thoughts on the patch preview:
sona doesn't need a nerf to her w, she's just in general got more utility than the other supports due to being able to poke aggressively in lane, heal, give an MS buff, and have an AoE stun; she's thus extremely hard to balance, expecting her to waver between useless and insanely useful for quite some time (i'd still pick her over any other support in most situations right now tbh)
tl;dr the armor/mr will be unnoticeable, the scaling mana costs won't be that noticeable, her kit is batshit insane for a support
kat change is interesting
tristana does
need a buff, cait/graves/kog nerfs will possibly put kog back into useless territory depending on what they nerf (i'm guessing range), mf will still be outclassed by graves, plz give me back my corki blind riot
sion changes aren't quite enough
my guess is that the cv changes won't make it any less useful, and will push people towards conserving it for when it's actually needed (too much follow the jungler is a bad thing, yo)
SomeRandomGuy wrote:'If sona lands a killing blow, the target will remain on the battle field for 3 seconds, unable to move or attack - if hit by another champion that champion will take the killing blow leaving sona with an assist.'
That ought to stop those stupid Sona's who kill steal all the time with their stupid pew pew beams.
this would be retarded
people who rage about sona KSing don't understand how her character works (she's by far the easiest support to
completely accidentally
KS with due to the fact that her range on her Q is very hard to learn and people often forget about power chord in the heat of a fight) and are likely the sorts of people who care more about kills than breaking the goddamn nexus (which makes them bad at the game)
SomeRandomGuy wrote:I remember ranting about Sona being useless just a few weeks ago... Now she's being nerfed? Maaaan the ones i've mostly played with must suck. Something should be done to stop her being allowed killing blows if there's an ally within range of the target though that would be a reasonable nerf for her / buff for her own team.
sona is by far the best support in the game right now (except in certain situations where other supports would be better; see cait or vayne/taric and ashe or kog/soraka) and compliments any bot lane AD carry due to her insane utility