I appear to have lost my draft of a case (albeit an incomplete one) on Twistedspoon.
It was, however, not very concise, so I shall take this as a sign that a quote-heavy wall-post was not to be.
A quick condensation of my overall suspicions against him:
- Pursuit of non-game related stuff over actual content
- Misrepresentation: here|here|here
- Sheeping people regarding my self-vote: here|here (although in sheeping Feysal he's misrepresenting him)
- His claim. Allow me to demonstrate:
Twistedspoon, at XX:05 wrote:I am vanilla townie
Twistedspoon, 3 minutes later at XX:08 wrote:a Most Proper but Unspectacular Man of Class if we're going to talk fancy
This certainly seems to me to be an addendum to a fraudulent claim by a villain who in these 3 minutes has sat back and realised that perhaps he should have added the flavour in his inital fake-claim ("OHHEY LOOK I HAVE THE FLAVOUR SO I MUST ACTUALLY HAVE THE ROLE PM").