Vote: Furry
Town-Vote: Kirbyoshi
The smash ball didn't go through because I submitted after deadline...
And Furry needs to die now. He was my original smash ball target, and I'm still pretty sure he's scum. More to come later, but here's my original reasoning for wanting him smashed (it's in note form, so it's a bit sloppy):
D1 Furry:
Has some "complicated theory" why he doesn't want to townvote Fate. Never explained.
Votes MPR for bringing up the double lynch theory; town-votes Paltry who does the exact same thing in the next post. This especially scummy because the only notable thing Paltry did was bringing up the double-lynch theory. Furry couldn't have agreed with his suspicions, because he wanted to lynch diddin (Paltry disagreed with that), and he never commented on Switz or manho at all.
New reason for voting MPR: People wagoned him for no reson so he voted them? Since when is that scummy...? Again brings up the double lynch theory, which is the same thing that Paltry brought up. Now fully endorses the Fate wagon, so secret explanation is dropped.
Strongly believes there's a hider that should be targeting the SB holder.
D2 Furry:
New reason for voting MPR: MPR put Mafia SSK down for hammering? No, he asked if SSK knew it was a hammer >.>. Misrep.
Doesn't trust my reads, and that's why Furry hesitated town voting me? But Furry does trust the reads of kocc, Stelz, Paltry...?
Oh, now MPR is scum because of diddin's flip. And Furry has another secret reason for hesitating in town-voting town. Whee!
Furry expects all of the obvtown players to stay alive until endgame because Furry thinks there's doctor? That's a bit narrow-minded in a large theme game with two seperate scumkills to block, dontcha think?
"A doctor would've been an idiot to be on you N1."
This is coming from the same person who absolutely refused to townvote Fate until the very end...
MPR overhammered? No, MPR HAMMERED. He didn't ignore diddin the whole time, either... In fact, MPR votes him for his claim in post #19...
Furry believes gandalf is Jester. Then Mafia. Then BP. If gandalf is mafia, then why would he be trying to get lynched? Wouldn't that suggest that something nasty would happen if we lynched him, meaning we should vig him instead? I still don't understand Furry's reasoning for lynching him, whether he's telling the truth or not... >.>
Furry interactions with diddin:
ISO 0:
Vote Kirby, FoS diddin
(Vote townie, FoS partner?)
ISO 7:
Calls diddin a good lynch.
ISO 9:
Calls diddin a good lynch.
diddin interactions with Furry:
ISO #13: Calls Furry townier than Fate.
"Playing with Nacho is like playing with a religious conservative." ~UncertainKitten
-- Fate, Vanilla Townie, was brutally stabbed by a throwing sword in endgame.