'zerker Greaves (More mobility, faster attack speed as he has a huge damage steroid) -> Malady (This item is custom designed for Teemo) -> Blood Razors (Even more damage per hit and attack speed, stacks nicely with MR reduction of Malady) -> Whatever (My preferred choice atm is Frozen Mallet -> Banshee Veil -> Cloak and Dagger).
Max Poison Dart and Run Fast first w/ 1 point in Blind.
Split push, harass, gank like a half naked fuzzy midget Rambo.
Routine day with a dirt cheap brush
Then a week goes by and it goes untouched
Then two, then three, then a month
Then the rest of your life, you beat yourself up
Seriously. He has *no* spammable abilities unless you're holding onto three mushrooms to throw down pointlessly in a fight. Even then, you're still not going to be pric'ing it at sufficient levels to make it worth the gold cost. Nashor's is nice in general on teemo (imo), since it gives him cdr, as, and AP.
I personally tend to wait on deciding between merc treads / zerkers based on how much CC is getting thrown on top of me.
Nashor's Tooth is actually not bad on a Teemo if you commit to that style, and it allows you to swap Greaves for something more hilarious, like Swiftness, if you so chose.
It's unusual because q is an auto-attack resetter, so you can auto-q wtf fast. For similar reasons you shouldn't have a creep be not there for you to hit, because you can manage the creeps to make sure that there is one to q when your ss is off cooldown. Yes you will miss less cooldowns and there will be times where you hit faster with sheen, but in general I find the argument that it helps farming to be overstated.
Also worth noting - I ran the calcs with 150 ss damage. Arpen and ad are multiplicative stats. The greater your ss damage, the greater the efficiency gap between the brutalizer and the sheen. The 150 is sitting on my spreadsheet - tweak it and you'll see the results in the
Youmuu's, which builds from ghostblade, also gives movespeed from its active during the fight. Nasus' base movespeed is already very good - if you're travelling with your team, then you don't need any extra movespeed to keep up. If you're going from place to place a lot, consider running teleport which is a) a beast spell and b) even better on nasus who split pushes like a boss and loves dat farm. Youmuu's is also cheaper than triforce, allowing you to get tankier faster - including building a quicker aegis if you're into that sort of thing.
To compare further, they both give identical crit%, identical flat AD. When the active is up, youmuu's gives more attack speed - when it is down, triforce gives more. Tri-force gives perma movespeed and the proc, youmuu's gives flat arpen (which has synergy with the flat reduction on nasus spirit fire - because by that stage, none of the arpen will be wasted as even squishies will be approaching 60-70 base armour) and a decent whack of cdr - a stat nasus loves. I am fairly certain that a triforce makes nasus do more damage overall than a youmuu's when the active is down - but the active is a 60 sec cd, which generally means it will be up for any teamfight. It's also 1300 gold cheaper, which is a BIG chunk of money.
Tank: I played some of Amumu/Ramus, but I'm still looking for someone I really like as a tank
AD: Ashe (though I still need to get better with her arrows; wouldn't mind finding someone else)
AP: Malz
Jungler: Currently learning nocturne
Beefy DPS: Jarvan (kinda, haven't played him in a while), and I think I'm going to give Yorick a try
Last edited by scotmany12 on Fri Jun 17, 2011 12:50 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Tank: Need work here, most success has come with Rammus/Shen (need better map awareness for Shen, need runes to try jungling Rammus I feel as I dislike his laning)
AD: I'm sort of trying to learn all the ranged AD types almost as a kind of specialty; best with Caitlyn, reasonably good with MF, everyone else passable but needs work (except Vayne, not enough experience with her)
AP: Anivia (out of practice, though)
Jungler: Nocturne (not enough practice here, either)
Beefy DPS: i'm so awful with most beefy dps that i've somewhat given up for now, might buy xin at some point though and try to learn him
Support: Taric/Janna
Tank: Alistar(ish)
AD: Corki, Tristana (but rusty)
AP: Ryze, Poppy, Sion
Jungle: Udyr, Nunu (but only on eu, don't own on us)
Beefy: Xin, Nasus, Mundo
Support: Zilean I guess
Beef: Nasus/Whatever beef is free(I really like Maokai)
AD: Caitlyn(I dont own but shes amazing)/Whatever is free/Trist(I forgot I got her for free. Don't play her all that often, might start doing so more)
AP:Orianna/TF/Akali(I just got her yesterday and love what she can do)/Eve
Jungle: Udyr
Support: Karma/Kayle/Soraka
(1:55:11 AM) ahallucinogenic: it's ok drench
(1:55:21 AM) ahallucinogenic: it's perfectly normal for young children to walk in on their parents making love
(1:55:31 AM) Drench394: i can't wait
Tank: Cho
AD: Caitlyn
AP: Veigar/Katarina
Jungler: Olaf
Beefy DPS: Irelia/Olaf/Jarvan/learning Nasus
Support: Sona/Taric
I'm wanting to pick up a few more wizards and tanks - not especially good with Cho even by my standards but I kind of like Rammus (might give Shen a whirl as well). No idea as far as other AP types go though.
tread softly because you tread on my dreams
daddy's little girl ain't a girl no more
"quasi-rape" --Vi
"real liberals" --Yos
Tank: Not really good with any, but I'm a decent alistar
AD: Ashe
AP: Annie
Jungler: I don't have the runes for jungling at the moment.
Beefy dps: Xin, I guess? I never really play this role.
Support: Soraka/Janna with a possible Nidalee if I get good with her.
I mostly love support. I don't really enjoy playing carries, so I tend to fill the role of tank/support when I'm premade. I never trust the people in solo queue enough for me to go support, so I tend to end up playing one of my standard carries or trying out new champs.
(1:55:11 AM) ahallucinogenic: it's ok drench
(1:55:21 AM) ahallucinogenic: it's perfectly normal for young children to walk in on their parents making love
(1:55:31 AM) Drench394: i can't wait
Ok so I started playing this yesterday. I suck. Bad. I need someone to teach me how to actually be useful. I mean I can do alright against the bots but against other intelligent humans I fail terrabadly.
are they actually dominating or are the eu's sandbagging? [/spoiler]sandbagging is where you play bad on purpose in early matches that won't lose you the tournament. Aka you don't have to win but you do have to place[/spoiler]
I also didn't get to watch the stream today. Any cool highlights I should check out?
Untrod Tripod (7:27:18 PM): you enjoy whoring
xcaykex (7:27:24 PM): yes
xcaykex (7:27:26 PM): i know that