evidence l8r. That's the way to do it.
Sajin wrote:LURKER! *snicker*
Papa wrote:KMD is at B-1. I'm at B-2. Those wagons sure built fast.
I like ur Boost-wagon, tho i am not so sure about the KMD B-wagon.
Should we be claiming at this point?
That would be fairly anti-town 2 do. Ne1 who did would instantly get unboosted from me and perhaps even earn my vote.
KMD wrote:Tajo, I don't like how forced ConsM's posts look.
Duh, I forced us out of the RVS. If that's not forced, i dont kno what is. i do not deny the forced posts; i admit it's tru.
R we really going 2 go over this again?
He doesn't seem to honestly believe anyone he pushes to be scum.
Semi failed to answer my concerns about his lurking. Mufasa is super-scummy, Wiirdo is at a close second to Mufasa, Kise hasnt answered the concerns about his concern about being labeled a lurker.
If this changes, i'll let u kno, but those r my top suspects. (Miss Take has a current spot on fifth 4 that post i quoted earlier.)
He forced us out of the RVS
Darn right i did.
while constantly saying that it was just to get out of the RVS.
So? It was. There's nothing more 2 it than that. I
the RVS. I wanted it over. So I killed it.
He said that it wasn't even a protown action
No freakin' duh. There's nothing pro-town in wanting 2 seriously play. AT ALL. It's just something every1 wants, making it a null tell. How many times do i have 2 go over this?
probably to cover his intentions of trying to look townie.
Perhaps u r forgetting the possibility that i, oh, maybe JUST BELIEVE IN WHAT I SAY.
And he said he was trying to look scummy
Works well in scum hunting. It caught Mufasa and Wiirdo, didn't it?
which I think is playing the "oh look, I'm town" card a little too heavily.
Umm...wouldnt it b the opposite? U kno, "oh, i look like scum"? Not seeing how i was saying "I look town". At all, actually. i dont see how u can come 2 this conclusion...
clarify, please?
His criteria for lurkers
i called a player out 4 lurking when said player has no history of doing so. (Semi) Kise also gained my suspicion due to his reaction 2 being called a lurker (being concerned about it).
That seems like good criteria, no? Meta and panicking.
gives him too much of an excuse not to scumhunt in other ways
What do u call my posts, then?
Pointing out the scummy things said by SEVERAL ppl?
That's scum hunting, and i don't see how it could fall under "lurking criteria", meaning, it is "in other ways" right there.
and is too calculated
That implies it's a fabrication.
Perhaps ur failing to consider that i am just scum hunting, using every tool at my disposal--meta, panicking, scum tells, scummy comments, etc.
for us to draw opinions from after he flips
WHEN I flip town, u will kno that my opinions were legit and will look closer at my suspect lists, if u have any intention of catching scum.
And his vote is jumping around every time he has a new "lurker".
Let's look at my voting history, shall we?
No lynch.
Still no lynch.
Still no lynch.
Still no lynch.
Still no lynch...
And still, no lynch.
Total posts 4 no-lynch: 6.
Length from No-lynch to next vote: 6:40-8:00, meaning, 1 hour, 20 minutes.
Phase: Still RVS.
Purposely bandwagoning Mufasa,
Kept it on, here,
Still on, here,
It was still on here,
And it was again still on, here.
Total: 5
Total time: ~10 minutes.
Phase: Still RVS
Voted 4 some1 i didnt think 2 b scum, some1 who i said was town, some1 who had many boosts. Extremely scummy.
I kept it on here,
And removed it here.
Total posts: 3
Total Time: ~5 minutes.
Phase: Sadly, still RVS. (I had nobody to work with.)
The unvoted bandwagon continued here.
Total posts: 2
Total time: 15 minutes.
Phase: Beginning to exit the RVS, but not quite there, yet.
KMD gives me material to work with, i consider his opinion scummy, vote 4 him. (Now, I am leaning more towards it just being a conflict in beliefs. He is neutral in my mind.)
My FIRST accusation about lurking. WAY l8r into the game. Still voting KMD.
Still voting KMD.
Second accusation of lurking. Zito had posted, Semi had recently logged in yet had not.
Posts: 4
Total time: 8:30 pm-12:45 am, 4 hours, 15 minutes.
Phase: Thanks to KMD, out of the RVS.
Vote Semi.
Still voting Semi.
Still accuse Semi of lurking, still voting 4 Semi.
Still voting 4 Semi...
Still say Semi hasn't answered my concerns, I also accuse further Mufasa of bing scum, as well as Wiirdo. And, yea, still voting 4 Semi.
Still voting Semi.
I'll give you a hint:
I have never unvoted Semi.
Total post #: More than six, the old record.
Total Time: Thus far infinite.
Phase: Current, scum hunting well into d1.
Yea...there goes ur theory. I have not "jumped around" in my votes AT ALL. Nor have i been accusing enough ppl of lurking to qualify as voting 4 lurkers and lurkers alone--Zito was writing a post, Semi who has no history of lurking...was lurking, and Kise responded poorly to the accusation.
It's like he's voting for pressure
I'm voting 4 my suspicions--Semi holds great amount from me, and will continue 2 do so until he answers my concerns, Mufasa is scummy, but i like my vote on Semi, Wiirdo is just after that...
