Nobody Special wrote:Unsure if this is a new broken thing, or if I'm just inattentive.
I've seen several instances of emoticons in quoted messages that are not showing as emoticons, but : igmeou : (no spaces, obv). It's only happening in my PMs, not threads.
Has it always been this way?
I think it is the check box "Disable smilies" ruining everything. :shifty:
"Það únga rósarblað vornæturinnar góðu hafði hann selt fyrir korpnaðar skinnbækur. Það var hans líf."
-Hið ljósa man, Halldór Kiljan Laxness
It's a bug/weirdness when there's no space before or sometimes after the : - seems to be related to the emoticon being bumped up against a ] or [? Next time it does it in a forum where you can edit posts, try putting a space before or after the :emoticon: and that should fix it.
I'll try to look for a bug report on tonight. Got some time, if the babysitting doesn't kill me.
After looking at the bug reports, it's a known problem that isn't easily fixed. The lack of parsing without a preceeding space is to keep from autoinserting smilies into code, urls, etc apparently. ... &t=1965895
ReaperCharlie wrote:Imo... if you guys are considering any major changes, here are a few suggestions which would probably shorten the learning curve considerably for those trying to jump into the action.
The order of the categories could be rearranged as shown below, and under the
Mafia Games
forum category, have six forums: Large Games, Mini Games, Newbie Games, Sign-Up Queue, Marathon Days, and ScumChat. Inside Large Games, have New York and Theme Park, and inside Mini Games, have Little Italy and Coney Island. Index
Site Ideas
Mafia Games
Large Games
New York
- Games without flavor
Theme Park
- Games with flavor
Mini Games
Little Italy
- Games without flavor
Coney Island
- Games with flavor
Newbie Games
Newbie ONLY Queue
(keeps it simple for newbies to separate this from the other Queue)
The Road to Rome
Sign-Up Queue
Newbie forward
(forwards lost newbies to the Newbie ONLY Queue)
Large Game signups
Mini Game signups
Marathon Days
(external link)
General Discussion
Mafia Discussion
Non-Mafia Related
The Whole Sort of General Mish Mash
Before 2010 June
Marathon Days Archive
Moving Day 2010
Update Day 2009
I think reorganizing like this would help in a ton of ways. I don't know how feasible it is in terms of linking and such, but it wouldn't be that much different for current users, PLUS the benefits for newbies would be undeniable.
Still think this is a decent idea, especially with the amount of people needing help for stuff.
Administration up top is NOT newbie oriented as it doesn't provide the useful information. Queue is first, and I think Road to Rome should have a sticky up top saying "How to sign up for a game" that is really a gigantic link to the Newbie Queue along with a concise explanation that signing up directly in threads is not the site's approach.
Separating the Newbie Queue adds confusion moreso - all the Queues are consistently in one forum and that's where they should be - even with the "oopsie daisy - it's over here" link, I've never seen such a system used and I don't think it's efficient.
Mish Mash is not GD or MD, nor should GD be labelled as the supercategory.
Can the iso's been changed back, there a pain in the neck now, I used to like being able to link to people to that iso no in particular (for the start of series of posts by that user) I dont really get why they needed to be changed?
Mostly retired. Unless you ask or it's something interesting.