↑ JDodge wrote:i don't get how people keep completely missing the point that the idea of the gunblade nerf has nothing to do with akali, but with the fact that gunblade is astupidly OP item right now
this is something that can be determined with simple math
A gunblade costs 3625g. The highest source of pure AP in the game is a needlessly large rod, which is 80 AP for 1600 gold, setting the cost of 1 AP at 20 gold. This means that the value of the AP in a gunblade is 1500g. The cost of 1 AD is 36.67g. This makes the value of a gunblade's AD 2200.2, making the total value of it 3700.2g.This is from two of the stats on it alone.Lifesteal is the most expensive stat on it at 37.5g per percent, meaning the value of the lifesteal is an additional 750g. Spell vamp is a lot harder to calculate - the closest we can get is to make an assumption that the cost of spell vamp is equal to the cost of a revolver minus AP, which is 400g. 400/15=26.67, 26.67*25=666.75. This makes the total value of the stats before considering the active 5116.95g.This is 141% of its gold cost in stats alone, not including the active.
Let's now consider Jax. Jax gets an additional ~851g of AP off of it due to his passive. That means it is worth 165% of its gold cost on Jax. Akali is another person who gets free stats off of the passive - she gets another 450g of gold and 15% magic damage on her attacks for it. The nerfs to gunblade have nothing to do with Akali or Jax being broken, and everything to do with the fact thatits gold efficiency is off the fucking charts.
Indeed. Gunblade is a stupidly efficient item. The result of its efficiency is that characters who depend on it snowball really fucking hard, especially given the stats that are on it. This is honestly the biggest problem with akali at the moment - unless you set up your team to counter her (udyr/janna/ezreal/Cho'Gath/Annie, say) then she snowballs out of control way too fast - particularly if you ever lapse in your positioning, which lets face it happens in low elo. Thats partially due to the fact that the stats on gunblade are snowball stats - lifesteal and spellvamp mean that if a champion starts beating you in a fight, then you have no way to stop it beating you in a fight.