Yeah the point that Mist did the gambit A SECOND TIME (and the point that me and hind both said that Mist was wrong) and junpei STILL believed it is kinda hard to believe.
Hindu, I play to my win con, unlike several of those here who claimed to have done the most absurd things (like that person who silenced Fates' "fuck"). I think kiwi did that. Kiwi, if you're town you need to put a "i dont give a fuck about winning" disclaimer in your signature.
pedit: That makes no sense whatsoever Hindu and you know it.
pedit2: Oversoul, do I haev a lot of time? No, I have no time, but I'm going to be pulling an all nighter so that I can get this shit done for you guys. I want town to win, and so I'd like to summize all my thoughts.
Rinse, repeat.
pedit3: Kiwi how the hell am I supposed to know what is a gambit and what is real!?
>haven't read the last 5/6 pages at the time
>no idea what the VC is at
>see vote
>Notice mod is inthread (posted a response to question)
The next logical course of action is to hastily make a post with some form of read in it, so get off my back.
The melody of logic always plays the notes of truth.
↑PeregrineV wrote:Sure, what are you looking for?For making a bunch of assumptions after stating they can't be true. then asking questions that he already has the answers to.Is it a bad vote?
Oversoul, I wasn't implicating you as a liar, obviously I fell for it too, so that is obvious. It was actually me trying to point out that "hey, I was in reasonable domain to be mistaken!". I apologize for the miscue, but I don't know how I was supposed to know what you were exactly talking about, since I was mad when I found out I was lynched; or so I thought.
The melody of logic always plays the notes of truth.
↑Oversoul wrote:
Here is my theory of how things go down (without referencing to NAR)
Timeater delays Peregrine
Peregrine uses Smoke and Mirrors
Junpei Heals Peregrine
Since Smoke and Mirrors is not an automatic passive skill (and dear god if it was), Smoke and Mirrors will not take affect until the next night because of Timeater's delay.
Junpei would infuse the truth of his action, knowing that his own ability would be reflected back at him due to Peregrine activating Smoke and Mirrors with
Peregrine submitting the kill
and remaining impervious to any other action during the night.
@Oversoul- please reconcile this leap of illogic. If I was delayed how am I performing anything?
That was my other question that I was going to ask when AV answered my first one. My point still stands as Junpei could have simply submitted the kill, but it would be safer if you did it.
Timeeater's Neurotoxin:
So any action I perform would not have taken place last night. And a kill happened anyway. So, I'm asking you to logically explain how you believe Time and still think I performed ANY night action.
I don't really want to talk about specific role-on-role interactions.
I will say that I'm using NAR, and that you can probably figure it out from that.
Sure, maybe I need to clarify what the equivalents would be:
I'm treating a Delayer as a type of Roleblocker, and a Reflector as a type of Redirector.
You can use NAR to figure out the rest. I mean, that's what I used to work through role interactions when making the setup. It's not like I'm hiding anything, I just don't want to say "This is what will happen when X" because its up to you as players to come to those conclusions yourself.
↑Oversoul wrote:Hmm. That is odd. What did the mod say in the PM? Other than you were targetted? All of the notification abilities have been claimed by the victim and the user. The only one left is Alua, which you would know if the PM had the word Intimidate in it.
↑Oversoul wrote:I don't understand how Peregrine received any PM as there are no rolechanging/manipulating roles that don't have an opposite partner.
↑Oversoul wrote:The only one left is Alua, which you would know if the PM had the word Intimidate in it.
Asked and answered by Oversoul twice.
Well, here are the posts where I mention that Oversoul seems to be asking when he already has the answers, or speculating on actions that couldn't have taken place.