Post 111 is very strange indeed. Isn't it a bit reckless to tunnel on someone and be willing to get lynched as long as they are lynched, just because you are confident of their scumminess (especially considering that you began arguing with bv in
post 43)? I don't understand how that helps the town at all, because you have very little evidence, and are willing to jeopardize today's lynch because you've became so confident of some one's scumminess on the second page. You also admit that having reread with a clear mindset, you're less sure? It sounds like backtracking to me. That's not to say that you can't change your mind, but you've changed it very quickly, and at a time when Isa has been questioned about a possible connection between you two, and you're wish for the discussion to remain between you and bv has also been mentioned (which doesn't make sense since you could still tunnel him with other players discussing it to). Neither of these look particularly town like.
↑ pinkfloyd wrote:Well, I'm not lurking there just isn't much to comment on
This is ridiculous. As for Fakinha and Shinki, I wouldn't go as far as saying that one is oppurtunistic scum (at this very erly stage, yet again Neil), but I certainly think there is something fishy about them. RVS votes are not helping anyone at this stage, and voting without any reasons isn't too helpful either.