Here are my reads, in descending order of scumminess:
- Codfish. Referring to
fatlikepig's case.
- SK. We have a flimsy case on vezok right from the beginning (ISO #2 and following), a sudden switchover to Quil (ISO #14), implosion suddenly changing from not relevant to top scumread (ISO #50, #64), Quil becomes acceptable candidate for day executioner (ISO #62) although he still thinks Quil is scum (ISO #63), Codfish becomes scum after it's very likely he's going to get killed (ISO #75) and an unspecified power role claim out of the blue (ISO #80, #81). The only reason he's not my top scumread is that I refuse to believe an experienced player like him can be that stupid.
Leaning scum:
- Captain. Little activity but what is in ISO #0 contains the same flimsy case on vezok as SK posted, together with a possible bus. ISO #4 is a simple "I'm not scum, trust me!" post with no case on why he isn't scum. The unspecified power role claim in ISO #5 seals the deal.
- havingfitz. No content.
- Chaos. Little activity, little content.
- jason. Seems to be honest in general, but his change in opinion of Quilford from "town" to "suspicious" to "no longer top scumread" worries me.
- vezok. I honestly can't read him, but if he is scum he's not going to paint a big target on his back and kill anybody else, so it doesn't really matter today.
Leaning town:
- fatlikepig. I like his case on codfish, seems to be honestly scumhunting but too little activity to consider him more than leaning town.
- Zang. Seems town from his earlier posts, but also too little activity.
- MoI. Looks like a honest scumhunter, but I don't like how he openly claims he doesn't care about town's opinion if he's elected.
- Quilford. Usual CAPSRAAAAAAGE but honest.
- implosion. Well thought-out posts and SK's random attack makes him more likely to be town.
Everybody, stop claiming who you are going to vote for at night, and whom the night executioner should kill. This is basically an invitation to whatever power roles scum has to target the night executioner or the designated kill.
If we claim night votes, we're doing it the next day, letting scummiest players claim first.