1) The site-wide rules apply, please read them and don't do anything stupid.
1a) Do not edit posts. Do not use invisible text. Do not use small text.
2) Unless it is explicitly stated in your role PM that you can do so, do not talk about this game outside of the game thread.
3) Do not quote any communication you have with me, the moderator of the game. Depending on the circumstance, you may be able to paraphrase things I have sent you (such as a role PM). Use common sense and if you are unsure feel free to ask me via PM.
4) Be courteous to your fellow player. This is just a game - please don't bring personal grudges into the game. Try and keep it civil. Though I don’t mind cursing.
4a) Do not speak using all caps. It is rude and annoying.
4b) Don't be annoying.
Voting, Lynching & Death
5) For your vote to be counted, it must be
, and in the form
Vote: sorasgoof
or you may use the vote tag, in the form VOTE: sorasgoof
5a) Unvotes
necessary. I may just not count your vote if you don’t bother to unvote.
6) A lynch will occur when a player achieves 50% +1 of the votes. When this has happened, any subsequent votes and unvotes will not be counted, and the game will enter twilight. Night will begin as soon as I have declared the lynch.
6a) If a lynch has not been achieved by the end of the day, the player with the most votes will be considered lynched. If there are multiple players with the most votes, whichever player reached that number of votes first will be considered lynched.
7) You may vote for a “No Lynch” if desired. If 50% of the players in the game vote for a no lynch, the game will progress to night without a lynch. You can do this in the form
Vote: No Lynch
or VOTE: No Lynch.
8) Once you're dead, you are dead. But who doesn’t appreciate a good “bah” post? Your “bah” post must be funny and should include a picture or a moving animation.
Activity & Deadlines
9) Treat this game as a commitment, and try your best to stay active.
10) Prods will be issued after 48 hours without posting. If I prod you multiple times, I may get angry and replace you. Players may request a prod on another player after 24 hours. I'm human I may forget, though probably not, so if you want someone prodded, just tell me.
10a) If you do not open a prod within 24 hours of it being sent I will begin looking for a replacement.
10b) If you do not post for the equivalent of a full game day (at least six days long) you will be modkilled at the end of the day.
11) Things come up in life, if you need time off for something, please let myself and the players know in-thread and in a PM to the moderator for V/LA purposes. I will be flexible, but if you can't be here for a significant amount of time I may replace you.
11a) If you need replacement, come prepared with a valid reason for replacement or a name of someone willing to replace in .
12) Deadlines for each game day will be 3 weeks. After Day 2, this will shift to 2 weeks.
13) Nights will have a 72 hour deadline. If you fail to send in a night choice, I will automatically default to 'no choice' for that night, and you will do nothing. This will shift to 48 hours after Night 2.
14) Deadlines will only be extended in the case of a replacement (which better not happen) or barring some other freak circumstances. Apart from that, laziness, or anything else, should not result in a deadline extension.
14a) I do hold the right to make deadlines shorter due to lack of activity.
Other Information
Dark Green
are my colors. All other colors are fair game as long as they are easily read by your other players/myself. I won’t modkill you if you happen to use them, but please try not to.
I will try to post Vote Counts whenever I deem them necessary. If you feel a vote count is needed, don’t hesitate to ask for one, and I’ll provide one at the next opportunity. I may decide to edit it in at the top of each page or every other page.
I have decided to edit votecounts in at the top of every page.
17) It's more than possible I've missed a rule or haven't completely covered something. Don't be a prick and try to exploit it, or I will punish you. If something is fuzzy for you, please ask!
18) I reserve the right to add more, or modify existing rules at any time. If this happens, I will let everyone know.
19) Flavor in night/day write up's is just that. If I use a player’s name in flavor, it doesn’t really mean anything. Don’t play the game based on that.
20) I reserve the right to modkill anyone for anything I deem a modkillable offense. Don’t test me.
21) Have fun!
Game Specific Rules
22) This game contains a closed setup.
23) This game will begin with a day start.
Sample Vanilla Townie Role PM (at least one person shall receive):
Last edited by ObliviousDruidMuncher on Sun Sep 04, 2011 11:56 am, edited 1 time in total.
25A: Do you play more for fun, or more for the thrill of victory?
25B: Your stance aside, do you think others should play with a similar outlook? Explain why or why not.
3: How would you describe your general thought process?
4: What is your time-zone?
5: How do you approach unique problems in need of solution?
6: What is your favorite precious metal, and why?
7: How would you approach this game as town?
8: How would you approach this game as scum?
9: What is your gender?
10: Are you nervous?
11: What is your experience level?
12: What are your strongest emotions?
13: What's your general activity level?
14: What is your plan in this game?
15: Which do you prefer: RVS, RQS, or other? (If Other, please explain.)
16: Do you have a reputation? What for?
17: Do you prefer playing as town, scum, or other? (If Other, please explain.)
18: What are your favorite three roles?
19: What order are those favorite roles in?
20: What is your stance on lurkers?
21: How do you plan on catching scum?
22: What do these questions mean to you?
23: What is the airspeed velocity of a coconut-laden swallow?
24: You see someone waving their arms and directing you to go right. How do you respond?
Head On
Platinum because it shows your love.
Head on
Head on
See join date
To win
Mass claim
Mafia Goon, VT, GF
Mass claim
African or european?
Keep on going
To win
Yes, its not fun otherwise
Plus, if you guys want to make a point, skip the walls, because everyone else in the game does as well. - Magister Ludi