- Was on-screen Scene 1
- Iso 8: Calls out KY for staying silent when called upon to participate
- Iso 10: States he will "nail [KY Krew] when they get Off-Camera"
- Iso 13: Votes Panzer
- Iso 14: Agrees with a KY lynch
This is really interesting. Hewitt stays remarkably quiet on the KY issue, basically just saying that he'll deal with KY once KY is stunted back in. But when this happens, he doesn't question KY and doesn't even vote him. Instead he stays on Panzer. This really looks like deflection to me.
- 0 mention of Rawr.
- Iso 41: Says he's tired of Pooky not doing anything
- Iso 60: Wants Pooky off-stage to lynch him
- Iso 64: Pooky is high on his scum list
- Iso 77: Moar Pooky lynching
- Iso 94: Votes Pooky
- Iso 96: Pooky's wagon isn't going anywhere, but he can't live to endgame
- Several Pooky can't live, is a wild card posts.
Hewitt was anti-Pooky the entire time. What's kinda odd is that he changes his stance on his is 94 vote post from "Pooky is scum" to "Pooky is a wildcard". Also I don't see him trying to convince the town to lynch Pooky, he just repeats that Pooky needs to be lynched over and over. Ironically, when given the chance, he instead hammers Gaspar.
- Iso 9: Condorcet votes GnB 5th
- Iso 11: Condorcet votes GnB 5th
- Iso 13: Condorcet votes GnB 5th
- Iso 98: Accuses GnB of trying to distract from the Gaspar lynch.
- Iso 108: Says GnB's defense of of a Pooky modkill is scummy
There are some other posts where he answers posts from GnB, but nothing else regarding alignment.
Nothing, whatsoever.
- Was on-camera Scene 1
- Iso 6: Believes KY is 3rd party
- Iso 10: Condorcet votes KY #1
Very sparse. I'm not thrilled about the 3rd party speculation.
- 0 mention of Rawr Hydra.
- Iso 39: Lists Pooky towards the bottom of a scumlist
- Iso 52: Pooky seems to have vanished.
The lack of anything regarding Pooky seems deliberate. He mentioned a couple times that they should wait for Pooky to chime in on something, but never condemned him for not participating and also never addressed him directly. It looks especially bad combined with the lack of KY postings.
- Iso 4: Accuses GnB of being contradictory
- Iso 43: Accuses GnB of not being active? I don't understand this post.
As prolific a poster as GnB was in this game, this is all we have. Amazing.
Nothing, whatsoever
- Was on-camera Scene 1
- Iso 4: KY is definitely scum
- Iso 7: Condorcet votes KY
- Iso 12: Votes KY Krew
Not a lot here, but he was on the wagon, so.
- 0 mention Rawr Hydra
- Iso 33: is "uncomfortable" with Pooky's posts
- Iso 52: Doesn't like Pooky's voting record
- Iso 53: Pooky needs to die
Again, not a lot here.
- Iso 7: Condorcet votes GnB 6th
- Iso 53: Says GnB should die for being wrong the last two scenes
There are a few posts where Thesp agrees with GnB's posts, and a couple where he throws questions at them, but that's it.
- Iso 58: Has a hard time finding Thok scummy
That's literally it.
- Mufblade Iso 7: Listed KY as scum in scumlist
- Mufblade Iso 9: Didn't like KY's actions
- VP Baltar Iso 1: KY Krew is scum (duh)
- VP Baltar Iso 3: Condorcet votes KY #1
- VP Baltar Iso 8: Wants to extract info from KY
- VP Balar Iso 12: Votes KY Krew
All good here. Even the Mufblade part. Wow.
- No mention of Rawr Hydra by Mufblade
- No mention of Rawr Hydra by VP Baltar (replaced already?)
- VP Baltar Iso 54: Neutral Pooky read
- VP Baltar Iso 65: Pooky posts garbage everywhere!
- VP Baltar Iso 120: Pooky in neutral category
- VP Baltar Iso 126: Dislikes Pooky's on-camera choices but likes his Gaspar attacks
- VP Baltar Iso 133: Pooky is unreadable and unhelpful
I'm really not sure what to think of this. Continually listing Pooky as neutral, without trying to do anything to shift him one way or another, isn't good. However I did see him agreeing with Pooky's points in a couple of spots.
- Mufblade Iso 7: Lists GnB towards the top (town) of a scumlist
- Iso 33: GnB is town
- Iso 54: GnB is town
- Iso 56: Accuses GnB of "looking busy"
- Iso 82: Is definitely against a GnB lynch
- Iso 120: GnB listed nuetral (?)
- Iso 126: GnB nuetral for being non-commital
- Iso 146: Suspicious of GnB for being friendly with Pooky
- Iso 150: Says GnB is townish (?)
I understand the move from town to nuetral, but I don't get the move back to town territory.
- No mention of Thok by Mufblade
- Iso 47: Bit of a defense of Thok re: scumlist posting
- Iso 54: Wouldn't mind a Thok lynch; disliking playstyle
- Iso 82: Thinks Thok should be dead
- Iso 120: Lists Thok in his list of "People who I think need to be lynched"
- Iso 150: Thok is townish (??)