If X=Y contradiction.
Emp wrote:Scum on both of them.
I said that.
Emp wrote:I never said
I called them both scum
X DOES equal Y.
So since I intend to spend most of the rest of the night getting drunk I'm just gonna post my reads before I go-since Empking decided to come in and dispute the meanings of words instead of actually trying to get reads on other players some of these are the abridged version but dealwithit. If you have questions then ask 'em or forever be mildly puzzled.
Dese Reeds
Junox is town. The gambit with trying to get a read on Neruz by faking the investigation even though it would be clear to some people it was fake was very very likely to come from town because Neruz Hasn't been paying attention to the game and there was a decent chance of getting a reaction from him that would help with reading him. And if they were scum they could have just not revealed that they had a vig at all and shot strong townies for the rest of the game. Claiming the vig is not a good idea for scums.
Dana is a weak read but he's leaning town- his thoughts in regards to Rikana and DeathNote yesterday were very similar to mine and I can see why he thinks Lobster in particular is scum now.
Lobster is my biggest scumread after Empking due primarily to xvart interactions.
Neruz's recent play is garbage but looks like he was legitimately trying earlier on- Some of you probably think that using that as an alignment tell is dumb but I still have a slight town read on him from it so whatever. Assuming Empking is scum (a pretty amazing assumption) he Might be scum with Emp with Emp just continuing to push on his partner for mediocre reasons after the fake investigations so he doesn't look bad later in the game for backing down but I wouldn't lynch him tomorrow, there are more likely scum than him.
Spy looks like Spy-town with his Yami stuff on day 1
inhims looks fairly town with his responses to DeathNote+VCA today
MoI is iffy but I wouldn't lynch him tommorrow assuming Emp-scum, I really do need to read over him again soon though.
Sath's replacement needs a full-on interrogation, preferably with him trying to use words with as few vowels as possible. Make him be useful and give an opinion on everything so he can be readable and if he doesn't do it string him up.
Emp is a scumbag and you should hammer him. THAT MEANS YOU SOLDIER.