My thoughts on each player so far....
- started off seeming fairly pro-town but slipped into questionable zone by strongly giving support to Sens for one post and meta (which is useless in HoH nomination for this game, good player in other game could very well be scum in this game and bad for being HoH). At deadline, ends up seeming more anti-Sly than pro-Sens. After HoH appointing, get with program an delivers his picks. Sense a possible animopherv/Sens connection.
- sounds very pro-Town to me. though his activity level is far too low, I agree with a lot he says. He acknowledged Sens lurking and gave his support to kmd and questioned me reasonably about my discussion with Llama.
- he seems pro-Town. His questions are reasonable and seems to be actually trying to scumhunt. Hope to get more input from DisCode during this evictee nomination phase. The extra input from Discode never came unfortunately.
- his predecessor placed a reasonless vote, states he would put me and Mufasa on the block if he became HoH, and then got modkilled. Sensed whoot/Sens connection. Grandi - Produces a reasonable HoH application but then goes into severe lurker mode. I sense a team discussed lurking strategy (Sens/Grandi). pablito replaces in and seems better than either of his predecessor but still does nothing town convincing with his initial post.
- this is one player I do have meta on that stands out in my head. I know how crafty of and effective scum he can be. his zwet nomination never sat well with me. His suspicions on Paltry seem a bit too strong for the reasoning he gives for those suspicions. Outside of his nom and thoughts on Paltry, I agree with many things he says, but I am very cautious to clear him as town because I know how good he can be as scum and his seemingly strong support of a lurking and non-contributing zwet is something that is just pinging my scumdar to no end!! It just blows me away that no one else seems to have a problem with his zwet support for HoH. Strongly sense a possible kmd/zwet connection.
- appears to be pro-Town at times. Our discussion about the reasoning behind where his HoH support was turned into somewhat of a semantics battle. Him being unable to produce a reason that seemed valid to me for his strong support of kmd elminated him from my list of possible HoH's candidate and made me a little suspicious about a possible Llama/kmd connection.
Mr Finch
- seems to be pro-Town. Biggest pro-Town reads come from him reevaluating his support for Sens and seeing there was really no good reason for it. Refuses to be scum lead sheep. Other than Paltry pointing out to Mr Finch that town lost the first BB mafia using Finch's suggested strategy, I am not too understaning of why he is getting so much suspicion pointed his way. Seems to be objectively questioning things that are questionable. The one statement of his that worries me was when he was addressing saber and said, " I don't really are if you are s[c]um or not. I want you gone, you are being a pain in the ass." I understand where he is coming from and agree to a certain point, but I am not sure that is the best way to be thinking. I want scum gone more than I want the ass gone.
- seems pro-Town. He gave his support to me because he felt I was actually scumhunting as opposed to giving support to someone based on meta. Seemed to get a little too tunnelled on the whole Mufasa/whoot debacle. Good answers on his HoH application. Seems to point out to Finch that town lost the original BB Mafia game using the strategy that Finch suggested be used in this one. I, myself, have not read the original game and am only assuming the outcome of it based on this discussion. I think putting Paltry on the block to test his POV and discredit the idea that saber has one too may not be such a bad idea.
- not going to repeat all the reasons I have already pointed out, but he has been extremely anti-Town for a big portion of this game. I get the feeling he is holding a POV, or some form of immunity, and that gives him a sense of invulnerability and feels he has somewhat of a free pass to act like a Jester. His play has been so bad and anti-town, that I feel putting him on the block is a waste at this time that will produce very little info. I think it is best to watch him over the next day or two and see if he is actually scum or just someone being an idiot.
- presented a good idea at the first of the game but then went into lurker mode. Since rejoining, he has been over-defensive, has completely tunneled into an anti-Sly onslaught, refusing to give valid submissions for evictee nominations. Finally seemed to calm down and offer up real nominee suggestions for eviction.
- started the game off fairly well but at some point seemed to fall into ridiculousness. Presented up distracting numbers nonsense. Has given some absolutely stupid reasons for some of his stances. His posts seem to be made just for the sake of posting while offering up no real contribution. Strong VI candidate.
- seems pro-Town. Light contributions so far, but nothing stands out as scummy or anti-town to me. Could snow be genius scum flying way below the radar?
- totally useless. Severe lurking, no meaningful contributions, ignoring HoH evictee nomination phase. Got relatively strong support nomination from kmd leading me to highly suspect a kmd/zwet connection.
Initial suspicions:
Scum team 1: kmd/zwet/llama
Scum team 2: Sens/animopherv/(saber or
My initial suggestions (definitely due to change based on discussion):
Pick 1 - kmd (alternate Sens)
Pick 2 - zwet (alternate animopherv)