↑daftnarwhal wrote:Parama is the scummier of the two of Fate/Parama for sure now. UNVOTE: VOTE: Parama
You're just as bad, maybe even worse than, hiplop.
5 posts
first is vote for LLD
then you say me and fate are both town (what?)
your next two posts are justifying the above
oh and now I'm suddenly scum, because it's convenient for you to put me at L-1
yeah fate's bussing you. he loves his bussing doesn't he.
Looking through this, I'm having a hard time working out which of Parama and Fate is scum, but it definitely doesn't feel Town vs Town. I starting to think we should lynch them both, as it could even be a clever double bus.
You both look scummy to me. And you're both definitely clever enough to double bus. I'd be stupid NOT to consider it. Besides, I'm 99% certain that at least one of you is scum, so either way, we get a scum lynch. Maybe two.
"Every post between two of my posts, because I can't fake-scumhunt and am trying to justify my vote yet failing at it miserably"
also Pine
keep being an idiot
if it means you'll go for Fate after I flip town
do that
Fate should die tomorrow unless we can summon a squad of heroes to help him die today
that'd be
If you go after me after Fate flips scum, you will be lynched. Without. Mercy.
Of course if you go after Fate after I flip scum, I'll give you chocolates. And stuff.
Yep, thanks for asking me to claim first. You're scum too, huh? Could it really be as easy as Fate/daft/Pine? Yeah probably. If it's not all of those three, last is hiplop for sure.
Your concern is not reasonable to me, for I know I am town. Ever think of that, genius? Oh wait, you didn't need to.
Sara Douglass, Jailkeeper. Just for the record. Apparently I throw dead fetuses at people or something.
Oh and that bastard probably sent in his night action right before hammering too. Makes perfect sense.
Hope you morons at least sent in yours. I had mine in, but of course it doesn't matter now so
Without much ado (but much yelling) Parama was hung from the nearest tree - probably a much better fitting use of the paper than anything you all would have done with it.
Oddly enough, there was no scream when he was dangling. Just an almost eerie glow from behind his eyes. As you stared in wonder, you saw a book fall to the ground.
"Ohh sweet! I can read up on some dead fetus throwing in here now!" one of your number replied.
Only paragraphs in the eyes began to glaze over....
"This is HARD. It's using words! Correctly! Worse, its making me
think about things
. I've got a headache now and I need to take a nap."
At that moment you curled up under the selfsame tree. Only to look up and see where Parama was, there was only an exoskeleton remaining. Unfortunately none of you are wise enough to appreciate the irony.
Parama, Issac Asminov, Good Author - Roleblocker, Lynched D1
After your success, you opted to get roaring drunk and throw scrabble pieces at a wall to see what the next AMAZING PLOT for your books would be. While one of you tried to harness something out of far too many x's and j's, you heard a muffled scream.
You all went into Pine's room and saw he was no longer moving. Looking up at his wall you saw a huge to do list:
* Write bad Stars Wars novel.
* Write bad Stars Wars novel.
* Write bad Stars Wars novel.
* Write bad Stars Wars novel.
* Work with someone to write something else bad.
* Write bad Stars Wars novel.
* Write bad Stars Wars novel.
* Write bad Starcraft novels.
* Write some bad comic books about superman.
* Work with someone else to destroy something beautiful.
* Borrow stuff from other terrible authors.
* Write the first bad Star Wars book again but this time with ewoks.
* Never think up an idea on my own.
Even with your supreme thought prowess it was obvious who this was:
Pine, Kevin J. Anderson, Bad Author - Neighbor killed N1