NO I DONT NEED A ROBOCOP...Robocopter87 wrote:BURN.
Need some Ice for that burn, TMH?
Haven't read closely enough to be sold on a beefy lynch yet...
What are other people's opinions on this? The only downside I can think of is that it hints at how long player's with Miller personalities cycle their personalities, and I can't really see how that is a bad thing in general.CupcakePanda wrote:I would like to take it one step further if we can, and see if we can get an accurate timetable of Millerness on all claimed Miller personalities. Since we all have a nifty timetable, could Millers list not only their current run (if it is running) from PD# to PD#, but their next two sets of runs as well PD# to PD#. For example, if you are Miller from PD6 to PD8 and then again from PD24 to PD26, that would be helpful. It would tell scanners where the windows of testing sanity or checking claims lie. It would also make it more difficult for Scum claiming Millers to try and get scanned during their Godfather periods.
That's exactly what I am saying right there. Anyone with a Miller Personality claims the the exact PDs for all upcoming Miller time frames. As mentioned, this is to not only help confirm sanities, but also give the wider window of when a Miller is scannable to prevent scum from saying "Ok, I am not Miller right now, scan me" (trying to bait a scan on Godfather period).Rena wrote:Unless I'm misunderstanding you and you're suggesting millers simply claim the exact time periods when they're millers; I agree with THAT completely.
Appears that THM is clearly distancing and preparing to possibly get aboard a Beefster train if it happens, but bases his future actions on whether Lat can present a case or not.themanhimself wrote:This is clearly just an OMGUS vote and that's pretty scummy. I'd still like to hear from Lateralus to get his opinion of the case thoughBeefster wrote:Nice shopping list. You have more town reads than suspects. Try some real scumhunting. (I personally suspect more than 2 people- Exe and Elli are the 2 most notable, but you, Scotty Bro, THB, and CP are up there)Lateralus22 wrote:Current Thoughts,
Lady Lamb
More scum votes plz, particularly Beefster.
VOTE: Lat22
I now wish to interrogate Lateralus.
Right after calling Beefster scummy for OMGUSing Lat...themanhimself wrote:That's what I'm asking, you say Beefster is one of the two scummiest people and then asked my opinion of him. Now I want to know your opinion of him, besides he's one of the two scummiest players. Why do you believe that?Lateralus22 wrote:What case?I'm only asking because Beefster has become a hot topic and I haven't really seen anything of note.I figure you must have a good reason so I'm going to see what you have to say and then make up my mind about the whole thing.
4/10Rena wrote:NO I DONT NEED A ROBOCOP...Robocopter87 wrote:BURN.
Need some Ice for that burn, TMH?
Haven't read closely enough to be sold on a beefy lynch yet...
Llamarble wrote:We're now at L - relatively small number, I think.