At the moment, mafiascum is on a plan along with (and a couple other sites maybe?), which Hy has mostly been paying for. The server is pretty overloaded with other sites, and I think glpics was also pretty full itself.
We'd been talking about moving to a dedicated server for a while. However, while it would certianly help in that we wouldn't have to worry about other people using the bandwidth, I'm not convinced that the cost would be worth it from mafiascum's perspective. In addition, Hy has not be particularly active, and so working anything out has been difficult. I have always appreciated Hy putting us on his plan, but at this point it may be best for mafiascum to be on its own plan.
So, I've been looking at various options for the past couple months, and think I've found a good plan for us. Right now I am waiting for my mouth to heal so I can call them up and ask a couple questions, and hopefully we'll have something worked out very soon.
Financially, this won't be a strain on me, and the plan should easily be sufficient for several years of growth. If mafiascum grows much faster than I expect, or if we run into the same problems with other people on the server, then someday we may look at going dedicated (hopefully I'll have my PhD and an actual job by then