After so many days of seeking evil, the people of Hyrule are beginning to grow weary of the horrors.
Hoping for a good night sleep, they set their camp after having slaughtered Gohma.
It was not to be so.
In the middle of the night, a crackling, sickening sound is heard, like that of something being crushed out of existence. As the violently awoken group starts to look for the source of the sound, a shrill cry is heard. A strange being is screaming in pain, it's purple form convulsing in violent spasm.
You all recognize the body of Meg, a strangely familiar sight cloaked in purple flames. She slowly consumes herself before vanishing into thin air.
Not too far from her, a grotesque being lies, probably the source of the horrific sounds that awoke you. A strange organism, its body surrounded in jellyfishes, has been the victim of... something.
Barinade had apparently decided to help the side of good this time. Alas it wasn't meant to be so.
vezokpiraka [MEG],
Poe Triple Action immune Action Multiplier
, killed N6
zwetschenwasser [BARINADE],
Miller Relexive Non-Plant CPR Doc
, killed N6
It is now day 7! With 7 alive, it takes 4 to lynch