So dana makes the most sense as the last scums.
For Neruz to be scum there would have to be some seriously strange decision making going on with the scums that would go something like this-
Neruz: "hey guys, wanna leave the townvigscumcop around even though they've already tried to kill me once and gambit'd a fake kill on me that I didn't respond to at all for WIFOMS?
Spy+Emp: Sure that sounds like a plan that could never possibly backfire and get you killed tomorrow let's do it
Neruz:hey emp you should try to get me lynched with as little words as possible and continually bring up Junox trying to shoot me even though it's not relevant to the current situation at all
Emp:kk i'm on it
Aanyway yeah no.
I wouldn't be Super amazed at inhims-scum but his 1278-
inhims wrote:Right now, the ones to stick out to me most are {Rikana, dana}, Empking, and SpyreX
I think is from town, bussing Emp there after MoI brought out his VCA with Empking way at the top I could see but I don't think he'd put down both his scumbuddies there, especially with several other players thinking Spy is town at the time. And as lesser things I think inhims-scum would just use MoI's VCA instead of making a brand new one himself and his play in here doesn't look like inhims-scum from PONIES.
dana had a lot of the same early suspicions as I did buuuut it turns out that my early reads were garbage. His towniest posts IMO are the ones discussing deathnote but they're not super good and inhims' play looks way townier in general, and I can definitely see his post on CSL getting lynched as scum trying to get credz for not being on a town lynch and his posts wanting Sath lynched over Emp and not hammering Emp are bleeeeh.
Discussion on above is a cool thing and you should do it.