Ok, the F2P period is now launched. In order to participate you need to create an account or if you wanna give me coins because you think I'm awesome, there is also my referrals link. After that you are free to experiment the game. I can't be sure the matchmaking is available to you but the rest should be.
If you wish to be guided during your first steps, head to the 'LNCIP' where mentors will be available to teach you. All of them are with the [TCHR] clan and only those should be trusted. I am one of them (number #2) and we have strict policies to set up games with only true newbies. If any of you need help, you can join my channel (just type '/j LNCIP Chat #2') otherwise all the games are named 'LNCIP #x'.
Balancing in-house 5v5s is hard due to peoples EU ranks being different then US ranks and lack of hero diversity making for sub-par teamcomps or people playing heros they aren't too good with.
On the other hand Faaaaaaaarm.
Routine day with a dirt cheap brush
Then a week goes by and it goes untouched
Then two, then three, then a month
Then the rest of your life, you beat yourself up
Routine day with a dirt cheap brush
Then a week goes by and it goes untouched
Then two, then three, then a month
Then the rest of your life, you beat yourself up
Routine day with a dirt cheap brush
Then a week goes by and it goes untouched
Then two, then three, then a month
Then the rest of your life, you beat yourself up
Take solo top as Morde. Zone the fuck out of opposition in lane. Wait for jungler to come gank once you're 6. Ult whoever you pick on. Congrats, 10 minute first tower.
Knight of Cydonia wrote:Take solo top as Morde. Zone the fuck out of opposition in lane. Wait for jungler to come gank once you're 6. Ult whoever you pick on. Congrats, 10 minute first tower.
I didn't have much time to look into the map very much. But it seems that bot/top lane aren't the same.
Top is easier to escape from ganks in, bottom has dragon proximity. Generally accepted wisdom is that you have solo top, solo mid, tank jungler (Amumu or Rammus for preference) and a support/offtank and caster bottom lane. This way the offtank can leave lane to ward dragon and then intercept enemy jungler trying to take it. Non-hard carry casters generally take a duolane, while hard carries take the solos and hope jungler ganks effectively.
Solo Top: Off-tanky Damage (Swain or Morde for example)
Solo Mid: AP or AD Carry (Whoever needs the greatest farm)
Dual Bot: Carry and Support (or Carry/Tank, or Support/Tank, although the last one is not great)
Jungle: Tank or Assassin (depending on team comp need)
Generally tanks are junglers because they are FAST junglers. Bot is the duo lane only for dragon control. Top ends up being secluded since it ends up being farthest away from the dual lane. Generally anyone who needs lots and lots of farm goes top, unless you have a 2v1 situation. Then you need to switch it up. That's where people who can just stay in lane forever can take advantage of it. AKA manaless champs, champs with a heal, so forth and so on. That's why you'll see a lot of irelia's take top to solo. Tons of farm, they aren't going to die 1v1, they will probably out last their lane. Nidalee is also a very solid top, since she needs level advantage, and the bush placement lets her actually use her passive, plus she's got that heal, and very solid lane awareness (traps).
Untrod Tripod (7:27:18 PM): you enjoy whoring
xcaykex (7:27:24 PM): yes
xcaykex (7:27:26 PM): i know that