Holy FUCK do these summoner changes suck.
Flash has already been nerfed into the ground, and it's fine where it is right now. I seriously cannot believe the amount of hate that Flash still gets. I do get pissed off when Flash gets used to escape, but that's Flash used INTELLIGENTLY. That does not mean it should be nerfed. Exhaust is so much stronger the entire game anyway, achieving the same effect on a single target and making them do shit all for damage on the side.
Cleanse is another of those auto-win buttons that they were trying to remove. Enemy team brings exhaust to stop Tryndamere from blitzkrieg their entire team? Bring Cleanse so that they have no answer to your retarded damage output.
Surge doesn't sound any more useful than Rally.
Heal still sounds like shit.
↑ Shanba wrote: ↑ Gammagooey wrote:<3 the flash nerf just because I like using other spells more and it'll give me an excuse to do that.
Cleaaaanse is probably going to make melee dudes considerably more powerful given that they can get out of exhaust and tyrnd in particular is going to make me sad with cleansing either that or the ignite that would have finished him off after his ult.
happy happy
exhaust is way more of a bullshit spell than flash. I know Im probabl alone in thinking this but god damn does it feel fucking awful to be a bruiser/melee dps character and get exhausted - a team with two or more exhausts just makes me want to throw my laptop across the room.
You have no idea how glad I am that I'm not the only one that thinks this.