Mikujin iso, rough pbpa:
2-Votes rich unraises to scan missing pages. (But is good to vote?)
3- fluff 4-fluff
5- Catch up post after falling some 15 pages behind. unvotes, unraises,….Goes on to state why Percy makes best hand candidate. Follows with a case on Vezo.
6- defends his Vezo case.
7- ML calls out miku for tunneling. Miku defends himself not wanting to make his catchup post unnecessarily long (weak reasoning imo) Goes on to accuse danakillsu(nothing special here).
8- fluff… fluff –top town in order Percy, Dripp, ML.
9- Defends attack by Cow for naming town people. Deflects to Percy’s play. Ad hom fluff. 3. Talks about fakeclaims, not believing Rich. (Maybe he has a fake claim)
10- fluff
11- Called out by xvart for vezo case. Shows 180/inconsistency with Raivann and votes him.
12- Highlights Kleedrac/Raiv cases.
13- Continues to hound Raivann.
14- fluff 15-fluff 16-fluff 17-fluff
18- active lurking? Still prefers Raiv over CMaR.
19- fluff
20- unvotes following Raiv’s claim, votes CMaR.
25- further R-hate.
26- Likes Percy’s case on dana, votes dana.
27- Semi-strong/semi-weak call out on Dripp.
28- fluff 29- fluff
30- calls out Drip some more, thinks Mina is town.
31-fluff 32-fluff
33- anti SSBF fluff
34- Answer to ML about bussing that hard in her early Mafia career.
35- Mini V/La(4 day post break)/fluff
36- Anti-CSL/dana
37- fluff 38- fluff 39-fluff 40-fluff
41-***9 day post break (over night phase too) wants to light candle for SSBF
42- Vig SSBF, lynch Vezo pending Percy result
43- fluff
44- Steps forward
45- Foolish post. Lights candle cow.
46- fluff 47-fluff 48-fluff
49- votes SSBF
50- Doesn’t like SSBF’s claim nor using him as an SK
51- meh 52- fluff 53-fluff 54-fluff
Conclusion: Buddies Percy
+1 Greyjoy
(Everyone buddied Percy
). Early Attacks Raivann -1 Greyjoy. Early Attacks danakillsu -1 Lannister. Never mentions anything about I doubt it +.5 Lannister.
Barely talks with xvart. Barely talks with diddin. Barely talks with Axelrod. Barely talks with Magna. Could be interesting to see distancing if any of these people flip baddd. Goes after the VI’s a lot.
Started game slow. Picked it up…has trailed off again.
Nothing glaring scummy, nor glaring town.
Anyone got something more juicy on Miku that I missed? Right now it looks like we're better looking elsewhere.
"ITT Benmage is making Shakespeare look cool. I need to bring you to my high school." -Vi
"If i must blantantly follow somone a player cannot do better than blindly following benmage" - tubby216