VOTE: crypto
ingame personality is basically me doing whatever I feel like doig. I don't really feel like describing my real-life personality seeing as it doesn't pertain to the game.
Strategy notes
Last game, our general strategy was to pass abilities between people and clear people by having them pass abilities to scum. If two people passed an ability between each other, and one flipped scum, the other was cleared. We had 4 people cleared by the end of the game, and it wasn't hard to finish it off. Obviously, the poison mechanic is intended to make that less efficient.
there are no abilities that can stop the poison, then people who have passed abilities to scum or have had abilities passed to them from scum are "cleared." However, there are a few reasons that they might not be:
1: there might be some kind of ability which can explicitly stop the poison kill. If this is the case, and the ability has no beneficial aspect, then that person should claim either today or tomorrow. We can deal with it by dumping it on someone scummy and nuking them out of orbit. or lynching also works. It's also theoretically possible that the scum have some kind of poison kill though, so yeah.
2: there might be some normal protective ability (like a doctor) that happens to protect against the poison kill.
If anyone has a doctor ability, then they should ask the mod if that ability will protect against the poison kill.
They shouldn't claim, for obvious reasons. They can claim later.
3: the scum have an ability which directly combats the poison, for example, a factional one-shot free pass-between-each-other ability to prevent us from clearing people. I wouldn't be surprised if something like this is in the game after the strategy we wound up using last time, and there's no way to detect it, so people who pass abilities to scum or get them are probably just going to be somewhat townier, as opposed to being clear.
On massclaim
Massclaiming abilities worked really well last game, and should work equally well this game. We actually might be able to do this SA3-style, where starting day three everyone has to claim their abilities from two days ago.
Last time, we would do it like this: everyone would claim if they had any abilities the previous day, without claiming what any abilities were. The next day, everyone would claim what abilities they passed, and who they passed to. It wound up being kind of informal. There might be a better strict way to claim it to maximize the potential information gain, but scum are relatively unlikely to lie about cycling choices since it can be kind of easily detected.
On day three, we should claim every ability name and start compiling a "map" for each ability. Like, if player A started with an ability, and passed it to player B, and they passed it to player C (who would have it on day three) then on day three, player A would claim "I had ability X on day one, and passed it to player B" and describe the ability. Player B could confirm what they'd said. We also potentially wouldn't have to have player B claim until day four. Player C would obviously stay quiet until day four or five to protect the ability, unless it's something blatantly anti-town.