Vote:AurorusVox Unvote
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Vote:totallynotmafia Unvote
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Vote:VasudeVa Unvote
Vote:VP Baltar Unvote
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Vote:Wraith Unvote
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Vote: Benmage. Unvote.
Vote: Hito. Unvote.
Vote Benmage. Unvote
Vote: Hito. Unvote
Alright, since this is how its going down today lets get this out there:
Team Chumbawumba:
Town (TM):
VP Baltar
Remainder (In descending order):
(Team Nothing): Baby Spice/Nico/nopoint/tnm
So, heed the following things when you get my flip in like 4 days:
Team Chumbawumba needs to get put on permanent grave detail asap. They've got a proven track record now of bad decisions and all of the "Me, murder? NEVER" can eat it - but, as it sits, do not DO NOT DOOO NOOT murder/lynch them. The fact I've got to SAY that says something for the state of affairs but hey.
Team Town? Yea, they're town. I'm supremely confident in that.
Of the remainder? Team Nothing has 2 scum in it at least. Of the remainder? Yea, start watching there when the murders happen.
AV almost is TOWN but I still cant shake my irritation.
Plum, if there was a chance in hell anyone would listen to me, would be a good lynch. AS IT SITS once you see me flip with 4 insanities and start going "Ohh shit, maybe he WAS telling the truth" don't be afraid to be a broseph and take the knife up in my memory.
Speaking of knives, that time is coming soon when you better get them sharpened and actually try to hit real targets. Its probably for the best I'm dying now because the temptation to go murderer is becoming SERIOUS BUSINESS (and, the fact I've looked at it and really thought about it last night but didn't because there'd be no chance of it happening for ME not in general).
So, get everyone to do the little dance, get the post up, lynch me and then be SUPER SURPRISED tomorrow when you dont get to rob any graves but Furc's and then, once you get my damn flip, come back and repost this and go "ohhhh".