Stels wrote:The scum's name is SharkFinn.
You damn actor! You're good.
Thanks. I know how to play a good town, especially when I AM TOWN
So, here's why:
In my previous QT N1-N4, we talked, he definitely seemed townie to me, just like to you. The thing is, he asked me about my role information, I gave it out to him, but he never told me his although we agreed to tell each other what it was before night ended.
A. I didnt get back in time to claim.
B. I had already softclaimed in the forum about both my role name and my alliance.
C. I planned to do it the next night, but turns out its a one night only.
Only after night ended, the mass-fullclaim idea went through and he claimed Ness! As you have seen in my post #1450, there is a pattern to the roles in this entire game. Some have pairs, some don't. What he claimed is proof of my theory. I am town, therefore he is scum. Ness is a part of my universe (Lucas's). My theory suggests that If there are 2 people of the same universe, one of them is scum if they both claimed town.
There is no role name cop. It doesn't exist. SharkFinn only claimed that since he gave us the red Bowser (Bussing?) and CSL today (Bussing?). He knew one of them since he is a part of either of their scumteam. Doesn't it seem unlikely that all the people he targetted were scum from both factions?
Your theory makes some sense but consider:
Falco was a false claim, not the real claim.
Jigglypuff was traitor, but Pokemon trainer and pikachu were both town. Additionally someone didnt claim Lucario, so that doesnt help the pair theory.
Besides, his claim came only after meeting me. Since he needed someone less noticeable as the bad guy, why not pick Ness? Something similar to my clone in Smash Bros.
Again I softclaimed before we talked. Read twilight before mongoose's lynch.
In fact, I'm actually willing to prove that SharkFinn is without a doubt, scum. Here's what I propose we do:
1) You guys lynch me (crazy idea). You get necessary evidence that I'm town, you smash SharkFinn, if he's the last scum, then we win, if not, 1 town NK only.
2) No-Lynch, avoid a mislynch. Smash Shark.
1. Stupid idea, your town and Im town
2. Bad idea also.
No quote's since I'm not sure if I can quote something from my QT or if I can find anything in his posts that looks like scum-scum talk since he's a good talker.
Good luck with that. Im town.
PREVIEW: Haha, see? Already town-voted me, nice. Sorry Shark, but there's no role name cop. Our REAL cop already died.
Yea yea real cop died, blah blah. Im role name cop. It only works on 4 people in this game basically. There are scummier people than me.
Stels: am I traitor or villain?
If I'm traitor, then:
A. How could I risk lynching a villain unless there's a role cop on my team. Considering the size of this game, it'd have to be me.
B. Why would I smash my teammate in manho? Bad bussing???
If I'm villain, then
A. Why would I bus my teammate when the talk was away from him?
B. Why would I smashkill the other mafia?
C. Why would I then bus my teammate again to another lynch? Double bus much?
Me being Traitor is killing off a teammate in the name of clearing myself.
Me being Villain is me leading the way to a village win by raping both mafia teams.
I dont see it, still see you as town.