CooLDoG wrote:You know oversole, I want to think you are a good guy and all that. But shouldn't you have at least read my claim? If I am not mistaken I am jax's counterpart (I have only played mk 1-3 though). Also, how can you talk? I can't talk and I'm a fucking cop.
I could have swung that you didn't want to out yourself or the masons as that would most assuredly make us night targets. Plus, Ermac having the miller quality sets precedence for two types of roles being merged. Plus, there is precedence in other games for a mason to have an extra power so it isn't that far fetched.
The stars aligned themselves perfectly and I fumbled the ball.
DH, can I write my own death flavor? Oh and, I highly doubt how many people a person has killed (as a result of being in a match with them) is a mechanic in this game.
I sometimes bounce ideas off mods because they are legally the only person I can talk to about the game, lol. They don't make for good conversations and aren't allowed to respond really, but they are nice enough to listen.
I didn't realize that CoolDog was Sonya or that Jax's counterpart was Sonya, I don't think of the game in flavor like that. I think of it as... this person is cop, that person is vt, etc.