Welcome ThAdmiral …
First things first – with the deadline extension
UNVOTE: Bowser / Untrod.
– When you have your confirmed flavor please post it ASAP.
As for your N1 targets I am going to suggest the following Tiers
Tier 1 – Scumtastic Players (IMO) – SquareOb or Nero (assuming they are not lynched)
Tier 2 – Lurkers / Active Lurkers –
ApCakes – Complete lurker. Has provided NOTHING to the discussion.
Feysal – After some serious theoretical discussion has disappeared into the ether, not weighing in on any of the issues at hand.
Slaxx – Reads as very much active lurking to me. No significant content coming from him but lots of posts.
Thor wrote:Yeah, but I'm just kind of uneasy at the attempt to start another wagon this late in the game day for something you don't feel is more of a screaming tell. Thoughts?
I’m not a believer in voting for a compromise candidate you don’t feel is scummy until the last possible minute. And I don’t find the Bowswer / Untrod slot nearly as scummy as either SquareOb or Nero, recent posts notwithstanding. I’d rather have my votes clearly demonstrating my position on players I think are scum.
Nero wrote:Bus, distance, same thing to me but no, no I was not bussing him. What I meant was...MOI had asked me what possible motives mafia could have for early distancing...if Thor and Nik were both scum and Thor used inside info say he had a "strong town read" Nik may have decided it may be best to distance 'cause what if Thor were to be vigged and flipped scum? Its a very likely possibility that there would be some unwanted attention on Nik.
What doesn’t sit well with me about this is the fact that Nik never voted for Thor at all. He expressed suspicion based on Thor’s read but never took it farther. So I don’t see that as bussing / distancing.
And the point about Thor flipping scum making Nik look bad is exactly what Thor would be trying to accomplish if he is scum buddying Town Nik. Since you’ve oscillated back and forth between your theories (Thor bussing versus buddying) I don’t think you would be so strongly considering the last sentence you posted.
I’m not sold.
AGM wrote:So I'm looking at the vote count. Specifically, the Bowser wagon.
I don't like the reason for the wagon.
I don't like the people on the wagon.
I don't like the order people are on the wagon.
Expound on your 'don’t likes'. Please.
Slaxx wrote:Should I claim?
What in the hell sort of reaction is this? Why so eager to claim when no-one has suggested you be a vig target or even really voted for you?
Untrod wrote: Meanwhile, Nik is trying to shamelessly keep my wagon going for no real reason and Square is all to happy to jog sweatily along behind it. I think I'd rather vote for Square now. VOTE: Square.
Do you feel that Nik is pushing your wagon without reasons and Square is sheeping. Is there any other reason why you voted Square? Or is it simply survivalist as he’s a viable alternate wagon to you?
CES wrote:He most definitely should. It allows for claims, prevents town PRs from wasting their actions (since he should be targetting suspicious people) and gives him less room to manoeuvre.
I see what you are saying but I disagree to some degree. Locking Admiral into a single target before night gives scum solid information by which to make decisions. Keeping them in the dark about Admiral’s target is more likely to give Town a net benefit in night actions. If claiming targets is required by enough players I would suggest Admiral listing 2-4 targets he’s considering.
SquareOb wrote:Guys, what are we going to do about ThAdmiral tomorrow? And ThAdmiral, who do you plan on killing tonight?
SquareOb wrote:@ThAdmiral: Question for you: Are you a regular vig or a strongman vig?
These two quotes reconfirm my earlier suspicions about Square.
1. Admiral’s position tomorrow will be assessed based on the outcome of night. Why are you trying to line up action by Town against him when we can have confirmation of his ability (but not necessarily alignment) tonight?
2. Target fishing noted.
3. Why are you worried about what type of Vig Admiral is? This reads very scummy to me.
VOTE: SquareOb
Wednesday is not far off and you are a more viable wagon than my other top suspect Nero.
"I am a leaf on the wind ... watch how I soar!"
Pretty much Geriatric game restricted at this point ... unless there are players I REALLY want to play with.