Vote: Internet Stranger
Pushing for EK to reveal the role/night action info was scummy.
Mist Beauty deserves votes too for her doc rolefishing, but there's already some votes on IS, so I'll add to his wagon.
Most likely DGB's role is a red herring role that does nothing relevant, like Pokerface's role was in the Monty Python game. However if it's an anti-town role, cult leader fits best with the fact EK could choose whether to eat the eggs or not: it could be the type of cult that's able to either recruit or kill. (I.e. maybe if EK had turned down the date, she would've been killed.)
@scooby, re. your questions to me on D1, since you still want me to answer them:
"Why can't I be town happy to have found something I can legitimately challenge Umbrage about?" - Your abrupt demand sounded out of character, like you wanted to draw attention to your post by being abrasively demanding to show you were doing something.
"Does this mean that you disagree with Umbrage about his attack against me?" - Yes, I don't think using A/B logic is scummy, I've seen it from both scum and town. Doesn't mean I agree with your specific use of it though.
@all: sorry, started a new job this week with no internet access. Now I've got my sleep patterns organised, I should be posting daily from here on.