Welcome camn. May you be the final replacement this game sees.
I must admit that I also had read the rules when the game first opened and didn’t remember that explicit Mod information about the Scum having Daytalk. This information certainly makes me wonder who SquareOb’s partners let him make such horrible flavorclaim. I can’t see a competent scum-team not working something out when they have the ability to Daytalk.
– Any reason you chose to flavorclaim on your first post?
– Now that you have caught up and based on your comments at 882 can I assume your stance on lynching Admiral has changed?
– This is the second time you’ve popped in to post essentially fluff (you suggest Slaxx is giving you uneasy feeling and flip-flop on Thor who was earlier 90% scum IIRC) and avoided my questions to you at my ISO 37.
If I don’t see those questions answered in your NEXT post I’m going to move my vote to you unless it would result in a No-Lynch at deadline (Saturday).
CES wrote:You suggested we don't apply double standards to make bad players improve their game; that clearly conflicts with playing to win. And yes, Glrok can be caught Day 1; he's renowned for his scum-hunting skills, not for his ability to hide his alignment. Taking people at face value when you know they're good at fooling at you is just bad play, pure and simple.
I suggested the double-standard was PART of the site meta, not that it was specifically used specifically by players for the purpose of furthering the meta. Not applying double standards is Good Play.
Your last statement I find troublesome. Why are you suggesting that everyone is taking Furry at face value? Do you know everyone’s thought processes? Just because I have a Town read on him doesn’t mean I consider him confirmed Town. And I’ve played exactly one game with Furry where I was able to make an accurate read of his play as Town. So I have no personal history that shows he’s good at fooling me when scum. Don’t assert that your history is relevant to everyone.
CES wrote:Screw you. I gave the game quite a bit of my time at endgame even if it doesn't necessarily show in my posts; trusting Katsuki's words really wasn't unreasonable.
How quaint. If you gave the game quite a bit of time at endgame your posting didn’t reflect this. Both days you pretty much swooped in to hammer Spyrex and then DGB with little reasoning presented. Trusting a Town player’s statement when he had no way to know 100% that he was correct is exactly the same sort of bad play that you are trying to attribute to the general Town read on Furry above.
CES wrote:I'm going to assume the ^^ means 2 posts up, because you're not making a whole lot of sense otherwise.
camn may have addressed this but I agree that post was scumtastic. It’s a fluffy, snide, and dismissive comment that doesn’t serve to finding scum. It further matches your ISO which consists of little scum-hunting and mostly defense and snide commentary.
Slaxx wrote:I like Thor now
I agree with Thor here. That post suddenly makes you like Thor? AGM had already made that point you said swayed you before Thor did. Does that mean you think he is Town now?
Admiral wrote:No. I am referring to the fact that the group has been lynching well. 2 for 2.
Let's not exaggerate. It's 0 from 2.
Your explanation makes more sense. And the 0-3 things was a fumble finger that I didn’t catch before I posted. Doh.
Thor wrote:Probably should re-read and look at who did it, when, and how (this is my usual open invitation if someone else is excited by this, because I am lazy).
If you are Town stop being lazy. It’s not Pro-Town and your constant statements to that fact are making my gut directly conflict with my head that says you are Town due to the Day 1 VC Analysis I did. At least you are chipping in with observations about Slaxx and Hacker
Hacker wrote:OK, I seriously need to understand the reasoning behind the APC wagon. He's been lurking (or rather inactive as I see it), yet none of you felt the need to try and get him prodded and/or replaced. The little bit of content he posted seemed pretty pro-town to me. Just look at the case on MoI that came out of the blue at the end of the day. It not only made sense, but it's not going after one of the usual suspects and it was floated out there when no one was really expecting anything out of him. I'll move to Twomz for the deadline lynch, but I really think we need to go in another direction like nero/camn.
I agree with Thor again … this post is bad.
1. I’ve already explained in detail why APC’s rushed post is a Null tell. Both Town and Scum under fire for lack of input would have reason to make a hasty post as a survival tactic.
2. Please explain how his case ‘made sense’. He dropped this issue the minute that I questioned him about the lack of support and the fact that he stripped all context out of my posts.
"I am a leaf on the wind ... watch how I soar!"
Pretty much Geriatric game restricted at this point ... unless there are players I REALLY want to play with.