Kcdaspot wrote:LordChronos wrote:
Why, precisely, is SP town?
do you see scum being that ballsy?
WIFOM argument, not a good reason to call someone town.
Vifam wrote:RedFF is reading town for me, mostly for #523.
Mocking Oversoul's self vote and subsequent "that makes me town" argument is not a towntell.
Also, this post
577 strikes me as possible buddying to kcdaspot.
In post
600 you gave a list of reads. Mind explaining the town ones, especially redFF and kc?
Gotta disagree with you about big arguments day 1 though. Just as often they are town vs. town. Depends on the players involved.
Scratch the above question. Just saw your explanation of gut read.
The rest of bomberman's posting on page 25 is just plain dumb.
Page 26 is more of the same. Page 27 is bomber ragequitting. Nothing to comment on there. The replacing out is a null tell.
674 is just lolwhat? Bomberman the most pro-town player? Can I have some of whatever you're smoking/drinking?
Bomberman wrote:LAL is dumb to go by and you should hang yourself for it.
There aren't a whole lot of good reasons for a townie to lie. Usually LaL works fine in my experience.
718 is just plain bad. As pointed out by Vifam in 719. It's made worse by the fact that he does exactly what he's accusing Johhog of in his 722.
FoS: redFF
Secret Project wrote:LordChronos wrote:Throwing out a quick post just to say I've read the thread, don't have time to post now though, gotta get ready for a concert. I will get one or more posts us either late late tonight or early tomorrow.
Appeasement. Several players haven't posted yet and like half aren't posting nearly enough and you're just above that half. There's no reason this post should exist.
That's ridiculous and you know it, SP. Just cause I had music camp all day this last week and so couldn't make 6 posts a day throughout the day doesn't mean I'm not posting enough. For the most part I've been posting once in the morning and more in the evening. The exception being yesterday, when I had a concert to play in and a soccer game to watch + camp in the morning. So you can keep your comments to yourself.
Other random thoughts. Oversoul's recent posting is much more town than his previous posting. Empking hasn't done much of anything for a while, but is now asking for a VC without anything else to go with it? Not so great.
PEdit: FF, how does that argument rely on me-scum?
ObliviousDruidMuncher wrote:Rules of War wrote:4) Be courteous to your fellow player. This is just a game - please don't bring personal grudges into the game. Try and keep it civil. Though I don’t mind cursing.
Game starts now. It is Day 1. I am going V/LA for 3 days, hopefully my mod hydra will pick up the slack. Visiting Duke!
This suggests the game started, David. It's post #
357. Mod should be back today though.
I'm a talking computer.