Yosarian2 wrote:Anyway, I don't want to sound too critical. This was an awesome game, it was a lot of fun, and it was run very well. I would just suggest that, if you were to run a game like this again, you'd want to give town powers that do more to prevent the real threat (recruitment and the recruiters), rather then roles that prevent nightkilling and can only catch recruits.
I agree; I had a lot of fun in this game, all things considered.
Next time (if there is a next time, which I highly think there should be. Succession II, anyone?) I would recommend doing all of what Yosarian2 suggested, in addition to finding some way to make night AR easier on yourself. Of course, it's always going to be crazy with cults, but perhaps by making it clear to the cult doc that he needed to act fast (or even submit his actions before nightfall), that might have helped you in resolving quite a few things more easily. And on that note, another thing that seemed to be a trend was that people just didn't understand (or didn't bother to try to understand?) their roles, OR the game's setup. I mean, I thought you made it pretty clear that there were no more and no less than 2 recruiters. And even though the clues were there, some people just wanted to speculate otherwise. Unless you looked closely (which a lot of people didn't), it could have been misinterpreted. And then of course, things would have gone much better for the town if the loose cannons would have known that they were un-recruitable, investigation-immune/millers, etc.
I realize that things seem more fun/mysterious/interesting when you have to piece together the clues; I tend to err on the side of safety/ambiguity in most of my games too. But it's easy to forget what you have/haven't told players, especially when a lot of your mod notes are in your head, and not written down somewhere. There was a large amount of ambiguity that worked against the town from the beginning, and once I was recruited, I immediately began looking for ways to use that to my advantage, because I knew that had been my biggest disadvantage as town.
Don't take this as outright criticism; it's not. It's just saying that not everyone is as smart as you wish they were, and you have to break things down for them barney-style sometimes, so they can understand it. You mentioned one example of this on the bottom of the previous page:
Mr. Flay wrote:Don't remember if it was a Townie or Recruit who said Day Six that there was no "flavor reason for a Cult Doc", but I wanted to smack them. If anything, there should have been two roles that could stop recruitment.
That was me.
.. And I realize that there are such things as Cult doctors, and that they'd be very important especially in a game with multiple cults, but when all was said and done, the ambiguity there was a small crack which (over time) I could work my wedge into. Give it a few days, and eventually I had it wide open. and more people began jumping onto the bandwagon with me. It was like pouring lemon juice on a wound. Another thing that could really have helped toward balancing the game a little more toward a town victory would have been doing just as you suggested in the excerpt I quoted: adding a second Cult doc. Even if he would have picked the wrong target every single night, he could still have corroborated Robo's claim and would have successfully prevented the mislynch on Day 6. Even if he'd been killed before that, he'd have flipped Cult doc and Robo's claim would have been instantly believed. Not to mention, they could have protected each other from recruitment each night, and besides the fact that they could have had 200% of the coverage that Robo did, the very fact that there were two of them would have created about 500% more WIFOM for the cult recruiters to wade through when trying to pick a target.
And speaking of the recruiters, I can't believe they both picked the same target on Night 0. What are the chances? lol
I'm very surprised that there ended up being ONLY xvart on the other team at the end. We all thought that at LEAST one of Gurgi/singersigner were on the other team as well, if not both of them. We recruited Porochaz on the last night just so that we could block two out of three of our 'other cult' suspects. I am appalled at the amount of bad luck the other cult had when recruiting; that was really, really unprecedented. I think we got very lucky early on that they had two failed recruiting attempts. Though I cannot fault them for trying to recruit Flameaxe. I would have tried to recruit him too. Flameaxe did an excellent job of staying under the radar just enough, but without lurking. My hat's off to him.
One other big thing I would recommend changing for the next iteration of the setup (...seriously. Succession II. Do it. I'll even co-mod.) is that the loose cannons should be two-shot. I don't know about making them unrecruitable again, but having only one shot was severely crippling to the town (especially because of the cross-kills, but etc.) and if they'd had more, we would have been a lot more worried about one of us (or even our recruiter) getting shot at night. That, I feel, would have evened the playing field a lot more.
All in all, I enjoyed this game a lot, I feel that the theme of the flavor, two sons both wanting to inherit their father's mafia group, was extremely well conceived. I'm not sure if it's copied from a movie or something, or if it's been done before at all, but honestly, that really sucked me into the game. That was excellent. The game was well-narrated, too, and I for one liked the amount of ambiguity that was floating around at any given moment (even though it was detrimental to the possible win percentage of those who paid less attention). It really kept me and the rest of my cult on our toes, and playing outguess-the-mod is always fun anyway.
Thanks for a fun "last" game on Mafia.