↑ Espeonage wrote:Planning on learning; Udyr, Lux and Nid next. Tips? Good guides? Items?
Udyr: You better jungle that shit. And read previous talky talky on udyr. It's in the thread.
Lux: q, auto, e, auto, pop e with auto in *mid-air*, things get hurt. low bastard? q, ult shit. You have slain an enemy! Edit: Items. Think annie, then think annie that wants cdr. RoA, deathcap, sorcs/lucidity, morello's, zhonya's, all k. q > e > w - q has better early game usage.
Nid: W for level one, do not use spear until it's level two, get at least one point in e. Don't get more than one point in w: it's just to have ounce when you hit six. Good items: sheen, sorcs, rageblade, lichbane, deathcap. Throw spear, move backwards, watch it nuke. Your spear is your power poke to get them low for you to go cougar and DEVOUR THEIR FLESH. Cougar is super fast running, but remember to shift human for heals / quick spear. If they flash away, pounce once, human, spear their run path. LAUGH AS YOU KILL THEM. Use heal on biggest auto damage person when pushing tower: it gives an as steroid. Go cougar when ushing tower: free procs of sheen/lichbane. Going cougar gets you to lane faster, pounce gets rageblade stacks on the way.