My case against vezokpiraka
His play has been scummy ever since near the beginning of the game. Here, I put all the pieces together to help prove that he is indeed lynch-worthy.
First of all, I want all of you to know that vezokpiraka is an experienced player, at least according to what he said over in an ongoing game, so there is no reason for his overall poor play here.
vezokpiraka wrote:I'll do that but it's not bold so it doesn't count. raise that guy.
Apprently, he's supporting to raise Benmage, but from what I can recall, he never does it under any circumstances.
vezokpiraka wrote:@everyone: I think that for the first day or in some cases if we don't want to raise a hand we can raise the one who will be lynched so nobody could die because of it.
This is a horrible idea. He wanted to raise someone who would be lynched, so no one would die because of it. If we had followed his suggestion, this would be a complete waste of time and would benefit no one. This is why raising Percy was such a great idea, he is currently the strongest player here.
vezokpiraka wrote:That thing is not useful. So we have to pick a double voter? on day 1.
If we target scum we have a double voter scum.
If we raise town we have a double voter dead.
If we raise town scum may create WIFOM and make us lynch him.
All cases equal bad for town. I still suggest raising the one we are lynching
He argues that double voting isn't really useful at all. When placed in the right hand (As this is probably the case), it can be more beneficial to town than to scum. What if Percy has his vote on two scums already? Overall, his argument is definently not convincing.
vezokpiraka wrote:I want to be raised as the new hand.
I am playing by role can't remember who is that called.
I am the next in line for the throne raise me.
I personally call this a selfish move by him. Now yes, everyone wanted to be the double voter (Myself as well, as I did raise myself for awhile), but I really didn't like this post at all. He doesn't explain why he should be raised at all, let alone a legitimate one.
vezokpiraka wrote:I have no idea about the books.
I have no idea if I'm next in line but it seemed like I am a royal figure more or less.
I really don't see any purpose for this comment under any circumstances. I haven't read the books, but I don't use that as an excuse for not trying in this game. On top of that, I don't really care if vezokpiraka thinks he's a royal figure or not.
Promise made, but never delievered
vezokpiraka wrote:I think Cmar is scum. Will post a case sometime soon
He never made a real case on CryMeARiver, despite voting him a few times. While I did think that CryMeARiver was scummy, he defindently didn't convince me into thnking that.
Bandwagoning and unexplained suspicions.
These are some of his worst offense in the game by far. He has done this so often, it's not even funny. Usually, it is with minimal reasoning and gives us very little to work on. First major example:
vezokpiraka wrote:unvote
Vote Richard
Your last post is ultra scummy.
This is obvious bandwagoning. He doesn't give any explanation why he found that post scummy. None, just said that his last post at the time was scummy. Continuing:
vezokpiraka wrote:unvote
Seems a legit claim to me. I guess the one who gets the extra kill is town. Vengeance for a scum is pretty weird.
After putting almost no effort in pushing RichardGHP, he unvotes mainly because of his claim.
vezokpiraka wrote:Well it was this post but I consider CMAR being scumier that this.
vote CryMeARiver
Now this is where it begins to get bad. All he basically said was that he considered CryMeARiver to be scummier then RichardGHP's post that cause him to vote him. He doesn't provide any explanation whatsoever on why CryMeARiver was scummy.
vezokpiraka wrote:unvote
Vote mikujin
The amount of scuminess in your posts is overwhemling
Once again, he gave absolutely no reason why he found a person scummy. While it might been Mikujin's 2nd vote on him, it defindently sounds like he's trying to leech off MagnaofIllusion's reason for voting him.
vezokpiraka wrote:I will /barn that. This is what I told you/ was going to tell you and forgot.
Vote Richard
Less then three hours later, he changes his vote to RichardGHP. Gives absolutely no new reasons for voting him. The vote was completely worthless.
vezokpiraka wrote:Kelraac made really bad responses. I don't care what you would say.
vote Keldraac
The Kleedrac bandwagon was relatively large at the time. Vezokpiraka votes for him. Unfortunently, all he said was that he made really bad responses. He doesn't say why they're bad or what responses Kleedrac made was bad.
vezokpiraka wrote:Unvote
Same thing only CMAR wagon has more steam
This is blatant bandwagoning on a person. People should note that this is taken at the exact same time where he voted Raivann. Inconsistency much?
vezokpiraka wrote:unvote
vote raviann
Everyone from CMAR wagon switch here. I don't want this day to end in a no lynch
vezokpiraka sounds extremely desperate for a lynch to happen here. Yes we didn't have much time for a lynch, but he could have at least given a good explanation for switching his vote to Raivann again.
vezokpiraka wrote:I said fake claim cause I thought he was scum with CMAR. After what axel said I come to think I might be wrong.
Anyway. This is the only way to prove it.
Vote Richard
Basically, he said the only way to prove Richard's claim right was to lynch him. He is wrong in this circumstance. RichardGHP could have been Night Killed and that would have proved if his claim was right of if he was a lying scum bag. This claim is more likely true because of julienvonwolfe's death. I feel like he was trying to bandwagon RichardGHP again, hoping to kill him.
vezokpiraka wrote:Richard wagon is not moving but this should end in a lynch
vote CMAR
His last vote of Day 1 is also horrible. He expressed dissatification of RichardGHP's wagon not moving to a lynch, so in order to ensure that, he basically makes an obvious bandwagon on CryMeARiver.
vezokpiraka wrote:I play like this.
I do scumhunting when I get a good read on someone. Right now richard seems the scummiest but I don't have a case on him yet
I don't like how he basically relies on meta fo his defense and doesn't really defend his action. He said that RichardGHP was the scummiest person at the time, yet he doesn't have a case on him A.K.A. suspicion without explanation.
vezokpiraka wrote:Obv fakeclaim.
You were voting to raise CMAR.
I don't want to lynch a vig now.
If CMAR flips scum raviann should be obv scum.
Someone asked who I believe scum.
I believe both of them are scum.
This post is horrible. A few things I especially disliked about it.
vezokpiraka wrote:Obv fakeclaim.
vezokpiraka wrote:I don't want to lynch a vig now.
Major contradictions here. He said that it was an obvious fakeclaim, but on that exact same post, he said he didn't want to lynch a vigilante now.
vezokpiraka wrote:Someone asked who I believe scum.
I believe both of them are scum.
He doesn't explain his vote on CryMeARiver at all. This isn't what I call a good response to a question, plus this is bandwagoning without giving good explanations.
Give me
good reason to keep him around. Just
. To me, this person has contributed next to nothing in this game. He has been scummy all over the place and he needs to die ToDay. Unless vezokpiraka improve his game Day 2, this stance will stay.