SH wrote:Fucking terrible Zang. You have the execution vote (I voted for you btw) and you don't even have the fucking balls to make a decision on your own and hammer the fucking obv scum your own fucking guilty. If you are going to execute me because you are going to listen to the fucking scum woh tell you to do it then just do it again you faggot. id expect that shit out of SK but I thought you at least half a brain. YOU HAVE BEEN ELECTED EXECUTIONER. and yes my behavior was suicidial but which alignment cares more about surviving. DINGDINGDING scum. i was trying to do what was necessary. also the fact that you want to execute me/quilford and the other tongiht is so fucking bad. given the pushback and amount of discussion today it shoudl be fucking obvious that one of us (Hint: me) is not fucking mafia. jesus christ lrn 2 logic. im done with you. make up your fucking mind. man up. if you are going to execute me. FUCKING DO IT. COME AT ME BRO.
So, it's bad that I'm listening to the town instead of myself? It's not my decision to make who get's executed. As I said, there is no pro-town reason to keep you alive today just for you to be killed tonight but there is one for Quilford.
If scum care more about surviving, then why do you keep using AtE and other pointless arguments to try to survive? If you were town then you would admit that you made an idiotic mistake and accept your own death.
It's obviously not obvious that you aren't mafia because the majority of town are calling for your execution.
Cosca wrote:Why listen to vezok when deciding the execution when he's obviously not reading any arguments?
Why listen to Scumhunter when he is obviously scum trying to save his own skin?
I'm not listening to anybody individually, I'm listening to the town as a whole. I can't just throw their votes out either because then town would be arguing about who is a VI or scum and should get their vote thrown out.
Cosca wrote:That's not a satisfactory answer, since the possibility a stalemate is real. Please have a solution ready in advance and post it.
The possibility is real but I see no difference in finding an answer now or later. If it makes you happy though, in case of a stalemate, I will decide who is executed
Cosca wrote:Since you already said you don't want to be night executioner, that point becomes moot anyway.
Where did I say that?
Cosca wrote:What question are you referring to?
How am I the mafias useful idiot?
Cosca wrote:The next execution brings us down to 10 players. If there are four coordinated scum and six town (including one doublevoter), or three coordinated scum (including one doublevoter) and seven town, that's 8:7 for scum. And even if that is not the case, there is always the possibility that scum has abilities regarding the night votes (vote suppression, vote switching and so on).
There most likely isn't 4 coordinated scum. Although, I didn't think of there being a vote suppresor.
Cosca wrote:MoI claimed we posted about the possibility of traitor because "[we're] scum looking for our traitor". We retorted that we got the idea from the first Execution Mafia, and it was already mentioned in the thread by implosion (whom we both agree is town) before we did.
So? My point was that this has nothing to do with the first execution mafia. I was telling you that just because there was a traitor in the last game does not mean there is a traitor in this game.
Cosca wrote:Of course you can. There are two possibilities.
1. You take a standard scumtell and claim it has happened, when it actually hasn't.
2. You take something that has happened and claim it's a scumtell, when it actually isn't.
1.Then you're not inventing a scumtell.
2.But using the definition I gave, that is not a scumtell.
I get your point though.
Cosca wrote:Could you post your inofficial "vote count", i.e. which players are voting for whom?
Scumhunter – Zang, Implosion, Quilford, SK, Cosca, Magna
Quilford – ML, SH, Vezok, jason, Tragedy
Cosca wrote:Zang, please reconsider the herp-derpness behind "majority says to kill SH" so lets kill him. You do realize there are mafia in the game right? You know...people who want to kill townies instead of their partners. There are probably 4 such when 6 people want to execute me and 5 want to execute Quilford...did it cross your mind that scum have a strongly vested interest in killing a scummy looking townie
Why is there most likely 4 scum?
Cosca wrote:Also, you have a guilty on Quilford ffs. What more confirmation do you need than that to pull the trigger there. Read ML's wall. You should see it as so incredibly unlikely that Quilford + I could ever possibly be scum together here ML. Then ask yourself, do you believe Quilford is mafia? I mean you are the one with the guilty on him and his claim/reaction have all been complete and utter shit. A vote to execute me is a vote to believe that Quilford is town despite your guilty on him. Which is beyond idiotic really.
Why does me being the one with a guilty on him change anything?
No, I think you are both equally likely to be scum.