U get the idea. I can only place 1 vote at a time. :/
but as soon as someone responds and he has a new lurker
My above shoots ur theory out of the water.
the vote moves.
If Semi convinces me with a SOLID defense of my concerns over him, then he'll convince me to unvote him. I'd then proceed to my next-top-suspect after Semi, Mufasa, because with Semi's defense making him less likely 2 be scum, Mufasa would hit the top of the list.
How is this different from any other player?
I don't like the way he seems to have the game planned
Me? Plan? Ha!
rather than trying to do things based on in thread actions.
Scum hunting is in-thread actions. That is all i have been doing.
Town has no reason for a calculated way to vote or find lurkers.
Finding lurkers who have no history of lurking IS scum hunting.
Hmm...after KMD points out the vote, Zwet responds... Possible buddying up, going on right there.
It looks more like trying to look townie.
1: Rolefishing. (Townie)
2: BS.
U, urself, said that it looked like i honestly believed what i said--
Meaning that when i say it's a null tell, that i would NOT be trying to look like a pro-town player.
Want the quote 2 prove it?
KMD wrote:ConsM, yes, anything that isn't cheating is ok in a mafia game. I've used tactics here that SA considers cheating just because they are allowed here (T/D although it failed, toxx clauses several times, etc.)
You seem to honestly believe that's wrong though, so I'm willing to drop it.
This was in response to
My points about practically cheating,
Responding to his points
KMD wrote:Play to win. Take the win any way you can get it.
You seem to genuinely believe that though..
Here, which ALSO included his belief that I was telling the truth,
Which was responding to my points
Here,, responding to his point about the scum's view on the RVS,
KMD wrote:Scum would absolutely love it if the game wasn't serious yet and there was a deadline in 2 days. They'd also love it if there was a lynch in the RVS that didn't implicate them. Do you disagree?
His full post was here.
And so on, and so on.
U get the idea--
He said, initially, that wanting to get out of the RVS was pro-town, but doing it the way i did, forced, was pro-scum in nature.
I disagreed, stating it was a null tell, which is basically what we were debating from then-on.
He l8r states that he thinks I genuinely believe what i say, which would mean that he also thinks that i truly believe it 2 b a null tell, meaning he agrees that it wasn't any kind of scum tactic by extent.
Explain THAT, KMD.
(KMD is leaning towards the scummy side until he answers my concern about this inconsistency.)
If it was just towniness, he'd say that getting out of the RVS is protown.
This makes no sense--
I'd say it (Getting out of the RVS) was pro-town 2 do...if i were pro-town?
That seems 2 b the opposite of the truth, in my mind.
But his lurker criteria
Voting some1 who went HOURS online here without posting, with no previous history of lurking?
Yea, i'd say that's valid criteria.
and vote hopping
See my point above which proves this 2 b false.
seem to fit a real, planned, scum agenda.
Or, perhaps, is simply me using every tool at my disposal to scum hunt.
Pointing out lurkers who have no history of lurking is meta evidence, but valid in almost all situations.
"You are online, not posting, a lurker, and scum. *Vote*".
1: Again, proven this false b4.
2: If i saw some1 known 4 lurking online in this game (say, Killa seven logged on but not posting if K7 was playing this game), i would point it out, but note how they're known 4 doing it and that it's a null tell. This does NOT apply to the players who i've accused of lurking.
His attention goes to that instead of actually scumhunting
Pointing out lurkers who have no meta of lurking IS scum hunting.
based on what people say and do.
Besides, i've done this part as well. (See Mufasa, Wiirdo, etc. Accusations.)
It's an excuse not to scumhunt.
No. It is me using every scum hunting tool i can. 2 not do so would be stupid.
I don't like it.
Don't like my scum hunting? Perhaps, just mayb, bcause i nailed ur partner?
Green is most likely to be scum on their scumbuddy.
1: You're a leading wagon and have two greens on you. Is this implying ur scum, with Emp and BC as partners?
Seemed that way 2 me; definite possible scumslip, there.
2: If they're scum, y is ur vote still on me, a yellow?
Empking and BC are on me. From an outside view, that would be worth looking at. I personally know myself to be town, but if anyone wants to analyze this, feel free.
Not buying it. (See above)
Poptajo wrote:Really, Im not comfortable at all with KMD being at B-1.
That last analysis has very fatal flaws as it assumes that all the protown players have to share the same feelings regarding boost wagons. This is a terrible hypothesis.
Pop is Popular 4 a reason; this is something which i explained above, 4 the most part.
This post is filled with budying, along with a vote w/o reasoning. (No reasoning's fine, but when asked 2 give it, u better give it) Give said promised reasons, please.
Reasons such as these r y ur generally an easy lynch, Millar.
And this,
Look really bad, OGML. It's basically saying u'll bandwagon, which most ppl consider rather scummy.
(Oh, and ur thinking of Active Lurking, not Lurking, neway.)
If some1 loved me, i'd be surprised.
Caught up. Well, that wasn't so bad, was it?
Short version short:
-KMD's case on me is full of holes. (He is my current sixth suspect)
-Semi still hasn't responded to my concerns, and still has my vote,
-My suspect list, in order, is
Kise, (hasn't answered the point about him being worried about lurking)
Miss Take,
and at sixth,
Cateraction falls into a seventh 4 now.